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Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

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  • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...


    • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

      When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


      • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Funny-Best-Sayings-Life-Humorous-Hilarious-Quotes-2862.jpg
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ID:	1853841

        Hence, I am out of the review meeting
        No Left, No Right...It's a SIMPLE BOTH HAND DRIVE


        • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	1853881

          What u think
          "Life is all about burning petrol and the most efficient way to do so is by riding a bike"
          "A man who dreams of being an astronaut or a pilot, is yet to drive a motorcycle."
          "Often, I find myself in the middle of nowhere,Rarely, in the middle of nowhere, I FIND myself..."


          • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

            Gujju & Chinese in a train.
            A cockroach enters.
            Chinese catches it & eats it!
            Another cockroach enters.
            Gujju catches & asks the Chinese:
            Kharidega? 
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            • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

              Random chats on Fb:

              Girl:- “You never smile na?”

              Boy :- “How can you say this?”
              Girl:- "I've never seen your smiling pictures” .

              Boy :- “ok then by that logic , you never Bathe na”

              Last edited by ryan.virgo; 08-06-2013, 11:01 AM.


              • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                First time in the history it happened and won't happen again

                Rajnikant vs sardar: opening Question to both in a competition -- what is half of 8?

                Rajni: 4

                Sardar: Depend karta hai ....
                agar horizontally half karo to ''0''
                or vertically karo to ''3''.

                Rajnikant Lost!

                Badda aaya Rajnikant
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                • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                  Ye kya bak#@DI hain -

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                  Last edited by The Monk; 08-06-2013, 04:34 PM. Reason: Abusive Language
                  BENEATH THE REMAINS.........
                  Instagram - chaosaddict666 (follow for atypical uploads on heavy metal, bikes, alcohol, chakna, life, fashion yada, yada)
                  YouTube - chaosaddict666 (Disclaimer: crappiest uploads ever, viewer discretion is advised)


                  • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                    A class 5 teacher asked her students to make rhymes with their names;

                    Sam: My name is Sam,
                    When I grow up to be a man,
                    I want to go to Russia and Japan,
                    If I can, If I can, If I can

                    Candy: My name is Candy,
                    When I grow up to be a lady,
                    I want to have a baby
                    If I can, if I can, if I can

                    Dan: My name is Dan.
                    When I grow up to be a man,
                    To hell with Russia and Japan
                    I'm gonna help Candy with her plan
                    I know I can, I know I can, I know I can
                    The real beauty lies in throttle's twist!!

                    Headlight can be replaced, Head cannot be. Wear a helmet.


                    • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                      The ROCK returns

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	rock.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	44.1 KB
ID:	1854090


                      • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                        CHINA has the largest population  in world .... NOT because their MEN are extra horny 
                        OR their babes are extra SEXY.. . . .It's because their CONDOMS are Made In China......💥
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                        • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                          Last edited by psr; 08-07-2013, 12:20 AM.
                          When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                          • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                            Never argue with a woman when She's Angry
                            Or when she's Tired...or Relaxed...or Happy....or
                            JUST NEVER
                            The real beauty lies in throttle's twist!!

                            Headlight can be replaced, Head cannot be. Wear a helmet.


                            • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                              ---This happened---
                              There is always a know-it-all guy in a group.

                              My friend wanted to know about spark plug cleaning procedure and I was explaining to him.
                              Suddenly this know-it-all guy pops up in front of us at the parking lot...

                              Me: Hello dude! Leaving for the day eh??
                              Know-it-all: Yes and what are you guys doing here?
                              Me: I am just explaining him on how to remove the spark plugs and clean it...
                              Know-it-all: I clean my plugs everyday. What is there to discuss about it???

                              [Me furious but I just continued with my friend...]

                              Me: Use a plug spanner and....
                              Know-it-all: Do you really need a spanner?
                              Me: Of course you do .
                              Know-it-all: I never use it.
                              Know-it-all: I'll show you...come...

                              [I was totally zapped and curious to know how he could do that?? I even began thinking if there are any press type plugs???]

                              Know-it-all: Here this is how you remove it to clean it.
                              Me: Wonderful mate. I never thought it is so easy. Please do not refuse to teach my friend also.
                              Know-it-all: Hey! Anytime bro...

                              When my friend came back after learning , we were laughing around like mad when we kept recollecting the scene.
                              [The know-it-all guy went straight to his bike and pulled out the spark plug cap thinking that to be spark plug . ]

                              Next day I sent him an email about spark plug hoping he would take it in the right spirit and not become a laughing stock elsewhere... I pity his ignorance.
                              Last edited by petrolhead_chn; 08-07-2013, 08:18 AM.
                              My DIY(s) - Sprocket bearing change | Paint job | Custom speedo dial

                              Getting angry at somebody is the same as getting angry with a bike that just won't go. You should stop and start thinking.
                              A good mechanic will let you watch even without charging you for it. |
                              It is funny to know that we've been imitated and copied so well
                              and surprising when we notice our mistakes are copied as well.


                              • Re: Hilarious Quotes/Pictures/Answers ...

                                Various laws that are applicable in day to day life.....
                                💮 Law of equality :
                                The time taken by a wife when she says I'll get ready in 5 min
                                is exactly equal to the time taken by husband when he says
                                'I'll cal u in 5 min!
                                💮 Law of Queue:
                                If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move
                                faster than the one you are in now.
                                💮 Law of Telephone:
                                When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy
                                💮 Law of Mechanical Repair:
                                After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will
                                begin to itch.
                                💮 Law of the Workshop:
                                Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible
                                💮Bath Theorem:
                                When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.
                                💮 Law of Encounters:
                                The probability of meeting someone you know increases
                                when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
                                💮 Law of the Result:
                                When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't
                                work, it will.
                                💮 Law of Bio mechanics:
                                The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
                                💮 Theatre Rule:
                                People with the seats at the farthest from the screen arrive
                                last. 😅
                                💮 Law of Coffee:
                                As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot coffee, your boss
                                will ask you to do something which will
                                last until the coffee is cold. 😩
                                💮 Law of Proposal :
                                After u accept a proposal you will get a better one.
                                Ride more, browse less.

