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  • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
    The measurements for a fiero that's been being set is .06mm inlet and .08mm exhaust.Since there are lot of changes in parts between a feiro and F2 .Then again since you sounded like you needed very specific numbers i gave the link.
    About the conversations we're all friends here and honestly not many of the owners are active.So the topics discussed here can be pretty much very informal and most of it leg-pulling.You are most welcome to join in and be active in whatever that's being discussed.
    About my ride.yes she's a Suzuki fiero bored-out to 195cc with a ZMA piston kit,RTR 180 ignition system,pulsar 180 carb,pulsar disc brake system(rear brake is purely cosmetic),pulsar classic headlight,pulsar 220 Fi/200/avenger's oil-cooler,bullet's handle put USD and custom made/crude rear-sets.These things are nothing new and have been done to many fieros/F2/Fx's before too .Yes she's very much capable of taking engine modifications in her stride without breaking a sweat.You can ask her to be as naughty as you want and she won't say no to anything.Then,i'm sure you know how sensual her screams are/can be.

    @ gixxer - Hey. That's interesting. Thanks for the gaps info on the suzuki fiero. It's good to know. I'm planning on checking with a mechanic about the F2/FX block's ideal settings. I have already bullied him into getting the valve setting "keys" - so that the gap is precise Once that's done, I'll post the feedback here.
    Oh! And you're right - every Fiero owner knows the screams of his bike :P
    Your set-up sounds amazing. I'm sure your torque and bhp figures are serving you well. I like the oil cool mod personally. Seems very very functional.
    Truly, a nice place for Fiero discussions.

    @ nano - Sorry to hear about your bike issue man Hope it gets sorted soon.
    Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


    • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
      @ all

      Bike failed to start even today, the new spark plug was hardly 95kms old and was gone...

      I bought a new plug and now bike's firing again, will visit the mech tomorrow.
      Damm, i spend all my saved money on the new helmet which i bought 2 days back, now I'd have to get the engine opened up again.
      Your bike is trying to take a VRS and you are coaxing her to continue to do her job by giving her some increments.
      Socha Toh Locha.


      • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
        @ gix
        I love the way you've put it !!!
        Thanks buddy, i know you feel the same way too

        Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
        @ all

        Bike failed to start even today, the new spark plug was hardly 95kms old and was gone...

        I bought a new plug and now bike's firing again, will visit the mech tomorrow.
        Damm, i spend all my saved money on the new helmet which i bought 2 days back, now I'd have to get the engine opened up again.
        Don't worry it will be cheaper than your new helmet.Just hoping that it will be a valve oil seal job.
        Originally posted by prd8r View Post
        @ gixxer - Hey. That's interesting. Thanks for the gaps info on the suzuki fiero. It's good to know. I'm planning on checking with a mechanic about the F2/FX block's ideal settings. I have already bullied him into getting the valve setting "keys" - so that the gap is precise Once that's done, I'll post the feedback here.
        Oh! And you're right - every Fiero owner knows the screams of his bike :P
        Your set-up sounds amazing. I'm sure your torque and bhp figures are serving you well. I like the oil cool mod personally. Seems very very functional.
        Truly, a nice place for Fiero discussions.
        Thanks buddy torque increase is a given but not sure how many horses she's gained.Her gearing's been made taller too with a 14t gb sprocket,so with the stock 13t she'll be chewing at the bit to let her free for sure.Yes the oil-cooler mod is a functional one and i've got plans for the near future to optimize it.
        Get the valve setting done and do let us know about her.
        Originally posted by velociraptor13 View Post
        Your bike is trying to take a VRS and you are coaxing her to continue to do her job by giving her some increments.
        I had sent you a PM.About giving VRS to nanotech's bike/old bikes,a bike is as good as the sum of all it's parts.So as long as she's got good new parts on her,she's ageless.
        Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
        If & when you are going, I wana join too, wana have a look at Mr. Murthy's new service center
        Sure thing,let's do that.
        Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


        • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
          Thanks buddy, i know you feel the same way too

          Don't worry it will be cheaper than your new helmet.Just hoping that it will be a valve oil seal job.

          Thanks buddy torque increase is a given but not sure how many horses she's gained.Her gearing's been made taller too with a 14t gb sprocket,so with the stock 13t she'll be chewing at the bit to let her free for sure.Yes the oil-cooler mod is a functional one and i've got plans for the near future to optimize it.
          Get the valve setting done and do let us know about her.

          I had sent you a PM.About giving VRS to nanotech's bike/old bikes,a bike is as good as the sum of all it's parts.So as long as she's got good new parts on her,she's ageless.

          Sure thing,let's do that.
          @gix-yes saar,got ur PM,will message you once i start from Mumbai.
          Socha Toh Locha.


          • I've given the bike to the mech.
            By tomorrow we'd know the actual cause of the problem.

            If the bore is at fault, i might as well go for a karizma's piston
            Giving a lot to a fiero.
            Expecting a lot from a fiero.


            • @All

              My route to office is a small 30ft road with lots of speed breakers in between & I have chosen this route over normal roads since it cuts down Km by atleast 5 & also has only one signal compared to many on normal wide roads & this has put me in to trouble with my mileage.. I am most of the times in 2nd or 3rd gear with 14t up front in my bike & I need to revv hard to keep in the power band which I feel is cause for my not so decent mileage of 38,39kmpl inside the city ( i,e 95% commute to my office)

              The bike is a different creature when in open roads & crosses the speed of 50,55kmph & feels at home all the way up to 100,110Kmph & has good mileage of atleast 50kmpl even after riding at 85,90kmph all the time on Highway.

              Considering I am 75% of time in City, I have decided to put13t & check if that helps me improve in my mileage in city & also I haven't tested the bike with stock 13t on highway ever until now & wants to see how does it bet when compared to other bikes & also with 14t..

              I have put 13t on my bike today & I can feel the difference right away, I don't no more need the 1st gear, torque has come all the way down & it has enough torque now in initial to keep the bike moving at 20-25kmph in 4th gear without knocking.

              I will test the mileage in City & also take her out on Highway & pour in my comments here which may be helpful for others.
              sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


              • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post

                My route to office is a small 30ft road with lots of speed breakers in between & I have chosen this route over normal roads since it cuts down Km by atleast 5 & also has only one signal compared to many on normal wide roads & this has put me in to trouble with my mileage.. I am most of the times in 2nd or 3rd gear with 14t up front in my bike & I need to revv hard to keep in the power band which I feel is cause for my not so decent mileage of 38,39kmpl inside the city ( i,e 95% commute to my office)

                I have put 13t on my bike today & I can feel the difference right away, I don't no more need the 1st gear, torque has come all the way down & it has enough torque now in initial to keep the bike moving at 20-25kmph in 4th gear without knocking.

                I will test the mileage in City & also take her out on Highway & pour in my comments here which may be helpful for others.
                Abhi now my ZMA gives me above 36 in city and above 40 on you should get better FE..try a NGK "G" power plug is really good in my ZMA.
                When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                • Originally posted by psr View Post
                  Abhi now my ZMA gives me above 36 in city and above 40 on you should get better FE..try a NGK "G" power plug is really good in my ZMA.
                  that is a fantastic mileage for ZMA.. I have bosch twin electrode plug & Gixxer told me that If I go for a Iridium one then mileage will go up by atleast 1km..

                  Lets see I hope that with 13t it will Improve & atleast by 2-3kmpl when driven sanely
                  sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                  • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                    that is a fantastic mileage for ZMA.. I have bosch twin electrode plug & Gixxer told me that If I go for a Iridium one then mileage will go up by atleast 1km..

                    Lets see I hope that with 13t it will Improve & atleast by 2-3kmpl when driven sanely
                    I had modified my carb emulsion tube also
                    When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                    • Originally posted by psr View Post
                      I had modified my carb emulsion tube also
                      Is that for mileage ? , by the way I am noob when it comes to carbs/electricals or engine parts , so quiet obviously emulsion tube surpassed over my head quiet easily
                      Last edited by abhilashabhi12; 01-23-2012, 11:13 PM. Reason: Typo
                      sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                      • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                        Is that for mileage ? , by the way I am noob when it comes to carbs/electricals or engine parts , so quiet obviously emulsion tube surpassed over my head quiet easily
                        In a carb the throttle slide adjust the flow of petrol and hence the RPM and speed of bike.The throttle slide has a long tapered needle like structure called throttle needle which sits inside an Emulsion tube. at the bottom end of the emulsion tube we have the Main jet feeding the emulsion tube with petrol ,and through the taper in Throttle needle and it's relative position ,the petrol is metered out in to the engine.,when we accelerate the rising petrol through the emulsion tube will foam due tiny holes in it and present a good spray into the engine. The relative position of the holes will lean or make rich the AFR to the corresponding level of acceleration.

                        When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                        • @PSR

                          Firstly,many happy returns of the day. secondly with this modification of the emulsion tube, what was the affect on performance and mileage?


                          Give us the mileage figure either today, or on the morrow and no excuses for not doing it.
                          A stock fiero is well capable of hitting 110 actual speed as tested by NAv(90k done bike?) and as found on tracks where it actually is faster than the apache150 and hitting 118 kmph(actual).But to do that,you have to rev her in each gear and if you short shift in first 3 gears and try to hit that speed in 4th it will take some real free roads to do that kinda speeds.So with the 13t you won't be able to reach her top-end without revving her in each gear,which you won't be doing and hence you will miss the 14t on the highways.
                          Theoretically,you won't get more mileage by going back to 13t from the 14t,because it will be just a gearing change,without changing the power-band of the engine.The torque and bhp figures will be where they were and by going for shorter gearing you will be riding in higher revs.So basically,you had lost the first gear and gained a 5th in bargain when you were on 14t and now with the 13t you've lost the 5th.I will once again repeat,the top-end is not dependent on the number of gears but depends on the gear ratios(internal and external) and fiero in stock setting itself is geared tall.

                          Coming to the spark-plug,yes by opting for the stock spec,which is NGK R CR7E G power series or the iridium one ,your performance(to a small extent) and mileage will improve.

                          Finally if this stock gearing won't give the needed mileage for you,then you will be left with either Co tuning,or a change to TCI/IDI set-up without doing anything to the engine that is.If nothing works then you can always change your riding style.
                          Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                          • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post

                            Firstly,many happy returns of the day. secondly with this modification of the emulsion tube, what was the affect on performance and mileage?
                            Thanks for remembering and Wishing me well on my birthday.
                            I had drilled a 0.6mm hole in the center of the emulsion tube by which the mid RPM acceleration gets better atomized spray,improving FE.The acceleration will reduce marginally,but the plug does not show any blistering or over heating at 70 to 80 Kmph rides, of 20 kms.
                            The previous best FE of 32 is now 36 or better in city with same traffic and style of riding.I had filled up 7 liters and had used up half of it..Let me see what FE I get when I hit reserve.
                            When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                            • Originally posted by psr View Post
                              Thanks for remembering and Wishing me well on my birthday.
                              I had drilled a 0.6mm hole in the center of the emulsion tube by which the mid RPM acceleration gets better atomized spray,improving FE.The acceleration will reduce marginally,but the plug does not show any blistering or over heating at 70 to 80 Kmph rides, of 20 kms.
                              The previous best FE of 32 is now 36 or better in city with same traffic and style of riding.I had filled up 7 liters and had used up half of it..Let me see what FE I get when I hit reserve.
                              Maybe abhi can give it a try then.

                              @All @Nanotech

                              Another good news.Since a lot of you guys have been complaining about OE replacement clutch plates being supplied by TVS,that is the 200 buck ones not lasting more than 8k kms at best.I had been checking on the same and found out that the original plates which came fitted to the fiero was japanese made,which was F.C.C and it costed something like 1,400 bucks back then when they were available.Once the JV between SUZUKI and TVS went,subsequently TVS started getting the same from H.C.M of china which has a technical tie-up with F.C.C of japan.Now from a few years F.C.C has entered into india with a JV partnership with Rico of india and is supplying clutch plates to most of the japanese and indian(TVS RTR ,Bajaj) bike makers here in india.I had seen the picture of the clutch plates of SUZUKI heat and Zeus from FCC-rico india's site.The thing i noticed was that they have the same number of bell slots.So today i called up Mr Murthy and he confirmed that indeed the suzuki heat and zeus clutch plates are compatible with our Fiero/F2/FX bikes.What i feel is that these clutch plates being made in india by F.C.C will be better than the chinese made one.
                              Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                              • Originally posted by psr View Post
                                In a carb the throttle slide adjust the flow of petrol and hence the RPM and speed of bike.The throttle slide has a long tapered needle like structure called throttle needle which sits inside an Emulsion tube. at the bottom end of the emulsion tube we have the Main jet feeding the emulsion tube with petrol ,and through the taper in Throttle needle and it's relative position ,the petrol is metered out in to the engine.,when we accelerate the rising petrol through the emulsion tube will foam due tiny holes in it and present a good spray into the engine. The relative position of the holes will lean or make rich the AFR to the corresponding level of acceleration.

                                Thanks for explaining, so you have made changes in to feeding petrol in to engine which is giving you a better FE

                                Before I forget, Wishing you a Many happy returns of the day

                                Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post

                                Firstly,many happy returns of the day. secondly with this modification of the emulsion tube, what was the affect on performance and mileage?


                                Give us the mileage figure either today, or on the morrow and no excuses for not doing it.
                                A stock fiero is well capable of hitting 110 actual speed as tested by NAv(90k done bike?) and as found on tracks where it actually is faster than the apache150 and hitting 118 kmph(actual).But to do that,you have to rev her in each gear and if you short shift in first 3 gears and try to hit that speed in 4th it will take some real free roads to do that kinda speeds.So with the 13t you won't be able to reach her top-end without revving her in each gear,which you won't be doing and hence you will miss the 14t on the highways.
                                Theoretically,you won't get more mileage by going back to 13t from the 14t,because it will be just a gearing change,without changing the power-band of the engine.The torque and bhp figures will be where they were and by going for shorter gearing you will be riding in higher revs.So basically,you had lost the first gear and gained a 5th in bargain when you were on 14t and now with the 13t you've lost the 5th.I will once again repeat,the top-end is not dependent on the number of gears but depends on the gear ratios(internal and external) and fiero in stock setting itself is geared tall.

                                Coming to the spark-plug,yes by opting for the stock spec,which is NGK R CR7E G power series or the iridium one ,your performance(to a small extent) and mileage will improve.

                                Finally if this stock gearing won't give the needed mileage for you,then you will be left with either Co tuning,or a change to TCI/IDI set-up without doing anything to the engine that is.If nothing works then you can always change your riding style.
                                Thanks for the detailed post, I have had a good 35kms ride inside city with 13t sprocket & boy it does wonder in City , It has enough torque to keep me in higher gears unless I come out to a speed breaker or too slow to pick up.

                                Yeah I remember NAV putting up here about the Fiero's top speed, the thing is I haven't taken the fiero out on to highway with stock 13t front sprocket & that is why I am not so sure of how she responds thier ( which is why I am asking you to ride down to Bidadi for Steaming hot Idli's this sunday) Once I get on to highway I will know her & see which is best out of 13t,14t & 15t ( after I check this one also) & decide on the best.

                                Coming to 13t, since bike now has lot of torque up front, I do not need to revv the bike to gain speed & with a slight twist of throttle I am doing good 40-45kmph which is good with in city

                                Coming to Spark Plugs - I might go in for Gpower during my next service..

                                Lastly I agree, I will need to change my riding habits & I am sure am a Hard righthander

                                Originally posted by psr View Post
                                Thanks for remembering and Wishing me well on my birthday.
                                I had drilled a 0.6mm hole in the center of the emulsion tube by which the mid RPM acceleration gets better atomized spray,improving FE.The acceleration will reduce marginally,but the plug does not show any blistering or over heating at 70 to 80 Kmph rides, of 20 kms.
                                The previous best FE of 32 is now 36 or better in city with same traffic and style of riding.I had filled up 7 liters and had used up half of it..Let me see what FE I get when I hit reserve.
                                What are the Adverse Effects ? I mean what if the bike is ripped hard, does the mileage go down more than what it was in stock..

                                Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                                Maybe abhi can give it a try then.

                                @All @Nanotech

                                Another good news.Since a lot of you guys have been complaining about OE replacement clutch plates being supplied by TVS,that is the 200 buck ones not lasting more than 8k kms at best.I had been checking on the same and found out that the original plates which came fitted to the fiero was japanese made,which was F.C.C and it costed something like 1,400 bucks back then when they were available.Once the JV between SUZUKI and TVS went,subsequently TVS started getting the same from H.C.M of china which has a technical tie-up with F.C.C of japan.Now from a few years F.C.C has entered into india with a JV partnership with Rico of india and is supplying clutch plates to most of the japanese and indian(TVS RTR ,Bajaj) bike makers here in india.I had seen the picture of the clutch plates of SUZUKI heat and Zeus from FCC-rico india's site.The thing i noticed was that they have the same number of bell slots.So today i called up Mr Murthy and he confirmed that indeed the suzuki heat and zeus clutch plates are compatible with our Fiero/F2/FX bikes.What i feel is that these clutch plates being made in india by F.C.C will be better than the chinese made one.
                                I will leave it to you when it comes to these things like carb, engine etc to try it

                                Man that's fantastic news on the Clutch Plates, My next change whenever it will be is to put Zeus/ Heat's one..

                                Job well done bro.. Bidadi's Thatte Idli's bill from my side for this news
                                sigpicAll India Permit 1+1

