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Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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  • Originally posted by sreehari_r1;341768 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the bike. [URL=""
    Welcome to[/URL]
    Just was checking the link and has got this information, sharing the same if required. This site is for US users, hence may not be for indian delivered bikes.

    The vehicle identification number (VIN) on motorcycles, ATVs, MULE™ utility vehicles, Teryx™ recreational utility vehicles or hull identification number (HIN) on personal watercraft is unique to each unit. No two are alike.
    VINs have 17 digits. They look like this: JKAVFKA16VB508039.
    HINs have 12 digits. They look like this: KAW46436J697.
    Each Kawasaki product line has a distinct VIN location. The exact location for these numbers on your particular model is illustrated in your owner’s manual near the front of the book. They also appear on your registration documents.
    or can check as shown below :

    Motorcycles: You will find the VIN stamped on the steering head, below the handlebars.
    Last edited by neo88; 12-09-2009, 10:26 AM.
    Dream the impossible because dreams do come true !


    • Ohh man..that's scary..

      But, how do they plan to recall the bike and then re-check it and send it back again..?? I mean about the feasibility part..!!



      • Guys from Chennai. Any of you'll know what the waiting period for the ninja 250 is?


        • Originally posted by View Post
          Ohh man..that's scary..

          But, how do they plan to recall the bike and then re-check it and send it back again..?? I mean about the feasibility part..!!
          @Inder: Ha ha ha... Just enjoy all the drama!

          Thrills of Touring

          A touring blog with tons of bike trips across India!


          • Originally posted by majorpayne View Post
            Guys from Chennai. Any of you'll know what the waiting period for the ninja 250 is?
            Its 135 days dude. I booked on 7th Nov. 135 freaking days and believe me, you will get frustrated. But I feel that the Baby is worth the wait.


            • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
              is there any finance scheme available for the ninja? wat's the down payment nd intarest rate?

              Chk the below mentioned link . i had got the finance details from gurgaon, figures might be different for your city but nevertheless will give you an indication

              respect ma authoritae!!

              • 2006 Pulsar 180 dtsi
              • 2011 r15 V 2.0


              • Booked a kwacker

                Thanks Ninja1 and svjHonda. The waiting period was 135 days. Seems there has been 52 bookings in Pune so far. MIne comes on march 23!! (if the entire 135 days is taken into account). ANy one else on xbhp who has booked ninjas in pune and striking days off the calendar (just like me)!!
                Last edited by JAKRAP; 12-10-2009, 02:33 PM.


                The only two "PURE" experiences in life are"SINGLE MALT" and "BIKING".


                • Originally posted by JAKRAP View Post
                  Thanks Ninja1 and svjHonda. The waiting period was 135 days. Seems there has been 52 bookings in Pune so far. MIne comes on march 23!! (if the entire 135 days is taken into account). ANy one else on xbhp who has booked ninjas in pune and striking days off the calendar (just like me)!!
                  Pune has delivered total 15-16 Ninjas till date and now the first lot is over. The last bike is ready for delivery and will be delivered either today or tomorrow. Second lot is expected after more than 4 months.
                  Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience.

                  Check out my Ladakh travelogue - Ladakh Ride 2010

                  If you are getting bored with nothing to do in office check out my Rajasthan travelogue - Rajasthan Ride 2012

                  Bank loans for used superbikes is possible - Bank loans for used superbikes


                  • Originally posted by trustvishwas View Post
                    Pune has delivered total 15-16 Ninjas till date and now the first lot is over. The last bike is ready for delivery and will be delivered either today or tomorrow. Second lot is expected after more than 4 months.
                    I feel so lucky for not having to wait that long. Sheer luck ....i wouldnt know what I would do if I had to wait for more than 4 months
                    when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                    one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                    kamlesh kanda
                    NO PACE TOO SLOW
                    IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                    • Booked a kwacker

                      @ Trustviswas,
                      During the booking time, I had specifically asked the main guy in the PBK showroow the time frame for import of lots and he had confidently said "every three weeks". (thats on Nov 09). Waiting for another 4 months ???.

                      Need to call up these guys and do some kick ass tomorrow.!!!

                      Guess these guys grossly underestimated the demand for the Ninja!!


                      The only two "PURE" experiences in life are"SINGLE MALT" and "BIKING".


                      • Folks,

                        As far as I know, there is no confirmed news on the first lot and next lot stuff. All that PBK guys can do is give out an update based on the 'news' that they come to hear of. Please don't come to conclusions on delays or quicker deliveries. Yes, they did tell me 135 day waiting period and all that, but that is for them to be on the safer side. When I purchased both my 220 as well as my Ninja, I had them delivered in less than the estimated waiting time.

                        I know Bajaj hasn't been top notch with quality, but they are a smart company. Their recent strategies have pushed up sales to a very high extent. I'm convinced they won't be foolish enough to lose a market with customers wanting to buy their premium bikes. They will have better answers for all of you who are waiting, just be patient.

                        If you have paid up, be patient to get your bike some time soon. Cancelling will only make you lose 4k. If you are keen on purchasing this bike, I'm sure it wouldn't make any difference even if you had to wait. Don't worry, this is a premium bike and even if you did purchase it after a year, your bike will still be a rare sight on the roads!

                        Thrills of Touring

                        A touring blog with tons of bike trips across India!


                        • Originally posted by xinfii View Post

                          As far as I know, there is no confirmed news on the first lot and next lot stuff. All that PBK guys can do is give out an update based on the 'news' that they come to hear of. Please don't come to conclusions on delays or quicker deliveries. Yes, they did tell me 135 day waiting period and all that, but that is for them to be on the safer side. When I purchased both my 220 as well as my Ninja, I had them delivered in less than the estimated waiting time.

                          I know Bajaj hasn't been top notch with quality, but they are a smart company. Their recent strategies have pushed up sales to a very high extent. I'm convinced they won't be foolish enough to lose a market with customers wanting to buy their premium bikes. They will have better answers for all of you who are waiting, just be patient.

                          If you have paid up, be patient to get your bike some time soon. Cancelling will only make you lose 4k. If you are keen on purchasing this bike, I'm sure it wouldn't make any difference even if you had to wait. Don't worry, this is a premium bike and even if you did purchase it after a year, your bike will still be a rare sight on the roads!

                          completely agree with praveen.
                          Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience.

                          Check out my Ladakh travelogue - Ladakh Ride 2010

                          If you are getting bored with nothing to do in office check out my Rajasthan travelogue - Rajasthan Ride 2012

                          Bank loans for used superbikes is possible - Bank loans for used superbikes


                          • My speedometer drive is out of lubrication AGAIN
                            For the second time in a month and it leads to a very annoying squeaky sound. Once I lub it the sound disappears. Anyone else with this problem ?

                            Last edited by TenHut; 12-13-2009, 01:05 AM.
                            when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                            one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                            kamlesh kanda
                            NO PACE TOO SLOW
                            IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                            • ^^Gear oil being thicker works admirably.
                              Your biking tells a lot about the person you are!


                              • Ninja 250R Self Video

                                OMG OMG OMG I am posting this everywhere and the moderators are hot on my tail.

                                Quick..have a look at this video
                                YouTube - Ride On !
                                when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                                one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                                kamlesh kanda
                                NO PACE TOO SLOW
                                IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."

