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Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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  • Topic Merged.

    At first glance, I just thought that it might very well be a video shot with a tank-mount placed on that fuel tank! But, nonetheless nice, little video montage.


    • Thanks for the merge. didnt know which thread was home to this vid !
      when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
      one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
      kamlesh kanda
      IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


      • Originally posted by TenHut View Post
        OMG OMG OMG I am posting this everywhere and the moderators are hot on my tail.

        Quick..have a look at this video
        YouTube - Ride On !
        Excellent merging of the video / snaps, gels with the music very well ... deserves a applaud from me ! Loved it ...
        Dream the impossible because dreams do come true !


        • ninja has arrived

          finally after almost 2 months got a call from probiking that my bike is ready for delivery.
          since i got a call in the evening at 4 pm i had 2 choices either collect it today or wait for another day and
          take the delivery on Monday. i had no patience left decided to collect the bike today itself but had only 3 hrs since by 7 the workshop would close. first i had to travel 15 kms to collect my documents, travel back home and travel another 5 kms to the workshop. this was the moment where i had to use my time management and riding skills to the fullest. believe me almost
          all the signals i meet i could only see green, no orange no red as if they were telling me go anil get the ninja nobody will stop you.
          i reached the workshop at 7 pm and there she was waiting for me, as if she was telling me "what took you so long"and i replied "i have
          come to take you home...........BABY!!!!!!!!"
          Intially was very apprensive since the bike looked very big and the roads were very bad,was not sure if i could manage her, however we both managed to come home saftely. as soon as i reached home almost all the kids in my complex came down to have a look with tons of questions but i has no issues answering them coz its ninja has come home.

          some points that i noticed:
          the rear view mirrors can actually be used
          headlights lit the road, started to feel my 220 headlights are dim
          felt the heat below the seat
          brakes awesome
          engine sounds great
          riding position excellent.

          finally i can sleep peacefully have a busy day 2morrow.

          PS: what is the rpm on idle, coz i feel it is running fast.


          • Originally posted by anil14975 View Post

            PS: what is the rpm on idle, coz i feel it is running fast.
            2K when the bike is cold which then gradually falls to 1.5K as you let your bike warm up at idling.

            Any other RPM at idling is a problem.

            Watch out for : 1) Speedometer drive cable lubrication
            2) Chain noise ( lub that thing like you lub you know what ! and then spray it with OKS like robinson crusoe sprayed himself with deo.
            3) If u buy the Seat Cowl watch out for its washers. They are very loose to fit and often move out of their slots and are lost to road forever.
            4) Excess play in throttle. Ur bike wont feel like Ninja if u get this.

            Happy Riding mate..
            when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
            one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
            kamlesh kanda
            NO PACE TOO SLOW
            IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


            • congrats mate on getting ur ninja...
              can i come over 2 ur place 2 have a look at ur ninja that is if u dont mind...
              i really wanna hear its sound in real life....


              • Originally posted by sudipta_roy
                how much they r asking for the rear seat cowl? here they told me 3000 extra in kolkata.
                Original Kawasaki Seat Cowl ( comes in packed condition ) is 4.5 K
                when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                kamlesh kanda
                NO PACE TOO SLOW
                IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                • why it's so costly !!!


                  • Expensive, but not unreasonable. This comes from the Kawasaki factory and is priced lower than even some of the international markets.


                    • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
                      why it's so costly !!!
                      why is the Ninja so costly ?

                      Originally posted by bluevolt View Post
                      Expensive, but not unreasonable. This comes from the Kawasaki factory and is priced lower than even some of the international markets.
                      + 1K
                      when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                      one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                      kamlesh kanda
                      NO PACE TOO SLOW
                      IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                      • I haven't got my Ninja yet, but already spent over $200 shopping for bike stuff today in Melbourne! Will probably spend an equal amount on other pending things yet to be bought later this week...

                        There was one thing I did not like about the 2010 lime green Ninja, and the parts I ordered today should fix that! I also ordered bolts which will go in when the saree guard comes out. I noticed owners using a washer to fill in the gap, and I wanted to avoid that!


                        • Originally posted by bluevolt View Post
                          There was one thing I did not like about the 2010 lime green Ninja, and the parts I ordered today should fix that!
                          Is that the black tail panels?
                          Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                          • Originally posted by Sarvajit View Post
                            Is that the black tail panels?
                            I would kiss him if he says yes !
                            when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                            one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                            kamlesh kanda
                            NO PACE TOO SLOW
                            IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                            • Originally posted by TenHut View Post
                              I would kiss him if he says yes !

                              I was doubting are u the first person in pune to own the ninja or within the members of xbhp pune..


                              • Yes he is but please don't mind him. He gets carried away easily. You doubting him is absolutely correct.
                                Last edited by trustvishwas; 12-14-2009, 04:30 PM.
                                Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience.

                                Check out my Ladakh travelogue - Ladakh Ride 2010

                                If you are getting bored with nothing to do in office check out my Rajasthan travelogue - Rajasthan Ride 2012

                                Bank loans for used superbikes is possible - Bank loans for used superbikes

