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Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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  • My new Ninja250R

    Got my new black Ninja 2 days ago and I've loved every bit of it. The bike is drop dead gorgeous to look at, handles like a dream and packs a decent punch even when revved under 4k rpm (run-in)

    A more detailed review and pictures to follow!
    • Kawasaki Caliber Croma
    • Kawasaki Ninja 250R

    Both black. Both loved. Both Kawasaki.
    I make music, take photos & I blog.


    • Welcome to xbhp man! and congratz on ur ninja! Mine is coming in just a few weeks.. same colour :->

      Yours must have been the black one I saw in the PBK(ahem ... KTM), Bangalore showroom for quite some time..
      Speed - (spēd) n.
      a.The act of moving rapidly.
      b.The state of being in rapid motion; rapidity.
      Slang. A stimulant drug


      • Originally posted by online8519 View Post
        Bro, i dont have the manual and i checked on school motors. He is saying the cost of the battery is 5,500. Can i get the battery in delhi and plz verify that the battery is yuasa ytx9-bs. Or is any substitute available for this battery ?
        Reply to an old post but thought it might help. I see that is offering official imports (Global Easy Buy) of ytx7a-bs equivalent of "chrome battery" brand for INR 2700. According to (, this is a slightly shorter (by 11mm) and lower rated battery (6Ah vs 8Ah). N_aditya has mentioned this battery part number on this thread before. From what I saw on a Kawasaki forum, the ytx9a is what is installed on the bike though their manual mentions the ytx7a. You could try to get a Yuasa or Exide of the lower spec if available for a much lower price.

        In other news, I asked Prasanna (Blr) how much the sprockets alone would cost (get Rolon chain for 3k) and he said it would work out to about 12k including tax. Those things better be platinum coated. From the prices I see online, you can get an aftermarket replacement set for under USD 100 so 12k seems rather steep. How much did it cost any of you guys?
        Last edited by EverShine; 01-21-2012, 01:25 AM. Reason: ebay part not yuasa
        When the body wanders, the mind rests.


        • Originally posted by EverShine View Post
          In other news, I asked Prasanna (Blr) how much the sprockets alone would cost (get Rolon chain for 3k) and he said it would work out to about 12k including tax. Those things better be platinum coated. From the prices I see online, you can get an aftermarket replacement set for under USD 100 so 12k seems rather steep. How much did it cost any of you guys?
          Based on whatever I have heard 12-14k should be the total bill of chain + sproket. If they are gonna charge 12K for for the sproket, you can just order em from performance racing in mumbai..the vortex sprokets are available for 5K there.. they are willing to import the chain as welllthat will cost 10K i guess.


          • Originally posted by asheshambasta View Post
            Got my new black Ninja 2 days ago and I've loved every bit of it. The bike is drop dead gorgeous to look at, handles like a dream and packs a decent punch even when revved under 4k rpm (run-in)

            A more detailed review and pictures to follow!
            Thanks man, and no. I didn't want to take the bike on display. Mine was nicely hidden away in the basement until I completed all formalities from my end.

            The run-in period is a little bit of a pain in the ass but the feel of the bike is something else.
            • Kawasaki Caliber Croma
            • Kawasaki Ninja 250R

            Both black. Both loved. Both Kawasaki.
            I make music, take photos & I blog.


            • Originally posted by EverShine View Post
              Reply to an old post but thought it might help. I see that is offering official imports (Global Easy Buy) of ytx7a-bs equivalent of "chrome battery" brand for INR 2700. According to (, this is a slightly shorter (by 11mm) and lower rated battery (6Ah vs 8Ah). N_aditya has mentioned this battery part number on this thread before. From what I saw on a Kawasaki forum, the ytx9a is what is installed on the bike though their manual mentions the ytx7a. You could try to get a Yuasa or Exide of the lower spec if available for a much lower price.

              In other news, I asked Prasanna (Blr) how much the sprockets alone would cost (get Rolon chain for 3k) and he said it would work out to about 12k including tax. Those things better be platinum coated. From the prices I see online, you can get an aftermarket replacement set for under USD 100 so 12k seems rather steep. How much did it cost any of you guys?
              The yuasa website shows the following:

              Kawasaki - EX250, Ninja 250R 2009-2011
              Battery Family: Maintenance Free
              Battery Type: YTX7A-BS
              Voltage: 12
              Capacity: 6
              Dimensions: 6" x 3.4375" x 3.75"
              Weight: 5.3 lbs.
              Metric Dimensions: 150mm x 87mm x 94mm
              Metric Weight: 2.4 kg
              Acid Volume: 0.33
              Amps: 0.7
              C.C.A.: 105
              RIP Marco


              • Switch for headlights

                The one irritating thing about riding a Ninja is, people constantly reminding that the headlight is on. Even the security guard of my residential society reminds me of this almost every 2nd day, when he opens the gate. He does this even after explaining to him numerous time, why the light is on.

                So, finally I have put an end to this. Got a toggle switch fitted by KRP, Delhi. They charged me Rs. 650 for this . Costly I would say, but atleast now I could ride without people signalling me about headlights on.

                Also, there have been few occassions, when Police have stopped and asked me to switch off the lights.

                Now, no more worries.

                Just to add, the pilot lamp doesn't go off even after this. It continues to be light. As it's very small, in daytime, shouldn't been an issue.

                Adding pic of the switch. May be this could hint some of the XBhp DIY experts to try this on their own. Should cost much less than Rs. 650.
                Last edited by n_venki_2001; 01-22-2012, 09:40 AM. Reason: Added pic


                • @n_venki_2001 : Good one sir ji,remember the Karnal ride when keeping headlights on attracted police. Its better to spend 650 than arguing with those people
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                  • This is my first post in this community.Been following this thread for a while now as i was also planning to get a Greeny-meany for myself.

                    i would like to ask the experienced bikers here as i have planned to get a used Ninja March 2010 model, just done 7k kms til date,stock condition,brand new look with no scratches and stock tyres that is like new as well.
                    the only reason the guy is selling the bike is because he is moving out of country.

                    the price i offered is 2.25. i would just like to know if i am paying the right price and if i should go for this deal.


                    • Bike Alarm?

                      Hi guys, just wanted to know if anyone here ever installed a bike alarm on the Ninjette? If yes... Where did you buy it from? How much did it cost? How did you install it?


                      • Hi

                        Am buying a Ninja Lime Green from chennai probiking tomorrow, I have a few questions...

                        1. They quote 3.15 lacs, is that right for chennai?

                        2. Do we get any accessories with the bike like tank guard or rear seat cowl?

                        3. My current bike is the 220fi so have had bad experiences with these guys for 4.5 years and a part of me keeps tellin me am asking for more punishment my going for the ninja (almost went with the cbr just because they have service centers closer and i didnt want to deal with probiking again)... are they as clueless with the ninja as they are with the p220fi?

                        4. They have promised me registration and delivery by wednesday, so do I pay the full amount upfront?

                        5. Anything else I need to keep in mind while dealing with these guys?

                        Thanks for the replies in advance...

                        One more question: Pls dun get mad for my question... as owners of this bike do you feel this has better value than the cbr250r (almost 1.5 lacs different) most reviews i see online answer it from a point of view that they are both $3999 (as priced outside)
                        I just want to know if its worth the extra am spending cuz I am really stretching myself extremely thin to get this (4.5 years with the p220fi and its screwed up brakes drove me crazy )
                        Last edited by Cursed4Eva; 01-22-2012, 07:05 PM.


                        • Originally posted by mgnimus View Post

                          the price i offered is 2.25. i would just like to know if i am paying the right price and if i should go for this deal.
                          2.25 seems to be a bit high even for a sparingly used bike. The simple reason is that the bike is still 2 years old and being a resale you can't get the benefit of the warranty... Do check the service history as well

                          Originally posted by jeofpereira View Post
                          Hi guys, just wanted to know if anyone here ever installed a bike alarm on the Ninjette? If yes... Where did you buy it from? How much did it cost? How did you install it?
                          Check out the posts from bluevolt on this thread...2-3 alarms have been discussed in detail.

                          Originally posted by Cursed4Eva View Post
                          2. Do we get any accessories with the bike like tank guard or rear seat cowl?


                          One more question: Pls dun get mad for my question... as owners of this bike do you feel this has better value than the cbr250r (almost 1.5 lacs different) most reviews i see online answer it from a point of view that they are both $3999 (as priced outside)
                          I just want to know if its worth the extra am spending cuz I am really stretching myself extremely thin to get this (4.5 years with the p220fi and its screwed up brakes drove me crazy )
                          For all your other questions it would make sense for someone from Chennai to reply.

                          About the last question... Quite a few of us bought the bike even without a test ride. I haven't regretted the decision one bit. It is just the best 250 sports bike in the market...However, since it is your money and a substantial amount..if you are having any second thoughts do test ride both the bikes once.


                          • Originally posted by gouravkatyal View Post
                            2.25 seems to be a bit high even for a sparingly used bike. The simple reason is that the bike is still 2 years old and being a resale you can't get the benefit of the warranty... Do check the service history as well

                            Check out the posts from bluevolt on this thread...2-3 alarms have been discussed in detail.

                            For all your other questions it would make sense for someone from Chennai to reply.

                            About the last question... Quite a few of us bought the bike even without a test ride. I haven't regretted the decision one bit. It is just the best 250 sports bike in the market...However, since it is your money and a substantial amount..if you are having any second thoughts do test ride both the bikes once.
                            Thanks Gauravkatyal will try searching for it. As far as the Ninja is concerned... We don't get even a screw(As in bolt/ nut) free! Bought mine in April 2011 though it was the Ebony Black 2010 and it was just under 3 lacs. Guess the prices have gone up and the road tax there is obviously different from Goa. The seat cowl cost me Inr 4300/- My dad just picked that up on my behalf a week ago.
                            Last edited by jeofpereira; 01-22-2012, 10:30 PM. Reason: Typo error!


                            • Originally posted by Cursed4Eva View Post

                              Am buying a Ninja Lime Green from chennai probiking tomorrow, I have a few questions...

                              1. They quote 3.15 lacs, is that right for chennai?

                              2. Do we get any accessories with the bike like tank guard or rear seat cowl?

                              3. My current bike is the 220fi so have had bad experiences with these guys for 4.5 years and a part of me keeps tellin me am asking for more punishment my going for the ninja (almost went with the cbr just because they have service centers closer and i didnt want to deal with probiking again)... are they as clueless with the ninja as they are with the p220fi?

                              4. They have promised me registration and delivery by wednesday, so do I pay the full amount upfront?

                              5. Anything else I need to keep in mind while dealing with these guys?

                              Thanks for the replies in advance...

                              One more question: Pls dun get mad for my question... as owners of this bike do you feel this has better value than the cbr250r (almost 1.5 lacs different) most reviews i see online answer it from a point of view that they are both $3999 (as priced outside)
                              I just want to know if its worth the extra am spending cuz I am really stretching myself extremely thin to get this (4.5 years with the p220fi and its screwed up brakes drove me crazy )
                              i have taken my ninja from chennai PBK. you get better treatment as a ninja owner and also service. i have done 2 services from them and i was with my bike most of the time ( except washing ). i am satisfied.

                              no accessories with ninja. you just get the bike. i paid the full amount for the bike as the bike was available for delivery within a week.

                              there is no comparison between a CBR and Ninja except for the number "250". go thru the cbr thread and you will know how honda has made CBR for india. you get only what you pay for.

                              finally for the 100 th time let me repeat again that ninja 250 is the best quarter litre bike in the world as on date.
                              Last edited by harikeshpk; 01-22-2012, 10:38 PM.
                              Mountain biking on impulse with my wife and our bike goes down in water


                              my saddle sore 1600k is official - the story


                              my space


                              • even i got my ninja 2 months back frm chennai pbk,you do get the special treatment.the total amount came upto 3.08 something back in october last year.i did not test drive the ninja! but i did try the'l never regret the choice!you dont get anything free,no accessories.
                                You must be getting the 2012 version without the 'R'.Don't knw what difference it makes!
                                Also,i did'nt have much problems with my p200 which i got from the same pbk.
                                Hope they deliver your bike as promised...All the'l be the proud owner of the best quarter liter in the world!
                                AweSome is too LesS!

