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Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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  • Originally posted by lucky saini View Post
    Hey Guys..
    I m very much worried since past 1 week my ninja is acting weird (i can say cos i m unsure of wats wrong with at jus 2500 kms ) at an strech of jus like 10 kms in city , the heating levels are up more then required and it starts getting more heated up .. can i get to know wats wrong with it and how best to overcome it .. wat further precautions i need to take to avoid any further more losses...
    how many services/bug fixes done?
    how many coolant top ups till date?
    was your radiator removed or fixed till date?

    answer these then i might be able to give you a solution...
    Last edited by rishabhshukla14; 06-14-2012, 05:14 PM.
    Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window...

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    • new model of N250r?

      hi guys i m goin to book my ninja 250r 2morrow but i heard my friends sayin dr s new model of 250r gonna be released oly cosmetic change is it true? if so should i wait?? wen ll it be realesed??


      • 4 Year of Wait and Now She's Mine!!

        Hello Guys, After much contemplation of upgrading in for a decently 'powerful' motorcycle from my now almost '10 year' old steed-TVS Victor has finally ended. Yes, i have settled in for the World's Best-The Kawasaki Ninja 250R!!

        Year 2008: Back in the year 2008, i gazed upon the just unravelled 250cc upgrade which went by the legendary name, Ninja!! From the first version sighting pics from Barcelona to this particular video which i always watched. I had made up my mind to own this machine(as i landed with a new job, then)...but luck had some other plans.

        2008 ninja 250R yoshi slip on - YouTube

        The Yoshi-slipon exhaust note was my everyday diet while playing the video in full volume whenever i had this urge to rev!!

        Got placed in a reputed IT Firm but never got the call so had to take huge compromises as far as my educational qualification was concerned and had to work for peanuts.From past 4 years my luck went haywire making myself suffer to the core. As a result,couldnt get my finances right as i had my education loan also to repay for. In the month of December 2011, the loan got cleared and i got an opportunity to align my finances for the next biggie in our family. The Apache RTR 180 which is used by my younger brother(from past 3 years) gave certain respite(read:support) to my adrenaline needs in between those 4 years.

        The TurnAround(Courtesy: Chicken Pox):

        Almost decided on the CBR250R, took 4 different test rides in 3 different showrooms in the month of January. Ripped the bike to the core, but somehow couldnt get the connection with the machine.The engine felt nice and peppy but i was not particularly convinced with the feel from the rear
        (Read:Handling). For the price you pay, the bike is a great buy but my heart wasnt bowled over.

        In the month of February, i got an ailment in the form of Chicken pox whereby i was forced to remain indoors for good 20 days. In those 20 days, i circumspected the thought of buying the CBR. CBR-ABS was what had compelled to think of as it was the maximum my budget permitted.Then i resumed my work in my office and the next day i was just sipping a soft drink in front of a shoppping complex where i was moved with a certain exhaust note which deeply thrilled my senses and out of curiosity i noticed a black Kawasaki Ninja 250R zooming by.

        Thanks to the Chicken pox, which made me defer my buying decision, and this decison was instant.

        Then and there, i decided if it has to be something which i would be buying, even if i had to go extra mile in catching up with my limited budget-It had to be the Ninja!!


        Setback1: Much to the irony in the city(Bhubaneshwar) in which i reside which is home to maxmimum superbikes in the Eastern India, there are no Probiking outlets in the State. So the nearest option for me had to be Kolkata(460kms).

        Immediately got in touch with Mr Alok Kedia of PBK who guided me about the intricacies involved in the purchase from Kolkata. Also contacted the local Bajaj dealer who gave me an option for riding the bike down from Kolkata by their own technicians. Option:1 made sense to me.

        Setback 2:
        Finances, again!! First Loan application was rejected by one of the banks i applied for.

        Applied in the other and it clicked, much to my respite.

        Got every required documents ready required for the purchase, and after the loan approval i made the down payment and got the green signal from the bank to collect the bike.

        1st of June- Booked the bus ticket for evening. As the ticket was done in the 11th hour, i had to make do with the last row of seat where i was tossed around all night. But in the thrill to get my mean machine i ignored every pain. Reached Kolkata and i must thank Gibran(xbhp id:bikemanic) and Dipanjan(ID: Dipanjan, he works at PBK) who despite in the wee hours stepped out of their house in helping me in reaching the PBK.

        Reached PBK and i noticed my bike standing inside the showroom with my name tag on it. Got freshened up inside the PBK only, all thanks to dipanjan who directed the security to open up the showroom for me @ 7 A.M!!.

        The showroom staff were courteus throughout and i was told to pick the bike at 1 P.M. Got the teflon coating done and the bike was gleaming like a star.

        Yes, What a feeling it was when i finally took the saddle of a machine which i had given up of ever owning and now i am riding through the streets of Kolkata. The parallel-twin's mechanical hum was so different hearing it rumble under my thighs for the first time . As per the bike didnt had the registration number, i had to park the bike for the day.

        Gibran arranged a hotel room for me. As there was no parking for the bike, i had to park my bike in his house for the night. And i checked into a nearby hotel, all set to hit the highway the next day.

        The Ride:Kolkata to Bhubaneshwar

        Set the Alarm for 2:45 A.M and even before i realised i slept the alarm went off and i got out of the bed to freshen up and prepare for the ride. And what was surprising was even Gibran went up at that point time who pinged me from 'Whatsapp'. Hats off to the Guy, who woke up that early to make sure i venture out at the right time.

        Checked-out of the hotel and slowly walked on the narrow empty-streets of Kolkata to reach Gibran's residence. Took the bike out and bid goodbye to Gibran and hit the streets of Kolkata to find my way to the highway.

        Rode slowly at constant 4k rpm, filled 1000 bucks of fuel and hit the highway.

        Start of the Trip @ 3:32 A.M

        Took my first 'butt' break @ 4:45 A.M.

        For the first 70kms maintained constant 4k rpm. Gradually picked up pace but varied the rpm betwen 4-5k rpm throughout the team with occasional bursts to 6k rpm

        Ninjette after having 'blessed' by Gajanan!!

        Phew...468kms covered in 515 minutes!!

        After 5-1-5 minutes of riding, reached home @ 12:05 P.M and only word came out of mind i.e N-U-M-B.

        All i can say is i have made myself a proud owner of the best 250cc out there-the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Let the good times roll!



        • Rolon Sprockets are ready to be sold... Pricing still not confirmed... hopefully should be cheaper than the OEM...
          RIP Marco


          • I had booked my Ninja three weeks back. Just got a call from the pbk guys that it has arrived.


            • Originally posted by manojinexplicable View Post
              I had booked my Ninja three weeks back. Just got a call from the pbk guys that it has arrived.
              Congrats. Welcome to the Ninja club. btw is it a Green or Black?


              • Originally posted by vkuchhal View Post
                Rolon Sprockets are ready to be sold... Pricing still not confirmed... hopefully should be cheaper than the OEM...
                Good news Please update us when you have more information....


                • Can any one suggest, an offroad rear tyre for ninja, available in Delhi.

                  Every time i am able to change my bike's engine oil, i feel like passing another semester amongst thousands, of being a proficient rider.

                  A Thump addict gets Leh'd on a Ninja 250R in June'12


                  • Topic Approved and Merged.
                    Brotherhood, Rules, Freedom. Xbhp.
                    Indian riding = Alertness, Anticipation and Adjustment.


                    • the green one


                      • booked my ninja 250r green 2day ll be getting it on july 26th.. have to wait for a long tym


                        • Congrats Chicane.... nice to see you getting the best 250cc
                          Fare thee well xBhp, All the best for being the biggest name in corporate world

                          FAQs-RTR owners
                          Helmet Range

                          Your Friendly MotoVlogger


                          • Originally posted by parry122 View Post
                            Can any one suggest, an offroad rear tyre for ninja, available in Delhi.

                            Offroad! hmm...what's the intention though?

                            what size are you looking for, any brand preference. I'm in Delhi as well, will suggest you some options if I have anything suitable.
                            Last edited by R-series; 06-16-2012, 01:48 AM.
                            Just because you haven't seen it doesnt mean its impossible...expect the unexpected.


                            • Originally posted by chicane1879 View Post
                              [B]Hello Guys, After much contemplation of upgrading in for a decently 'powerful' motorcycle from my now almost '10 year' old steed-TVS Victor has finally ended. Yes, i have settled in for the World's Best-The Kawasaki Ninja 250R!!

                              All i can say is i have made myself a proud owner of the best 250cc out there-the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Let the good times roll!

                              all the best. you are having the best 250 cc bike in the universe as on date. enjoy
                              Mountain biking on impulse with my wife and our bike goes down in water


                              my saddle sore 1600k is official - the story


                              my space


                              • Shoots!!! Have been on this same junction a few days ago!!!

                                Congratulations on your new acquisition; enjoy
                                Skill is what keeps you on a Motorcycle
                                Awareness + Skill is what keeps you out of harm's way
                                ATGATT + Awareness + Skill means you might Live To Ride another day

