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Bajaj Avenger - All versions

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  • #61
    Try the Bajaj service center in Indiranagar near Domlur Flyover. I get it serviced here and i have gotten a king's welcome and treatment. they love my bike and i can see that in the service too.


    • #62
      Guys need help.....if we put 19" front tyre on will affect engine performance....or it may lead to disturb balance of bike...anybody knows about it please help.....


      • #63
        Hey Kmathur,
        its not suggested to put such big wheels on a low bike like Avenger. it will affect your fuel average and balance especially when you try to cut corners.


        • #64

          There was something called a Eliminator, is it still available or was it just a change in name and sold as Avenger
          Never Give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.

          Ramesh Madhavan


          • #65
            Originally posted by rameshmadhavan View Post
            There was something called a Eliminator, is it still available or was it just a change in name and sold as Avenger
            The Eliminator was a Kawasaki Product. When Kawasaki and Bajaj split from their JV, Eliminator could no longer be sold under the Bajaj name. So Bajaj started selling something similar by the name Avenger, which actually is totally a Bajaj Product (And not KB)
            Advice is a form of nostalgia.
            Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

            Antz Travelz!! | South India Exploration Ride | Leh Triplog (Work in progress)


            • #66
              hi all...i just started to earn and obviously want to buy a bike in a near future(may be in a 6months time)....i am inclined towards AVY the thing that i fear is i am short 5"4 in height with a normal physique!!!! my friends say it wont suit me both in terms of handling(weight matters here) and also looks (it obviously looks bigger :P ) .... so can u people say whether it is suitable for me?? i ride a RX 135 5s nw and i will use this avy for long rides ....i have test riden it...i am ok with it but i dunno how it will suit me in long rides!!
              Rx is a Phoenix!!! It always rise from ashes!!


              • #67
                Originally posted by dpak89 View Post
                hi all...i just started to earn and obviously want to buy a bike in a near future(may be in a 6months time)....i am inclined towards AVY the thing that i fear is i am short 5"4 in height with a normal physique!!!! my friends say it wont suit me both in terms of handling(weight matters here) and also looks (it obviously looks bigger :P ) .... so can u people say whether it is suitable for me?? i ride a RX 135 5s nw and i will use this avy for long rides ....i have test riden it...i am ok with it but i dunno how it will suit me in long rides!!
                hi... it will be perfect for you phsique!!! you can also try changing the bike handle to suit you in a better way. And believe me, it is very easy to handle and you can ride with pride. sexy road king for long rides... enjoy and have fun
                Suzuki Shogun - 2005
                Yamaha RX 135 - 2006
                Royal Enfield - 2008
                Avenger 180 - 2009
                Yamaha RX 100 - 2010
                Avenger 200 - 2011

                If heaven doesnt allow bikes, I will ride mine straight to hell...


                • #68
                  thanks for your suggestion bro !!
                  Rx is a Phoenix!!! It always rise from ashes!!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by dpak89 View Post
                    thanks for your suggestion bro !!
                    U r welcome... also, lemme know if anyone needs modified handles for Avenger or RE...
                    Suzuki Shogun - 2005
                    Yamaha RX 135 - 2006
                    Royal Enfield - 2008
                    Avenger 180 - 2009
                    Yamaha RX 100 - 2010
                    Avenger 200 - 2011

                    If heaven doesnt allow bikes, I will ride mine straight to hell...


                    • #70
                      ok bro !!!!
                      Rx is a Phoenix!!! It always rise from ashes!!


                      • #71
                        avy questions

                        hi all,
                        i am currently looking for a bike, the details of which i have posted here in the what bike section. i am looking forward to comments especially from the avy 220 owners as i am eying this bike
                        please help.
                        enjoy the slowness


                        • #72
                          My experiences with the Avenger..

                          Hey guys, I have an Anvenger 200 which is just a year old.. And these are my experiences with it:

                          1. Its an AWESOME ride!! I frequently do to and fro journeys from Bangalore of around 250kms.. Have done it twice at one single stretch! Takes me 3 hours at the maximum.. And it gets a bit uncomfy if you do it at one go but i have done it twice.. But now i do take 1 stop cuz that becomes a bit too strenuous..
                          2. If you are having problems with grinding the base of the bike on humps, just ask your mechanic to adjust the rear suspension towards hard. Still takes the bumps like its cutting through butter..
                          3. Be careful when braking on gravel or any path that you may not get proper grip, you might just be signing your own death certificate..
                          (First hand Personal experience! Not a pretty sight!!! Almost lost the left half of my face! And i was barely doing 40kmph!) I was lucky that there was no lasting damage on my baby and it still looks brand new after the repairs..
                          4. After you're done with your free services, please find yourselves a good mechanic cuz the bajaj service guys are hopeless.. (Unless you are still happy with their service, of course..)
                          5. If you treat the bike well, you will be rewarded with brilliant performance and the bike barely needs any extra maintenance.
                          6. Another plus point is that the bike does not have too many plastic parts so your insurance will cover most of the damage and you don't have to cry and shell out thousands everytime you smash/crack/scratch your plastic dome..
                          Bajaj Avenger 200 (2 years later, still as good as new!!) ;)


                          • #73
                            Safer braking for Avengers

                            I would also suggest all Avenger owners to get ABS on their bikes.. Check it out here: Saferide ABS
                            Bajaj Avenger 200 (2 years later, still as good as new!!) ;)


                            • #74

                              Does anyone know if the DC circuit, responsible for stabilising the output of the lights, which is coming in the new 220, can be put in a 200??
                              Bajaj Avenger 200 (2 years later, still as good as new!!) ;)


                              • #75
                                Advise needed

                                guys i am from kerala,i am planning to take an avenger 220 within a month or two, but i have heard it is difficult to get the parts of the same in kerala, is it true? what mileage should i be expecting for the bike?and i also heard that the bike is built to a price and the chrome finish is not it true?guys please help

