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Bajaj Avenger - All versions

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  • #91
    Hi........ my job involves travel of about 50 to 70 kms everyday...... its a mix of good highway roads and some bad rural patches....... is the Avenger stable on bad bumpy roads? will it last for at least 2 years?

    P.s. I am no Rossy...... just love to cruse


    • #92
      should i buy this bike or should i not ! Help me xbhpians

      Hello riders,
      Hope everyone's enjoying their stay at xbhp as much as i do.
      Alright, i too want to join this low-slung-ride club aka avenger club. As like all of you here, i too was smitten by this bike, right from the eliminator days, but my riding pattern always obstructed me from owning one. By the words 'riding pattern', i mean, the usage of bike for me is very very low, say twice a week, for small trips within my area. Yes, i do own a bike-a bajaj pulsar 150 dtsi 2005 make, from the past 3 years. I bought it from my cousin who switched over to another bike. The ownership experience of this bike has been a pleasure, except for few niggles, coz of i dont ride it much.
      Now things that bother me about owning this bike is :- ( keep in mind about my low running. Hmm, its mostly used by me to accompolish small household and personal chores and not for daily commute )
      1 : Servicing part - As i wont be able to clock kms sooner, so should i go for the 1st,2nd,3rd servicing as and when the dealer calls, or should i complete the said few kms first ? (which obviously would take much longer time)
      2 : Do such pattern (low running, during the run in period), will give me any problems wrt the development of the engine in the initial phase ?
      3 : What additional care/ maintenance would be required ?
      4 : Is there any myth like to buy a bike after rains-monsoon, and not during ?
      5 : Lastly, should i buy one ? (please dont say no ! As my heart too, like most of the bikers here, takes a skip, by seeing such lovely products available in the market.
      Thanks for bearing my long post. I am a noob in bike, hence you would find some of my points amateurish. And yes i think a lot, before buying any good product
      Hoping to derive to a right decision from here on.
      Thanks ....
      Never heard a music more soulful than that of a superbike machine


      • #93

        Knock .. Knock .. !! Is anyone here ?
        Seems like cruiser riders can't get enough of their rides ! Or, should i say, can't get enough of the feel-like-god factor ;p
        Never heard a music more soulful than that of a superbike machine


        • #94
          Originally posted by ~=hotwheelz> View Post
          Hello riders,
          Hope everyone's enjoying their stay at xbhp as much as i do.
          Alright, i too want to join this low-slung-ride club aka avenger club. As like all of you here, i too was smitten by this bike, right from the eliminator days, but my riding pattern always obstructed me from owning one. By the words 'riding pattern', i mean, the usage of bike for me is very very low, say twice a week, for small trips within my area. Yes, i do own a bike-a bajaj pulsar 150 dtsi 2005 make, from the past 3 years. I bought it from my cousin who switched over to another bike. The ownership experience of this bike has been a pleasure, except for few niggles, coz of i dont ride it much.
          Now things that bother me about owning this bike is :- ( keep in mind about my low running. Hmm, its mostly used by me to accompolish small household and personal chores and not for daily commute )
          1 : Servicing part - As i wont be able to clock kms sooner, so should i go for the 1st,2nd,3rd servicing as and when the dealer calls, or should i complete the said few kms first ? (which obviously would take much longer time)
          2 : Do such pattern (low running, during the run in period), will give me any problems wrt the development of the engine in the initial phase ?
          3 : What additional care/ maintenance would be required ?
          4 : Is there any myth like to buy a bike after rains-monsoon, and not during ?
          5 : Lastly, should i buy one ? (please dont say no ! As my heart too, like most of the bikers here, takes a skip, by seeing such lovely products available in the market.
          Thanks for bearing my long post. I am a noob in bike, hence you would find some of my points amateurish. And yes i think a lot, before buying any good product
          Hoping to derive to a right decision from here on.
          Thanks ....
          Hey Dude,
          The bike that you so want to own is something to be owned . So you go ahead and buy it. When you start doing your chores on it the rider will come in you. You would want to take it out on the roads and cruise to enjoy it. No its not the best bike there is in the market but for that kind of money you cannot get anything else which gives you so much riding pleasure.
          After saying all this, lemme answer your queries:
          1. Servicing part: since you say you wont be clocking many kms on it, i would still recommend you to service it as the dealer calls you. By skipping it you may lose the advantage of warranty cover, so in case of any factory damage to your vehicle you will have to shell out money for it.
          2. Running pattern: If you arent going to run your bike for engine setting then i would recommend you to not race you engine, not to get jumpy with your pickup and please no zig zag riding. I would suggest you to ride slow n steady for 1st 1000kms. After that you can go ahead and ride the way you want.
          3. Maintenance: This bike is pretty dependable, i can say it with experience so if you want this baby to not let you down then you gotta cherish her and take care of her. after you free services are over you can get it serviced every 3 months or in your case twice every year. That's it
          4. Myth: No, you can buy it anytime you want. It is adviced not to buy in rainy season is because you can skid and damage her or simply ride in the rain and mud and get her dirty which might affect you virgin engine. But otherwise no issues.
          5. Buy: It certainly isnt made for small commutes or chores. If you riding for very small distances or traffic you wont be able to enjoy her at all. Remember, its not like you previous bike (Pulsar 150) its more powerful, heavy and smooth. So think practically before you do go for it.

          Phew... looking at your curiousity i know you will buy it so in advance Welcome to the Avengers Club dude. Ride responsibly and let others feel like you are God. You will feel like a king when you ride it. It only lacks power and meat as compared to an Enfield. Trust me


          • #95
            @sushant hi,
            First of all a big thanks for sparing time and covering my each points in detail. Thanks dude..
            The run in period was bothering me the most, as i said earlier, it will take me much longer time to cover the initial 1000-1500 kms and so on. But now as you say, that wont be an issue for the engine to set up, my heart feels light now. Servicing bit gyan was also a relieve. So its not necessary for one to complete the initial few kms (say 300 for first servicing), then only give for servicing, one can give in his bike even if its not done, right ?
            Thanks for the wishes fellow biker. Now the only hurdle in my path, is to get maximum +ve nods in my family. The myth of rain will probably play a spoilsport for me to purchase this elegant beauty
            Never heard a music more soulful than that of a superbike machine


            • #96
              hey dude, respect your family's concern. Earn your bike yourself and ride responsibly. If you dont get a go ahead well patience has its virtue too Waiting for your new bike pics.


              • #97
                hi Indrajeet, i would say this bike is pretty comfortable for the rider on bumpy roads, although same is not the case for the pillion. bike sometimes doesn't handle well if you are on gravel so i suggest go slow on such patches. avoid using last minute front disc brake as you might skid.
                As far as the commute is concerned be rest assured it will only pleasurable. Put on a saddle and dump your luggage in to ride freely and comfortably. To get an idea of the saddle you can check my album. Go ahead brother, buy it and trust me you wont regret it. Mileage is somewhere around 45-50 but if you ride really well you will get upto 55 too. All the best


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Sushant.Ajnikar View Post
                  hi Indrajeet, i would say this bike is pretty comfortable for the rider on bumpy roads, although same is not the case for the pillion. bike sometimes doesn't handle well if you are on gravel so i suggest go slow on such patches. avoid using last minute front disc brake as you might skid.
                  As far as the commute is concerned be rest assured it will only pleasurable. Put on a saddle and dump your luggage in to ride freely and comfortably. To get an idea of the saddle you can check my album. Go ahead brother, buy it and trust me you wont regret it. Mileage is somewhere around 45-50 but if you ride really well you will get upto 55 too. All the best

                  Thanks a lot sushant...... always helps to get a first hand experienced rider's views...... will be going and getting myself an Avenger soon...... will keep you all posted.


                  • #99
                    hey all avengers owners...

                    i owned a avenger 220 from last 8 months ...never gave any problem till my second service after that gears are running very hard and in short it is not as smooth as it was in early months...even i went on long ride once about 200 km after 100km\h speed its vibrating like hell....i already told service guys about these problems but they are also not helping ...any suggestion from you guys that what i should do to make it again my smooth ride...

                    and which engine oil i should use...(6000km in odo) what is best one out there for our avengers.....please HELP!!!!!


                    • Originally posted by kmathur02 View Post
                      hey all avengers owners...

                      i owned a avenger 220 from last 8 months ...never gave any problem till my second service after that gears are running very hard and in short it is not as smooth as it was in early months...even i went on long ride once about 200 km after 100km\h speed its vibrating like hell....i already told service guys about these problems but they are also not helping ...any suggestion from you guys that what i should do to make it again my smooth ride...

                      and which engine oil i should use...(6000km in odo) what is best one out there for our avengers.....please HELP!!!!!
                      first of all congrats can u please tell us which engine oil r u using. Since this same problem happend with my friends bike he was using the engine oil which was being given my the company so after that they were hard when I drove and he was not too comfortable with it. Well then we went outside the workshop to a local guy and got the new engine oil put moto 4 gold 20w50 since this is the grade which goes in and after this oil the bike was super smooth. But know he has shifted to castrol gtx and he is having no problem she is pretty old bike that's what he says.
                      click me


                      • bought the 220- some questions

                        I had booked an avy 220 a couple of days back and was told of a 10 day waiting list. but i received a phone call from probiking yesterday evening saying my bike is here! couldn't contain my excitement on laying hands on this beauty. since it was a Saturday evening, i got my delivery from the bike showroom itself rather than their garage which is a short distance away. and the person who did the paper work and handed me the bike didnt know much about the bike which i found really weird. i had a few questions, and i hope they are answered by all of you.

                        • how does the battery indicator indicate low battery and full battery? the indicator on my bike currently shows a red colored battery. what does it mean?
                        • does the bike come with some kind of manual? i asked the guy and he was completely at sea.
                        • does the bike come with a tool-kit? again the guy was ignorant of it!
                        • i was told that i will get some kind of papers for insurance in a few days and the original papers will be posted to me in a month or so. is this normal?
                        • and finally am i missing out on anything else?

                        i must add though, that i went for a longish drive yesterday, in a light drizzle, and i thoroughly enjoyed the experience. raining a bit more heavily today or else would have gone on a long drive!
                        enjoy the slowness


                        • avy 220

                          Originally posted by staid rider View Post
                          I had booked an avy 220 a couple of days back and was told of a 10 day waiting list. but i received a phone call from probiking yesterday evening saying my bike is here! couldn't contain my excitement on laying hands on this beauty. since it was a Saturday evening, i got my delivery from the bike showroom itself rather than their garage which is a short distance away. and the person who did the paper work and handed me the bike didnt know much about the bike which i found really weird. i had a few questions, and i hope they are answered by all of you.

                          • how does the battery indicator indicate low battery and full battery? the indicator on my bike currently shows a red colored battery. what does it mean?
                          • does the bike come with some kind of manual? i asked the guy and he was completely at sea.
                          • does the bike come with a tool-kit? again the guy was ignorant of it!
                          • i was told that i will get some kind of papers for insurance in a few days and the original papers will be posted to me in a month or so. is this normal?
                          • and finally am i missing out on anything else?

                          i must add though, that i went for a longish drive yesterday, in a light drizzle, and i thoroughly enjoyed the experience. raining a bit more heavily today or else would have gone on a long drive!
                          i got my bike on wednesday (24th august 2011) at 4:13pm .... and just 5 days of riding has assured me that this bike is gonna stick with me for a very long time [unless she gives me a lot of problem]
                          first thin i wanna mention is the quality of the parts, there has been no attention given to any of the fittings, plastics used are bad in quality etc etc... keeping al that aside it still is the closest indian to HD's (RIP eliminator)... anyways coming to ur questions
                          *well i'm yet to figure out about the battery indicator too!!
                          *yes there is a manual and that has the free service receipts in it!
                          *yes it has a tool kit and a first aid kit. if u manage to open the cover below ur seat carefully u can find a small box which contains these both.
                          *i hope by now u have got all the papers coz it takes them just one day to give except for the RC book (card)!!
                          * for the last one just ride her safe man, never ever touch the front disc if the road surface has water or anythin slippery. it "WILL" skid n if u cant control it soon it will fall....
                          so ride safe.... ciao... hoping to take her on a long ride after first service, let me know if u wanna join!


                          • Avenger 220 Ownage!!

                            Bought My first bike with my own money and loving every bit of the feeling so far.

                            There have been a lot of "Bajaj" related issues in the 1800kms done but since the warranty is somewhat bullet proof all of those have been sorted out with an opulent shout or two

                            I will be posting a proper rundown and kinks i faced in the coming pages..

                            Great Effort guys with the site and the feeling of a Bhpian is better lived than read so i am eagerly awaiting my first G2G


                            • Thread approved and merged
                              Happiness is finding you have another Gear left....

                              Join xBhp On


                              • I am joining the avy club guys , got my avy 220 delivered at 28th of september .

