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  • Can we put film on visors to protect them from getting scratched ?


    • Originally posted by rossiter View Post

      Colin is awesome. I've decided to keep one with me for my longer rides. Totally agree about the shine. And smells nice inside for quite sometime as well

      Heck, even the headlight/ brake LED assembly and the visor of the P-200 sparkles after a nice "Colin session"!

      P.S: I won't recommend it for the whole bike though!


      • Guys check out this article i came across....

        Quote: "What's important, though, is to never use any cleaners or polishes with ammonia, solvents or petrochemicals, especially on visors and polycarbonate helmets. As Mizushima said, such things are "absorbed by the plastic, causing slow deterioration, and so increase the risk of breaking. Acid- or alkali-based corrosive cleaning agents as well as window cleaners are equally unsuitable." HJC doesn't recommend any spray-on chemical cleaners for faceshields.
        Weston said, "Polish should be applied to a clean, soft cloth and then used on the helmet-don't spray directly on the helmet and wipe. Excess polish can get into shield mechanisms and loosen adhesive bonds as well."
        For cleaning faceshields, every manufacturer agreed: Use only warm water, a soft, clean towel and maybe some mild soap. Schmidt did say Honda's Spray Cleaner & Polish can be used on the outside of the shield, but never inside. "Polish will clog up the anti-fog coating and ammonia-based window cleaners, over time, will wear it off altogether, he said."

        You can read the whole article here: Motorcycle Helmet - Riding Gear - Motorcyclist Magazine


        • Till now ive only used plain water thats it.Works fine



          • Originally posted by winzeee View Post
            Till now ive only used plain water thats it.Works fine

            +1.. same for me.. water & a silk cloth is good for me.!

            Blog : Mumbai - Leh - Mumbai : 21 Days, 6500kms. Journey to Heaven..June'09
            GreatIndianRide - West India on a 110cc for over a month
            Mumbai-Leh-Mumbai - A Sequel : July'11 (Blog coming soon)


            • I did try Colin and wiped it off with a damp cloth, followed by a clean piece of cotton cloth, but what i felt was that the visor was actually attracting dust.
              Never thought cleaning a visor would be so difficult.

              The small specks of dust on the visor are just so irritating. I mean, they aren't much of a problem practically, but they have oodles of nuisance value.


              • Originally posted by jadhav92 View Post
                does the highend vega helmet comes with a tinted visor or you need to get one? and a small review on the helmet would be great!

                @jadhav92 : I have this helmet. Got it a fortnight back. Check my post on the below link. Yes it does come with a "Tinted" visor.

                To add to the above post(link) the helmet is good at high speeds. not much whistling. There is also a breath deflector near the nose (to stop the visor from fogging from the inside during cold days/long rides.)

                Only -ve point of this lid is its on the heavier side.



                • Originally posted by thaker1985 View Post
                  Only -ve point of this lid is its on the heavier side.
                  I thought everyone was saying its really lightweight?
                  Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                  • Originally posted by thaker1985 View Post
                    @jadhav92 : I have this helmet. Got it a fortnight back. Check my post on the below link. Yes it does come with a "Tinted" visor.

                    To add to the above post(link) the helmet is good at high speeds. not much whistling. There is also a breath deflector near the nose (to stop the visor from fogging from the inside during cold days/long rides.)

                    Only -ve point of this lid is its on the heavier side.

                    thanks bro....that'll do it...

                    the reason why i asked about the visor is, i ride at night times....don't know how comfy it'll be?
                    Life's a Challenge

                    NEVER EVER GIVE UP


                    • This morning I saw a really good looking Studds lid. I have a vague doubt it could be the Ninja 3G with graphics (could not see it properly as I was at a distance). Does the Ninja 3G have rear vents too? I don't remember seeing those when I went to see the lid a few days back.
                      Is anyone here using the Ninja 3G? If yes, request you to give me a small review with pics of course. I have disposed my Boolean&will be buying the Ninja 3G in a couple of days.
                      Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                      • no ninja3g does not have rear vents, studds have launched another helmet to replace their jade series, just saw it in the helmet shop near my place.


                        • Originally posted by saif71184 View Post
                          no ninja3g does not have rear vents, studds have launched another helmet to replace their jade series, just saw it in the helmet shop near my place.
                          Thanks for the quick reply! How is it as compared to the Ninja 3G?
                          I am still in a confusion whether to go for the Ninja 3G&use it for city&touring, or to go for the Vega high end plus a normal city helmet.
                          Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                          • I love the padding and looks of gloss ninja3g and ordered one too, till i bought this index. The problem being its mechanism, also i've a very good friend who owns the helmet shop and he advised me to "not invest in ninja3g since there is bad feedback regarding mechanism, rather advised to go for boolean" but i hate vega's paint quality it starts to peel off specially the matte one's. Hence the Index.
                            My Advice would be to go for Index if you want for daily/rough use or vega high-end for touring. Hope this helps.


                            • Originally posted by saif71184 View Post
                              I love the padding and looks of gloss ninja3g and ordered one too, till i bought this index. The problem being its mechanism, also i've a very good friend who owns the helmet shop and he advised me to "not invest in ninja3g since there is bad feedback regarding mechanism, rather advised to go for boolean" but i hate vega's paint quality it starts to peel off specially the matte one's. Hence the Index.
                              My Advice would be to go for Index if you want for daily/rough use or vega high-end for touring. Hope this helps.
                              Yeah, I know, I also disposed off my Vega Boolean because of the matt peeling off&moreover I was completely dissatisfied with the padding. I used to frequently get headaches with it.
                              But, I'm not even able to get the Vega high end helmet-no consignments it seems!
                              So, I was planning instead of buying the Vega high end four touring plus another normal one for daily use, getting the Ninja 3G for dual purpose.
                              What I'll do is, I'll pay a visit to the helmet shops this weekend, check out the Jade replacement as well as the Ninja 3G once again&then decide.
                              Do you have any info/pic of the Jade replacement? How much does it cost? How is the padding&visor?
                              Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                              • Originally posted by Sarvajit View Post
                                Yeah, I know, I also disposed off my Vega Boolean because of the matt peeling off&moreover I was completely dissatisfied with the padding. I used to frequently get headaches with it.
                                But, I'm not even able to get the Vega high end helmet-no consignments it seems!
                                So, I was planning instead of buying the Vega high end four touring plus another normal one for daily use, getting the Ninja 3G for dual purpose.
                                What I'll do is, I'll pay a visit to the helmet shops this weekend, check out the Jade replacement as well as the Ninja 3G once again&then decide.
                                Do you have any info/pic of the Jade replacement? How much does it cost? How is the padding&visor?
                                There is something fishy with vega high-end atleast thts wht i think, coz my friend ordered a black gloss since 2 weeks and out-fo-stock, no size, transport-strike seems to be the reasons....
                                The jade replacement is very low-end low quality, dont go for it instead of tht you can go for studds rhyno or vega formula hp.
                                Why ignoring Index ?

