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Selling Solace Sabre Jacket, Rynox pants, TBG full gauntlet gloves, MT Targo Helmet and HJC CS 15

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  • Selling Solace Sabre Jacket, Rynox pants, TBG full gauntlet gloves, MT Targo Helmet and HJC CS 15

    Hey everyone, I recently sold my Yamaha R3 and am now selling all the gear I used along with it.

    The MT Targo Size S helmet, I got this for my wife, but we couldn't go on but 1 ride , so its used for 200kms.

    The HJC CS 15 helmet is a size S, I have used this for the entire 4500kms on my R3.

    Solace Sabre jacket I got this 2 years back and this is a size L. Used for around 3500 kms. All the protective padding are intact, no crashes or falls
    Rynox storm evo pants are also a size L (waist 34) , i got this very recently from a friend as the size didnt fit him. Even this is rarely used . It has a knee+shin protector

    The TBG gloves I got a year back and been used for 1000 odd kms max.