Up with a new DIY. A friend of mine recently got a new Yamaha Fazer and as usual didn't like the single low beam and High Beam. So he wanted me to get the beams work togethter.
Planned it to be a simple DIY and went for it and it was a great sucess

What you will need:
1.Allen key set
2.Wire stripper
3.Insulation tape
4.Some good quality wire
Lets start up:
1.First you need to remove both the side fairings.There would be 2 black allen screws on the top,one on the side and last one on the bottom.Then comes the little difficult part.The side fairing is somewhat clipped to the dash.just need to pull it little hard.
2.Next you have to pull it like you do with the side sheilds.

3.Then comes the wiring part.Lets start from the left side.
4.The headlight bulb holder and pilot lamp will connect to a socket plug found on the left side where you opened the fairing.
5.In the holder of the bulb there will be two wires and you would be left with an empty opening.Thats where you need to insert the new wire.I just pushed the stripped end of the wire inside the holder.You will now have to connect the other end of the new wire to the wire of the high beam line.Its the yellow colour wire.(Refer pic)

6.You need to repeat the same procedure for the right headlight.The low beam for the right side must be connected to the green wire.
7.Finally secure the connected wires with insulation tape.
8.Close the fairings
