This is my first post over here. I have been searching for answers on the net but haven't been able to find anything related to the problem I'm facing.
Recently I have been facing issue starting my R15 V3. When I press the ignition, the engine only cranks while the instrument cluster flickers, but the engine starts in some time. Some times the engine just starts directly without any problem and some times the engine doesn't start at all but keeps cranking again while the instrument cluster flickers. In this case, I have to resort to jump starting it in the 2nd gear.
I referred to my local mechanic as well as the service center, they said there probably is an issue with the battery. However, yesterday this problem occured again but it followed by a loud knock from the engine. This got me concerned and got me here.
Has anyone else faced this issue and if so, then what is the solution to it.
Some additional info:
ODO: 7,700 Kms.
Time since purchase: 1 year 4 months
Changes made: Switched the rear indicators for LED ones for tail tidy
I hope you guys can help me out on this one. Thanks to everyone in advance!