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Yezdi-cold start sound

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  • Yezdi-cold start sound

    Hi all ,
    I am new to this platform. . I have been following this for some time .Lately only my membership is approved. The yezdi related posts are minimal in the internet
    A rebore is done along with crank overhaul and bearings change inside my bike .
    I took it to an experienced mechanic who does a lot of yezdis work over the last years . Even though many of my well wishers insisted me to restore it in Mysore.
    I used a power pace piston second over with ipl rings .
    After the restoration there is some tik tik sound during very low rpm when cold started . The sound reduces significantly after 6 kms . The engine heat is minimal. I cannot feel any overheat . I am using 20w 40 oil 50 ml per litre . The carberator is mikuni .
    I think the bore clearance is a bit more which is causing the cold start sound . The mechanic is saying the sound will go once the engine break in period (2000kms) is completed . Will it go or I need to live it with . ?

    I am disappointed with the sound but bike running alright . I have done 500 kms after restoration .

    please share your thoughts

    Thank you in advance

  • #2
    Topic Approved.


    • #3
      I would like to post an update about the above thread .The bike have completed 1100 KMS after the restoration . Now the cold start tik tik sound is 95 % reduced . Now there is very minimal sound no matter how many days after we start the bike . Now after 70 Km/Hr there is small rattling sound .I have used nulon additive as well ,but before that itself the sound started to reduce

