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a long ride from thiruvananthapuram to bangalore on my ninja

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  • a long ride from thiruvananthapuram to bangalore on my ninja

    Mountain biking on impulse with my wife and our bike goes down in water

    my saddle sore 1600k is official - the story

    my space

  • #2
    travelogue approved.
    (Been There Done That) x 3.25


    • #3
      11 hours and covering 735 kms.

      Can't believe on my sir.
      Pride & Prejudice: Ladakh Ride,

      Ride To Raajmachi - Highway, Off Roading, Tent fire & Dhamaal

      Madness in Rajasthan - Travelogue


      • #4
        Nice 'solo' ride. I guess sometimes just you, the bike and the wide open road, itself is biking nirvana...BTW, on long rides down south do you have tender coconut water on the highway. I find it very rejuvenating.

        Ride safe.

        Growing old is compulsory - growing up is optional
        So many roads, So little time
        RIDE for PASSION

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        • #5
          Great Road Trip with a wonderful bike
          Never Give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.

          Ramesh Madhavan


          • #6
            Nice ride there as usual Hari ! Your Ninja is really an awesome bike. Me and a couple of friends had driven down to Kochi last month to attend a function, really missed my bike.
            BTW, if I had known you would be in Bangalore it would have been a pleasure to meet you at least briefly Maybe next time.
            Glad that your back is fine again after a slight mishap some time back. It's great to see you back on the highway

            Take Care & Ride Safe !


            • #7
              Originally posted by shahbaz63 View Post
              11 hours and covering 735 kms.

              Can't believe on my sir.
              thanks shahbaz

              Originally posted by Haroon View Post
              Nice 'solo' ride. I guess sometimes just you, the bike and the wide open road, itself is biking nirvana...BTW, on long rides down south do you have tender coconut water on the highway. I find it very rejuvenating.

              Ride safe.
              Haroon, you are right about tender coconut i should have taken it as usual. this time somehow i missed. yes u are right about good roads you really enjoy the ride. Thanks.

              Originally posted by ridermax View Post
              Nice ride there as usual Hari ! Your Ninja is really an awesome bike. Me and a couple of friends had driven down to Kochi last month to attend a function, really missed my bike.
              BTW, if I had known you would be in Bangalore it would have been a pleasure to meet you at least briefly Maybe next time.
              Glad that your back is fine again after a slight mishap some time back. It's great to see you back on the highway

              Take Care & Ride Safe !
              i was thinking about you when i planned the ride. sorry i could not inform you . was quite busy doing some urgent personal work. we will be coming soon again and we will meet.
              Mountain biking on impulse with my wife and our bike goes down in water


              my saddle sore 1600k is official - the story


              my space


              • #8
                Originally posted by rameshmadhavan View Post
                Great Road Trip with a wonderful bike
                thanks ramesh.
                Mountain biking on impulse with my wife and our bike goes down in water


                my saddle sore 1600k is official - the story


                my space


                • #9
                  Always a pleasure to read your travelogue .. People like you give a lot of insight into how to prepare for long rides... the 3M plaster wouldn't be something I would pack on any ride.. looks like I have a long way to go in getting prepared for a ride.. I am just buying things like bungee cord, puncture kit, a separate helmet for tours, etc... Guess I'll have to make a list and prioritize before doing any kind of trips.... Thanks for all the knowledge you share out here..


                  • #10
                    Very nicely written post. Very inspiring.

                    If I had a number plate like yours.. I would have kept the 'AK47' together!!


                    • #11
                      Another cool ride you had Sir! Keep going!

                      Sent from my Galaxy Note using Tapatalk 2
                      Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                      • #12
                        Wonderful solo ride sir. Great riding spirit. Wishing you many more such rides.

                        Ride safe
                        RE Thunderbird Since Jan 09 onwards
                        Suzuki Zeus
                        Jan -Dec 08 -- Sold
                        Honda Unicorn
                        Oct 06-Dec 08 -- Sold

                        New edition : BSA Mach 19" 6 Speed-- Sold

                        Schwinn Sporterra -- Up and running


                        • #13
                          Your triplogues are always inspiring...really like the way you prepare the itinerary...lot to learn for a novice like me...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sivigshankar View Post
                            Always a pleasure to read your travelogue .. People like you give a lot of insight into how to prepare for long rides... the 3M plaster wouldn't be something I would pack on any ride.. looks like I have a long way to go in getting prepared for a ride.. I am just buying things like bungee cord, puncture kit, a separate helmet for tours, etc... Guess I'll have to make a list and prioritize before doing any kind of trips.... Thanks for all the knowledge you share out here..
                            thanks sivigshankar

                            Originally posted by Sarvajit View Post
                            Another cool ride you had Sir! Keep going!

                            Sent from my Galaxy Note using Tapatalk 2
                            sarvajit thanks wishing you the same

                            Originally posted by Lonely Rider View Post
                            Wonderful solo ride sir. Great riding spirit. Wishing you many more such rides.

                            Ride safe
                            lonely rider thanks wishing you the same

                            Originally posted by atank View Post
                            Your triplogues are always inspiring...really like the way you prepare the itinerary...lot to learn for a novice like me...
                            thanks atank

                            Originally posted by muztariq View Post
                            Very nicely written post. Very inspiring.

                            If I had a number plate like yours.. I would have kept the 'AK47' together!!
                            yes but the combo 4770 has a cool feel. it was allotted random at vellore rto.
                            Last edited by harikeshpk; 08-14-2012, 10:11 PM.
                            Mountain biking on impulse with my wife and our bike goes down in water


                            my saddle sore 1600k is official - the story


                            my space


                            • #15
                              I din't like your ninja as it's very common to see same black or green Ninja here !! But the special thing is "You". When i saw your pic and Bike then i realized i am far behind in passion and liveliness !!! You are an inspiration!!

                              Your trip was awesome and narration was too kool!!
                              But i think even your return trip should be scripted here!! With your beloved one!!

                              You made my day reading this, Sir!! Fist time ever i liked someone owning a Ninja as special!!

