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  • Helmets

    The Helmet Thread

    MOD MESSAGE:Use this thread for any discussion related to helmets.

    You can also post your helmets' picture here.
    MT Helmets
    Last edited by MG; 09-19-2008, 05:29 PM.
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  • #2
    Helmet Recommendation

    I need to buy a Good Quality Helmet soon (Good Quality, Respectable Brand, Full Face, Ventilated, Budget is around Rs 6000/-)
    Any thoughts on this helmet?
    O'Neal Racing Crossfire Full Face Helmet(100% fiberglass construction, Air cooling vent system, Removable & Washable Airnet Gauze and Savior Suede padded liner w/ anti-allergenic materials that wick away perspiration, Scratch resistant Visor featuring "no tools required" removable system, Exceeds SNELL 2000 and D.O.T. (US), ECE 22/04 (Europe) and AS (Australia) safety standards)
    Last edited by Cyberpunk; 11-20-2009, 07:03 AM.


    • #3
      Cheak This

      My Lid
      Failure should never go to heart & success should never go to head,both makes a person to fall in life-Winston Churchill

      Yesterday is history.
      Tomorrow is a mystery.
      Today is a gift, That is why it is called \"Present\".

      Enjoy every moment.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cyberpunk View Post
        I need to buy a Good Quality Helmet soon (Good Quality, Respectable Brand, Full Face, Ventilated, Budget is around Rs 6000/-)

        Any thoughts on this helmet?

        O'Neal Racing Crossfire Full Face Helmet
        With a healthy 6K budget, why in the world would you go for a lousy O neal lid?
        Lookup some international portals, Dennis Kirk | Frontpage & New Enough Motorcycle Apparel sells motorcycle jackets, pants and suits, boots, gloves, helmets, etc :: New Enough, LTD ship worldwide, and they have some excellent helmets at really, really low prices.
        For all you know, you'd have yourself a Scorpion shipped tou you in India for as low as 6K sometimes.
        I bought my first HJC helmet from for some 50 odd usd shipped to friend in the US.

        Denniskirk had some awesome pricing on the AGV V-flyer series tgill a day or two ago, try looking that up. At 130 odd USD plus shipping, that would be a ton better than the O neal stuff you'd see on Walmart!!
        Last edited by manson; 09-23-2008, 10:46 PM.
        CBR 954 RR
        Yoshimura TRS - Ohlins - Power Commander - EBC - Stomp Grip - Sportech - Shock Racing - Harris - Motografix


        • #5
          Originally posted by manson View Post
          With a healthy 6K budget, why in the world would you go for a lousy O neal lid?
          Could you elaborate on your experience with the O'Neal Helmets? It came recommended by someone who's an experienced rider and used it for 6 months as their secondary helmet/pillon passenger helmet and were quite happy with the quality. It costs around $89 on Sale (List $200). I'm still looking but, I could'nt find any Full Face helmets my size in that price range, on the websites you mention.

          Anyway, fitting a Helmet is crucial and I wouldnt buy one without first trying it which isnt possible to do online. Will keep these Brands in mind when I go shopping. Could anyone recommend quality helmet stores in India, pref. Mumbai.
          Last edited by Cyberpunk; 09-28-2008, 11:26 PM.


          • #6
            My Arai Quantum - Kevin Schwantz Replica helmet.

            Last edited by Vivek; 09-24-2008, 04:59 AM.
            It has been established that everyone on the internet is a well-hung, millionaire Ninja


            • #7
              @ CYBERPUNK, why don't you try AGV HELMETS, they're good. I'm not talking of the Indian made ones which retail for about 1500 to 2000. I'm talking of the original ones, available for about 6500 to 7000. Any good store in Mumbai will have them.

              G D


              • #8
                ^ + 1
                Off late domestic helmet stores have been stocking entry level AGV helmets, a member on teambhp bought a GPOne for 6K odd, and i'm told they have full support for cheek pads, visors, etc

                For the O'Neal, just surf some international biker forums, and you'll know exactly how 'not so great' they are. From what i have read, at best i'd have one for a last minute resort for my pillion.

                Here you go for the helmets at denniskirk starting as low as 40$ for an HJC!!
       - Metric Bikes - Helmets & Eyewear
                CBR 954 RR
                Yoshimura TRS - Ohlins - Power Commander - EBC - Stomp Grip - Sportech - Shock Racing - Harris - Motografix


                • #9
                  would anyone know where in delhi (or NCR)can we get a good variety of helmets to choose from.. im looking for only imported brands like arai, agv,soumy or shoie etc.
                  the dealers i speak to always say if u give advance we can get it for u..but how can i book it without even having a look at the real thing
                  Just because you haven't seen it doesnt mean its impossible...expect the unexpected.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cyberpunk View Post
                    I need to buy a Good Quality Helmet soon (Good Quality, Respectable Brand, Full Face, Ventilated, Budget is around Rs 6000/-)

                    Any thoughts on this helmet?

                    O'Neal Racing Crossfire Full Face Helmet
                    I'll have to second Manson on that. So far I have not come across ANY biker wearing an O'Neal helmet. I don't even recall seeing it at any of the motorcycle dealerships. HJC, Bell, AGV and Scorpion Exo(a bit of a stretch) are more popular in that price range.
                    Maybe it's just me but to me the Helmet is more important than the bike.
                    It has been established that everyone on the internet is a well-hung, millionaire Ninja


                    • #11
                      Id say India is the worst place to live-if you had to pick up a

                      its so damn frustrating..i use an index(INR abt 2700) and its good.served me well for 2 when im looking for a good 1....and a better one guess what it aint happening.

                      i spoke to a few helmet retailers and at the end of it i have cncluded that any helmet below 6 k is a waste and even if u get somehing around that rate in india it would ahve meen made in tiwan(wich by the way is not the original,its like the indian agv versions)

                      right now im looking to buy my lid from malasia !!! any other sugessions!


                      • #12

                        I went for a "cross" helmet got attracted to looks, feature to remove the inner paddings to clean and the multiple vents ....
                        but since day 3 of getting this from lalbagh road , "RYDER CITY" i have a broken wisor clamp , which I am still struggling to get fixed ,as the shopkeeper says he doesnt have stock each time i go there, tried in few other shops but no success..
                        Also helmet is quite heavy , which my neck almost got accustomed now..
                        Please suggest a good helmet shop to get it fixed,

                        psst: pls. dont say BALAJI , I had a bad altercation with the fat guy there the day i was enquiring for the helmet.
                        Never think riding safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain.

                        Ride Safe , Arrive Safe .


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gd76 View Post
                          @ CYBERPUNK, why don't you try AGV HELMETS, they're good. available for about 6500 to 7000. Any good store in Mumbai will have them. CHEERS, G D
                          Originally posted by manson View Post
                          ^ + 1
                          Off late domestic helmet stores have been stocking entry level AGV helmets, a member on teambhp bought a GPOne for 6K odd, and i'm told they have full support for cheek pads, visors, etc.
                          Could you name any stores in Mumbai likely to stock AGV? I'm a bit clueless about the Bike Market in Mumbai.


                          • #14
                            Guys.. which coloured tinted visors are best for night riding...
                            Yamaha R15 | Merida SUB 20MD


                            • #15

                              Does the black coloured visor really offer protection from sun or it equally burns ur skin.

