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TVS Apache 160 Hyper Edge is here

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  • #32

    truth is stranger than fiction, everywhere!!


    • #33
      May be its like a limited edition thing, exept, no limit LE !. Just wasted a nice name 'hyper edge' i really liked it
      everybody dies, but not everyone LIVES...
      Carpe diem babysigpic


      • #34
        the graphics looks really cool..but was expecting something more especially since an apache upgrade was on the rtr180 looks almost like the hyper edge due to the rear fender...
        It all begins with a thumb-start -- Oh, wait, I forgot the kill-switch


        • #35
          Originally posted by srini View Post
          the graphics looks really cool..but was expecting something more especially since an apache upgrade was on the rtr180 looks almost like the hyper edge due to the rear fender...
          Guess the white colour is now the only distinguishing factor.
          कृपया यहाँ पर ज्ञान न बांटे
          यहाँ पर सभी ज्ञानी हैं |


          • #36
            Although the bike hasnt changed, the colour seems to have. The red shade looks like a new, brighter one. Always wanted a change from that dull red shade. And the carbon fibre graphics pattern also looks good..


            • #37
              Wow looks great....


              • #38
                its been a demoralising launch for RTR lovers.
                initialy from the name we are expecting a real balanced specs n improved rideability but its not worth of expectations.
                however waiting for exact specs for this so called "Hyper edge".
                BIKING ??? " A RELIGION "


                • #39
                  Originally posted by SARAB_FI View Post
                  its been a demoralising launch for RTR lovers.
                  initialy from the name we are expecting a real balanced specs n improved rideability but its not worth of expectations.
                  however waiting for exact specs for this so called "Hyper edge".
                  A test ride may clear the speculations about performance & vibes, that too has to be a thorough one as to know the kind of power delivery upto redline.
                  Regarding ergonomics, the bike has to go through a revamp, the handlebars have to be tilted down a little to reduce stress on palms..
                  Vibes is a character of RTR, but I was expecting them to be mild & scattered throughout the powerband instead of getting a numbing peak near 5.5k...
                  Maybe vibes thingy is taken care of, but not the ergonomics.

                  I'm still Alive...


                  • #40
                    this photo is not taken by manan
                    here is the proof. its with out watermark.


                    • #41
                      Originally posted by ACE_HUNTER View Post
                      Answers in BOLD


                      Come on man do you expect abs for this bike?
                      Same front petal disc & rear optional petal disc.

                      Ps: I got the brochure with me. TBH it's same old RTR 160,nothing new on it.
                      Can you share the brochure?
                      Super CommuTOURer� - Talk less, Ride more

                      .: FB :.|.: TW :.|*IG*| Ex

                      #Give thy opinion, write em, dont throw em
                      #Everyone errs, accept it, defending/cribbing about it only makes it worse
                      #Dont defend a manufacturer as if you work for them
                      #Write. Think. If relevant hit submit. If not hit yourself
                      #Be kind in your choice of words, you never know who would make you gulp em
                      � Satyen Poojary


                      • #42
                        This is sad.
                        I remember a thread some time back that said a new version was being launched, but sadly it turned out to be a sticker work.
                        Its great that XBHP tries to bring all the news and gossip in biking faster than all, but I feel so much hype is not required for a sticker job.
                        Acta non verba


                        • #43
                          Originally posted by ATHUL4R View Post
                          this photo is not taken by manan
                          here is the proof. its with out watermark.
                          where did u got this pix, if possible plz share the link with all of us
                          In search of NIRVANA!!!!


                          • #44
                            Is it not pretty apparent that the pictures posted are not by someone, but by the company?
                            These are studio shots and please give credit where it is due,


                            • #45
                              Went to TVS showroom here in NCR, and they have no idea about this....
                              Fare thee well xBhp, All the best for being the biggest name in corporate world

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