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  • Are NOLAN helmets available here??... the other day i saw someone with a white NOLAN (wit gfx/designs) riding past me on a Unicorn (IIRC)... but it was a NOLAN for sure.

    Took me by surprise to see it.


    • guys ... i have a budget of 2k and am looking for a good looking and light helmet which can protect my head well.
      info: i do only city driving(at max would go upto 100kmph).

      Couldnt find any good branded helmet within my budget in this thread...other than the vega boolean..
      I have a doubt on the boolean...Since i wear spectacles, will it be a comfortable fit when using the inner visors?

      Also suggest if any other helmet fits my requirements..

      any preferred dealers in hyderabad ?

      PS: i will be using this lid on a orange apache rtr fi(planning to buy within 2 weeks)


      • Originally posted by DriftKingNT View Post
        My helmet(Daijya) fell down today. Front(one below the visor) and Rear vents are broken. I informed Mr. Vijay this and he said that I can get those vents replaced but he recommended me to buy a new one. Now I am not ready to spend 5k once again for a helmet. What should I do?
        Take it to a medical diagnostic centre and get it X-Rayed. if u spot long thin cracks, then change it. Else, just replace the vents and be sure not to drop it again!

        Sounds crazy? Yep! spending another 5K sounds crazier to me!



        • Originally posted by prajwalkashyap View Post
          Take it to a medical diagnostic centre and get it X-Rayed. if u spot long thin cracks, then change it. Else, just replace the vents and be sure not to drop it again!

          Sounds crazy? Yep! spending another 5K sounds crazier to me!

          Thats the funniest thing I have heard for a while! Are you really serious!

          BTW IMO, You should get that helmet replaced if you think it had a bad bounce... remember one thing... when you are using a damaged helmet, it can cause more damage than it can probably help.... say for example if you had a small crack, or some chipping in the padding, it would mean that in the event of a crash that bit of area will not be safe enough and may react to the impact in a very different manner...
          literally speaking... A chink in the armour!

          About spending money... I personally feel for some stuff, money is a secondary issue!... would you buy cheap condoms 10 for a rupee? ( I mean not exactly the best of the comparison, but I hope you get the point!)
          Super CommuTOURer� - Talk less, Ride more

          .: FB :.|.: TW :.|*IG*| Ex

          #Give thy opinion, write em, dont throw em
          #Everyone errs, accept it, defending/cribbing about it only makes it worse
          #Dont defend a manufacturer as if you work for them
          #Write. Think. If relevant hit submit. If not hit yourself
          #Be kind in your choice of words, you never know who would make you gulp em
          � Satyen Poojary


          • ^^ very interesting analogy...better cheap than an expensive one with holes in it..the xray idea is actually very good..becoz money doesnt grow on trees..
            Why is the man who invests all your money, called a broker?


            • Originally posted by harshaguduru View Post
              ^^ very interesting analogy...better cheap than an expensive one with holes in it..the xray idea is actually very good..becoz money doesnt grow on trees..
              Yes sir, absolutely... Money doesnt grow on tree... thats why I reiterate what I and you also said in a way...
              Better new than an expensive ones with holes in it.
              (you said cheap, I changed it to new)

              Now you have choices
              1) that you buy a cheap one or
              2) a costly one, dont know where that came up with. All I suggested was to buy a good one if you feel the need.
              3) You dont buy one and stick to it.... which I said is a risky proposition the way you said the damage was done. BTW The assurance of safety is as important as probably wearing the helmet!

              Oh and I exactly understood what you meant sir, but then would you buy cheap ones with holes in it? I guess no...
              While we can do a full length discussion on economics, pricing, quality and the perceived quality on this topic (lucky for me I have my marketing strategy exams today, so would mean cheap revision) but that is really not the topic of the thread.. Stick to Helmets!
              Super CommuTOURer� - Talk less, Ride more

              .: FB :.|.: TW :.|*IG*| Ex

              #Give thy opinion, write em, dont throw em
              #Everyone errs, accept it, defending/cribbing about it only makes it worse
              #Dont defend a manufacturer as if you work for them
              #Write. Think. If relevant hit submit. If not hit yourself
              #Be kind in your choice of words, you never know who would make you gulp em
              � Satyen Poojary


              • Originally posted by satyenpoojary View Post
                Thats the funniest thing I have heard for a while! Are you really serious!

                BTW IMO, You should get that helmet replaced if you think it had a bad bounce... remember one thing... when you are using a damaged helmet, it can cause more damage than it can probably help.... say for example if you had a small crack, or some chipping in the padding, it would mean that in the event of a crash that bit of area will not be safe enough and may react to the impact in a very different manner...
                literally speaking... A chink in the armour!

                About spending money... I personally feel for some stuff, money is a secondary issue!... would you buy cheap condoms 10 for a rupee? ( I mean not exactly the best of the comparison, but I hope you get the point!)
                The idea of an X-Ray is not a new idea. Its and old and tested idea, but a tad unknown here in India. The idea of x-raying the helmet is to assess if its damaged. Every material has capability of surviving some stress and is not needed to be replaced everytime there is a bump. Take the case of your tyre. Whenever u skid (for example), a part of the tyre surface does get worn off. Does that mean it needs replacement everytime it skids? U first assess by looking at the condition of the tyre and then decide to continue using or if it needs replacement. You perhaps can conclude to replace it if u know it has skidded a lot. That is an approximate judgement of the tyre. You dont assess by looking at how much it has skidded. Similarly, there are certain stress levels every helmet can take. U need to assess its condition before judging to replace it. I would not suggest replacement, just by seeing how hard it bumped, unless it has bumped a lot. Its a risk to continue without any assessment too, coz u dont know whether the helmet u r wearing is, afterall, a damaged one.

                My 2 paise.




                • Yups makes sense... thats what I said as well, if you feel that it had a very bad bump then replace!

                  I wasnt really aware about the xRay thingy, pretty much news to me!
                  The last time I rolled on laughing like this was when my service mechanic took my friends Rx100 silencer to a bakery!
                  Super CommuTOURer� - Talk less, Ride more

                  .: FB :.|.: TW :.|*IG*| Ex

                  #Give thy opinion, write em, dont throw em
                  #Everyone errs, accept it, defending/cribbing about it only makes it worse
                  #Dont defend a manufacturer as if you work for them
                  #Write. Think. If relevant hit submit. If not hit yourself
                  #Be kind in your choice of words, you never know who would make you gulp em
                  � Satyen Poojary


                  • Originally posted by satyenpoojary View Post
                    Yups makes sense... thats what I said as well, if you feel that it had a very bad bump then replace!

                    I wasnt really aware about the xRay thingy, pretty much news to me!
                    The last time I rolled on laughing like this was when my service mechanic took my friends Rx100 silencer to a bakery!
                    Im aware that its OT, but just couldn't resist :
                    What in god's name made the mech take the RX's silencer to a bakery..?
                    I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman.

                    -Homer J Simpson



                    • Originally posted by Tron05 View Post
                      guys ... i have a budget of 2k and am looking for a good looking and light helmet which can protect my head well.
                      info: i do only city driving(at max would go upto 100kmph).

                      Couldnt find any good branded helmet within my budget in this thread...other than the vega boolean..
                      I have a doubt on the boolean...Since i wear spectacles, will it be a comfortable fit when using the inner visors?

                      Also suggest if any other helmet fits my requirements..

                      any preferred dealers in hyderabad ?

                      PS: i will be using this lid on a orange apache rtr fi(planning to buy within 2 weeks)
                      guys!!! anyone care to help??


                      • Originally posted by Tron05 View Post
                        guys!!! anyone care to help??
                        Sorry fella your post seems to be overlooked in midst of some other ongoing discussions.

                        In that price range vega boolyn was the best bet but as you said that it could pose a problem while using in open face mode its out of equation.

                        I will suggest you better go for full face helmet, you can go for the GP One or the AGV. You may have to increas your budget by Rs. 100-200.

                        Yes, i blog too..


                        • Originally posted by Tron05 View Post
                          guys ... i have a budget of 2k and am looking for a good looking and light helmet which can protect my head well.
                          info: i do only city driving(at max would go upto 100kmph).

                          Couldnt find any good branded helmet within my budget in this thread...other than the vega boolean..
                          I have a doubt on the boolean...Since i wear spectacles, will it be a comfortable fit when using the inner visors?

                          Also suggest if any other helmet fits my requirements..

                          any preferred dealers in hyderabad ?

                          PS: i will be using this lid on a orange apache rtr fi(planning to buy within 2 weeks)
                          Check out the new series of Studds helmets in Castrol Bike zone.. they look good and fit well too...
                          Last edited by synergizer; 12-21-2008, 11:39 PM. Reason: spelling mistake
                          Yamaha R15 | Merida SUB 20MD


                          • I have a question for people wearing spects and using full face helmets. Currently I use a half face one but want to change it to a full face soon. But wearing a full face helmet with spects seem to be like pretty uncomfortable to me. Am thinking of buying a Daijya. So want to ask you guys about your views on this.


                            • Originally posted by terminatorpaul View Post
                              I have a question for people wearing spects and using full face helmets. Currently I use a half face one but want to change it to a full face soon. But wearing a full face helmet with spects seem to be like pretty uncomfortable to me. Am thinking of buying a Daijya. So want to ask you guys about your views on this.

                              Daijya has a very "close" sporty fit. Used to wear my glares with it but after a while they'd press too tight against the skin.. I suspect you would find most full face helmets to do that tho.

                              Generally speaking im really tired of the Daijya. The weight of the helmet is a bit too much for me. Looking to get rid of mine... is there even a market for resale of helmets?? LOL!


                              • Originally posted by terminatorpaul View Post
                                I have a question for people wearing spects and using full face helmets. Currently I use a half face one but want to change it to a full face soon. But wearing a full face helmet with spects seem to be like pretty uncomfortable to me. Am thinking of buying a Daijya. So want to ask you guys about your views on this.
                                I have been using my spectacles and sunglasses (which have prescription) since a while now, and it does not cause any discomfort.
                                Just try and get glasses with shorter arms if possible, they're more comfortable while using under a helmet.

                                Originally posted by terminatorpaul View Post
                                Any idea where can I get KBC at a bit lower price?
                                If you are certain about the size, you could order online from, that would cost you some 50 USD odd for shipping, but it would yet workout cheaper.

                                Originally posted by Tron05 View Post
                                I have a doubt on the boolean...Since i wear spectacles, will it be a comfortable fit when using the inner visors?
                                Why not have the glasses on while you try the helmet? A little load on the temples of your head and your cheeks isnt too bad for the first few rides, this will ease off in no time.
                                In the budget, how much does the lineup from AGV-MPA begin at?

                                Originally posted by Absoluthavoc View Post
                                These are the same (original ?? ) helmets BANDHAV is talking about?? where do you get them in mumbai? I've seen the AGV's being sold @ Grant Road in shops near Premji's but i dont know if they are originals?
                                Bachoo motors at Tardeo has apparently become the official dealer for AGV.
                                Maybe slightly more expsensive than overseas pricing, but they would be your best bet, whilst at the store ask for Zulfi.

                                Last edited by Aryan; 12-22-2008, 02:46 PM.
                                CBR 954 RR
                                Yoshimura TRS - Ohlins - Power Commander - EBC - Stomp Grip - Sportech - Shock Racing - Harris - Motografix

