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Kawasaki ER6N

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  • #61
    Re: Kawasaki ER6N

    Originally posted by madonurway View Post
    I guess its bec of high velocity. Thanks for the info. Did u bought it from ktm or kawa showroom

    Sent from my C2305 using xBhp Connect mobile app
    The "ktm" sells the "smaller" kawasaki bikes. I dont know what the kawasaki guys were thinking when they agreed to this. Its kind of disheartening that the bikes are being sold by ktm.

    ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

    no offence to ktm owners but being serviced by a different company is not exactly what you have in mind when you buy a product.
    Last edited by cheran4200; 12-26-2014, 01:10 PM. Reason: point brought up by s1d
    Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

    The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

    two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

    The ride after the return


    • #62
      Re: Kawasaki ER6N

      Originally posted by cheran4200 View Post
      No the guys didnt give it. The South India AGM gave me the explanation that the pictures and text in the manual can be changed without any notice as per their whims and fancies. Also he said that the first grab rail will cost 850 whereas the future rates will be significantly costlier. I guess 850 rs should be nothing for the customer who pays 5.63l for a bike and thats the attitude from sales till agm. On inquiry with satish he was meted out with the same treatment. the delivery was a customary one and no attention given and his delivery was delayed and processed with scorn. Guess all that apology on call and so called feedback taken was merely words and nothing more.

      The agm actually defended the decision to sell 650cc and below in KTM showrooms instead of Kawasaki which is almost like they are selling it just for namesake. WTF. Its a kawasaki and seriously they dont care because people are buying them. My 80k FZ delivery was more memorable.
      @satish i think your experience needs to be penned down by yourself.
      @yellowspunk heating is there. the bike doesnt like the bumper to bumper trafic at all and it will punish you for crawling. one advice. dont ever go in shorts or thin pants.

      ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

      I got through my dad who working in central government have special rates.
      My Experience with the sales guys was pretty much the same, It was just a formality for them to deliver the bike. I had to call the showroom 4 times yesterday to confirm on the delivery. Every time I called, I got one response " Sir we will Check and call back" unfortunately no one bothered to call. I think only because I went to the showroom they delivered the bike or else I am sure they wouldn't have delivered yesterday.

      ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

      Originally posted by yellowspunk View Post
      @cheran4200 @satish R did you guys get the grab rail for free? :P

      How is the heating issue compared to Duke 390? Even am considering the ER6n, finance permitting.
      I actually took my bike for a short ride till Mysore road-NICE Road junction via Hosur Road, The engine heat is on the higher side in the stop-go traffic. but once you hit the open roads you can't feel any of that heat.


      • #63
        Re: Kawasaki ER6N

        me and satish met up again yesterday evening and found out that the list of lies keeps flowing. I got my TRS on 22nd whereas the showroom guys have informed him that i had taken my bike without papers and the bike wasnt updated until 24th. I mean what do the bajaj guys think of themselves?? How can i get a trs when the bike isnt updated with RTO?

        And i got it because I wanted to get it registered in Kudremukh(Bangalore gtg). I mean a mail was sent to me promising delivery by 19th.

        The kawa guys thinks we are stupid. This is heights of cheating.
        [MENTION=5234]satish[/MENTION] do add something if i have missed it.
        Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

        The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

        two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

        The ride after the return


        • #64
          Re: Kawasaki ER6N

          Originally posted by cheran4200 View Post
          The "ktm" sells the "smaller" kawasaki bikes. I dont know what the kawasaki guys were thinking when they agreed to this. Its kind of disheartening that we are being serviced by ktm.

          no offence to ktm owners but being serviced by a different company is not exactly what you have in mind when you buy a product.
          no offence to anyone, but here is what happens(ed)
          the earlier bajaj probiking outlets (that used to cater to the pulsar 220's and the kawasakis) are now converted to the ktm+kawa outlets (and a few new outlets have opened since the ktm partnership). So earlier the kawa's used to be serviced at the same workshop as a pulsar 220 in most cases it was the same mechanic that did the pulsars handled the kawa's)
          And since ktm came in to the picture, they pushed the pulsar's out and cater exclusively to ktm's and kawa's. The most important thing to make note of is not if your bike is being done along with another brand but if the mechanic who is handling it has been trained on the kawa. (ktm n kawa are both brought in via the bajaj lets say they are step brothers!?) . From what i have seen here at a couple of older dealerships it's the same mechanic who used to handle the p220/ninja's earlier now does work on the ktm's also (after undergoing appropriate training - their certificate is on display at the workshop)
          Since you are from bangalore, then i think a safe bet (in case you are worried about how your bike is worked upon) would be to visit 'auto service' or 'khivraj' - both being one the earliest probiking outlets and would probably have a mechanic from the earlier days who has worked on the kawa's even before ktm came in to the picture.
          At the end of the day, you (and me, a ktm owner) are being serviced by Bajaj.. and i agree their sweet talk before buying and bulls***ing after the payment(not even after delivery) will be a continuous experience like almost any other manufacturer that does business here. After sales service is pathetic most of the time, and it requires the owner to sit down and get stuff done.


          • #65
            Re: Kawasaki ER6N

            Originally posted by s1d View Post
            no offence to anyone, but here is what happens(ed)
            I agree. but the pain was that even though they have different showrooms why do they sell in ktm instead of kawa. Servicing is fine but what about the wow factor when you pay through your nose and you are treated like you are not part of that family. IF they didnt have exclusive showrooms its different but when they do have separate ones why still the inferior treatment.
            Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

            The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

            two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

            The ride after the return


            • #66
              Re: Kawasaki ER6N

              Originally posted by cheran4200 View Post
              I agree. but the pain was that even though they have different showrooms why do they sell in ktm instead of kawa. Servicing is fine but what about the wow factor when you pay through your nose and you are treated like you are not part of that family. IF they didnt have exclusive showrooms its different but when they do have separate ones why still the inferior treatment.
              +1.. this is exactly what I need to know.. Why am I supposed to go to a KTM sales/Service centre when Kawasaki showroom is right next door??? Earlier bangalore didn't have an exclusive Kawasaki showroom so I can understand. But now they have one yet they want to sell and service their product in a showroom/service Centre dedicated for KTM..
              I really don't get it here


              • #67
                Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                @cheran4200 @satish R

                Sad to hear that man. Who was handling your sales at the showroom? Maybe we can set it right.
                Regardless, Life shall go on.


                • #68
                  Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                  Originally posted by cheran4200 View Post
                  I agree. but the pain was that even though they have different showrooms why do they sell in ktm instead of kawa. Servicing is fine but what about the wow factor when you pay through your nose and you are treated like you are not part of that family. IF they didnt have exclusive showrooms its different but when they do have separate ones why still the inferior treatment.
                  umm.. i didn't know there was an exclusive kwacker outlet! They might have a zillion reasons as to where they want to sell it... but poor customer service should not be an excuse for whatever reason.
                  even a guy who buys a 100cc bike might be paying thru his nose.. but like i said that's the sad state of service available to us. That's the ground reality.. take your money and treat you like crap. the guys who run n work at these outlets are just not 'into' automobiles and hence the lack of enthu or a decent buying experience.
                  i am yet to see a dealer who is genuinely willing to help us out (but if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone at the dealership, it might be a little advantage.)
                  anyway.. nice buy! enjoy the sure a twist of the throttle would leave all these little bad experiences far behind I happened to meet the kid who was the first in the south region to get his hands on the er6n almost a month ago. Instantly fell in love with it.. not a chance to ride one yet.


                  • #69
                    Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                    Originally posted by yellowspunk View Post
                    @cheran4200 @satish R

                    Sad to hear that man. Who was handling your sales at the showroom? Maybe we can set it right.
                    [MENTION=26288]yellowspunk[/MENTION] it doesnt matter man. The AGM of south india called me up for the grab rail issue. He apologized and said he will correct it but the very same day satish got the same treatment. They actually gave reasons for him getting a later delivery and when asked how i got it they made up reasons like no Rto approval and that i was in a hurry.

                    Thats bull man. their casualness led them to believe that me and satish will never meet. But we met and all this crap has come to the front.
                    Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

                    The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

                    two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

                    The ride after the return


                    • #70
                      Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                      Check this out: ABS in Z250.

                      2015 Kawasaki Z250 gets ABS and slipper clutch|

                      Do you think it'll be introduced as an option on ther ER-6N?? I sure hope so


                      • #71
                        Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                        Originally posted by PollyM View Post
                        Check this out: ABS in Z250.

                        2015 Kawasaki Z250 gets ABS and slipper clutch|

                        Do you think it'll be introduced as an option on ther ER-6N?? I sure hope so
                        Maybe in near future. But for now i am happy. I think i can do without abs.
                        Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

                        The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

                        two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

                        The ride after the return


                        • #72
                          Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                          I am sure the bike makes up for the poor customer service. Congratulations to both of you!!


                          • #73
                            Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                            The Quote the bajaj finance chap gave me.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20141122_082145.jpg
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ID:	1898182

                            Is there high down payment option? And did the Bajaj/KTM showroom guys give you these options?


                            • #74
                              Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                              Originally posted by PollyM View Post
                              The Quote the bajaj finance chap gave me.


                              Is there high down payment option? And did the Bajaj/KTM showroom guys give you these options?
                              This was given by bajaj finance at the dealership.
                              Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

                              The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

                              two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

                              The ride after the return


                              • #75
                                Re: Kawasaki ER6N

                                Follow up after a night of GTA meet of bangalore chapter and a sunday ride to dd hills with two other kawas with Satish an another knog.

                                Gta pics below...

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	altAjTtHc0NAD-OYYhN862l_2B2CKh_pUUekHfdrRIEP_V-.jpg
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ID:	1899796
                                The dd hills ride pic... Sorry for the few pics guys. We were busy enjoying rides and forgot to take pics
                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	1899797
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ID:	1899798

                                Update on Bike"

                                1. The kawa guys forgot to tighten the parts on my bike and there is a buzz/rattling sound in the front near the console at low revs or decelerating. The other er6n didnt have this. Need to check on this at the showroom.
                                2. The bike has a huge wind blast at higher speeds.
                                3. The bike gave a 26kmpl mileage on the highway.
                                4. 94kmph is economy for the bike. cant say the same for other models.
                                Ride hard...Ride safe!!!

                                The Beast aka Kawasaki ER6N ownership

                                two cousins two riders 2500kms south india trip great coming age

                                The ride after the return

