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Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

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  • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

    Originally posted by praveen26 View Post
    How much they charge for chain cleaning and lubricanting the chain?
    For me they charged 200 for cleaning and 200 for lubricanting. Is that followed as standard for R3 in all service points?
    Here in Yamaha SVC they charge ₹160 + 20% vat . for both and it is same on all the SVC center I went .
    I own a R15v2 though .
    >>>>Beware of Zombies<<<<
    The Best way is a Highway!!!!!


    • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

      I don't know why you guys want to take your motorcycle to SVC for Cleaning,lubricating and nitbits stuffs.Just take a Motul or Yamalube chain cleaner,watch some chain cleaning youtube videos and do it yourself.Saves enough money to go for a movie or a dinner😄
      There's a light at each end of this tunnel you shout cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out.


      • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

        I had decided to buy the R3 last year December but due to delays at work and faint sight of going long term onsite kept me waiting. Finally booked the R3 and took delivery on 6th May 2016 from Bikers Yamaha Chennai.

        The build quality is top notch and I am completely in love with the bike. Bottomline - "Worth the money".


        • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

          Originally posted by rufussingh View Post
          I had decided to buy the R3 last year December but due to delays at work and faint sight of going long term onsite kept me waiting. Finally booked the R3 and took delivery on 6th May 2016 from Bikers Yamaha Chennai.

          The build quality is top notch and I am completely in love with the bike. Bottomline - "Worth the money".

          Congrats buddy
          Its better to sweat than to bleed...


          • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

            Originally posted by Felicity View Post
            I don't know why you guys want to take your motorcycle to SVC for Cleaning,lubricating and nitbits stuffs.Just take a Motul or Yamalube chain cleaner,watch some chain cleaning youtube videos and do it yourself.Saves enough money to go for a movie or a dinner😄
            Bang on. It really does save a lot of money.
            Yamaha RX135 (1998) - Stolen

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            • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

              I'm waiting for DSK Benelli Tornado (300cc) launch in India to make a decision on upgrading to a powerful bike. I own a Fazer at the moment.


              • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                Originally posted by Gollum View Post
                Did someone say radiator noise?
                This is after a 15 minute run at very less to no traffic.
                Heyy Golum,
                it was a nice video presenting the radiator noise,
                do u work with media companies or what?
                your video skills r nice

                My Leh Trip:

                Because I love U...


                Two troubled Lads:




                • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                  Chain cleaning and lubing should be done by yourself only. Because no SVC is going to take care of it like you do. Chain maintenance is more important than lubing. That is to clean the chain deeply and cleaning the inner sprockets also. Since we reach the outer sprockets very easily and it can be cleaned, we usually ignore the inner sprocket cleaning. And we think that SVC will clean it properly when the time comes. R3's inner sprocket design is better and it keeps away the gunk from falling on to the chain. Then again we have to clean it properly without it getting pilling up. I'm not into spending too much money for chain lubes and stuff when the chain and sprocket set for R3 costs about 5-6K only. When you buy 1.5k chain lubes several times it is costing three or four times the cost of the chain and sprockets itself. Even if you use cheap lubes, you have to make sure that chain has been cleaned properly and free of dust/dirt, then chain links will not lock or become stiff and make wear and tear to sprockets. So better take good cleaning of both inner and outer sprockets.

                  When I cleaned the inner sprockets, it has a large pile of gunk and it was very very sticky like tar. And that is not going to be cleaned very well in SVC. Bike is still at 6.5.K odo. I have used yamalube (SVC did), motul and one time Rolon chain lube when lube shortage happened. Usually uses Motul.

                  Last edited by JacobJ; 05-12-2016, 10:27 PM.


                  • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                    Originally posted by ankit mishra View Post
                    Heyy Golum,
                    it was a nice video presenting the radiator noise,
                    do u work with media companies or what?
                    your video skills r nice
                    lolz My hands were shaking because of adrenaline.
                    Also note that after my bikes first service, I saw that the service center idiots had put a few dents on the radiator.
                    Nothing big but still makes me angry and sad to see them.

                    Originally posted by JacobJ View Post
                    Chain cleaning and lubing should be done by yourself only. Because no SVC is going to take care of it like you do. Chain maintenance is more important than lubing. That is to clean the chain deeply and cleaning the inner sprockets also. Since we reach the outer sprockets very easily and it can be cleaned, we usually ignore the inner sprocket cleaning. And we think that SVC will clean it properly when the time comes. R3's inner sprocket design is better and it keeps away the gunk from falling on to the chain. Then again we have to clean it properly without it getting pilling up. I'm not into spending too much money for chain lubes and stuff when the chain and sprocket set for R3 costs about 5-6K only. When you buy 1.5k chain lubes several times it is costing three or four times the cost of the chain and sprockets itself. Even if you use cheap lubes, you have to make sure that chain has been cleaned properly and free of dust/dirt, then chain links will not lock or become stiff and make wear and tear to sprockets. So better take good cleaning of both inner and outer sprockets.

                    When I cleaned the inner sprockets, it has a large pile of gunk and it was very very sticky like tar. And that is not going to be cleaned very well in SVC. Bike is still at 6.5.K odo. I have used yamalube (SVC did), motul and one time Rolon chain lube when lube shortage happened. Usually uses Motul.

                    Dang, that looks very bad. But good after cleaning.
                    Can we use wd40 to clean the chain?
                    Hero Honda Splendor (June 2001- Present)
                    Yamaha YZF R3 (Jan 2016 - Present)
                    TVS Scooty Zest 110 (Oct 2017 - Apr 2018)
                    TVS Ntorq 125 (May 2018 - Apr 2019)
                    KTM Duke 125 (Apr 2019 - Dec 2019)


                    • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                      Originally posted by Gollum View Post
                      lolz My hands were shaking because of adrenaline.
                      Also note that after my bikes first service, I saw that the service center idiots had put a few dents on the radiator.
                      Nothing big but still makes me angry and sad to see them.

                      Dang, that looks very bad. But good after cleaning.
                      Can we use wd40 to clean the chain?
                      Yes you can use Wd40. I use kerosene or sometimes diesel.


                      • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                        Originally posted by JacobJ View Post
                        .........Since we reach the outer sprockets very easily and it can be cleaned, we usually ignore the inner sprocket cleaning....................................When you buy 1.5k chain lubes several times it is costing three or four times the cost of the chain and sprockets itself.

                        Is it very easy to get to the front sprocket of R3?
                        I usually leave the front of my chain on my baby pulsar because that will involve tools that i dont possess and will leave behind a lot more open parts/bolts etc.

                        A DIY video would be nice for the owners interested in chain cleaning/lubing the front sprocket.

                        The motul chain lube 400ml Mrp is Rs.560 only.

                        You Start Your Life with a Full Pot of Luck and an Empty Pot of Experience, the Object is to Fill the Pot of Experience Before you Empty the Pot of Luck.....!!


                        • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                          Hello Everyone.. I am connected with most of you in the R3 Owners' Group Facebook and WhatsApp.. For the rest.. Hi.. This is Abhishek .. from Kolkata.. I tour with my wife.. and just back from our South India trip traveling all the way from Kolkata to Kanyakumari and exploring Kerala there after.. You can find out trip pics by searching #we_r3 in Facebook.. Here's a short video for you all to enjoy.. as I edit the rest for the next upload.

                          Total Kms Traveled in the Trip: 6364kms..
                          Issues/Complaints: None.

                          Here's the video:


                          • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                            Originally posted by banerjee.obhi View Post
                            Hello Everyone.. I am connected with most of you in the R3 Owners' Group Facebook and WhatsApp.. For the rest.. Hi.. This is Abhishek .. from Kolkata.. I tour with my wife.. and just back from our South India trip traveling all the way from Kolkata to Kanyakumari and exploring Kerala there after.. You can find out trip pics by searching #we_r3 in Facebook.. Here's a short video for you all to enjoy.. as I edit the rest for the next upload.

                            Total Kms Traveled in the Trip: 6364kms..
                            Issues/Complaints: None.

                            Here's the video:
                            Abhi bhai, awesome video log.

                            Awaiting for the next part of the trip log. 👍👍👍
                            Have a Sane & Safe Joyful Ride !!!


                            • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                              Originally posted by banerjee.obhi View Post
                              Hello Everyone.. I am connected with most of you in the R3 Owners' Group Facebook and WhatsApp.. For the rest.. Hi.. This is Abhishek .. from Kolkata.. I tour with my wife.. and just back from our South India trip traveling all the way from Kolkata to Kanyakumari and exploring Kerala there after.. You can find out trip pics by searching #we_r3 in Facebook.. Here's a short video for you all to enjoy.. as I edit the rest for the next upload.

                              Total Kms Traveled in the Trip: 6364kms..
                              Issues/Complaints: None.

                              Here's the video:
                              Dude how comfortable is it for the pillion?
                              Ride safe \m/

                              Bajrapanchi Dui-Chingari 350 (2009)


                              • Re: Yamaha YZF R3 Owners Reviews and Experiences

                                Originally posted by SWAYAN View Post
                                Abhi bhai, awesome video log.

                                Awaiting for the next part of the trip log. 👍👍👍
                                Thanks a lot.. Sure.. will upload soon.. !!

                                ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

                                Originally posted by somenath1061 View Post
                                Dude how comfortable is it for the pillion?
                                Well... you see we traveled for like 40 days for some 6000 plus kms.. that too in this Hot Summer ... Could never been possible if there had been slight discomfort..
                                The pillion seat is way too comfortable at least for my pillion. We used to tour on yamaha r15 v2. So coming from that R3 is very much comfortable. Moreover.. My seats are stock seats with just the saddlebag over so that she can sit. The bike is very much pillion friendly as she can easily rest her feet on the pegs with the saddlebag which she couldn't when we had the r15. Ofcourse that's a track tool and this is mostly a sports tourer.. My wife says.. one shouldn't expect the comfort of a car in a bike.. She prefers sitting tall in an uplifted rear seat as her front vision is not blocked.. Bikes as in Honda CBR and Royal Enfield etc. hence, are not her favorites..

                                I don't know if I'm allowed to post links here.. I have a travelogue of our Sikkim Trip on the R15v2 in the BCMT forum.. If allowed I can post the link here..

                                ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

                                Here's a few pics for all to enjoy..!!

                                At Dhanushkodi.. End of Road.. Click image for larger version

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                                Yamaha Riders Club YRC India and Yamaha R3 Owners' Group India welcomed us at Bangalore.. Shoolgiri McD..Click image for larger version

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                                Somewhere.. On the Highway
                                Click image for larger version

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