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Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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  • ^^ the tank pad looks hawt!!!! from where?? and how much... how can i get one for my bike!

    My offerings to the gods of speed -

    - KTM Duke 200
    - Yamaha RXZ 5 speed


    • Originally posted by jd666 View Post
      ^^ the tank pad looks hawt!!!! from where?? and how much... how can i get one for my bike!
      I got it from Performance Racing Store, Mumbai. Its 1100/- + parcel charge. I got it as a complimentary, as I have ordered other accessories from them..... You can call them and the accessories will be sent to your address..... Call with Computer/Internet available, they will provide the links of the websites and you will also be able to see/check the product before confirming the order... Attached the picture of my tank pad, which I got from website...
      Contact Person's name is Prasad..

      Hope this helps...


      • Originally posted by jd666 View Post
        ^^ the tank pad looks hawt!!!! from where?? and how much... how can i get one for my bike!
        JD - this will look fabulous on the black Ninja. A "Must Buy" for you.


        • Originally posted by sreehari_r1 View Post
          Congrats Malliah and ride safe.....

          You have to maintain below 4K RPM right???? So how you cloked 130+??? I was able to do only 60kmph (max) within the range of 4K RPM.....

          Also attaching the picks of my new tank pad....
          Buddy I havent crossed 4k RPM ... In fact most of the time I am in the 3K range. I am commuting to office everyday which is 30+ kms plus around 2 hours of midnight riding on the Bangalore Streets.... so the score now is 180+ and I am on off for the next 2 days. Target = 500+ kms

          Note added:

          Bro I clocked 130 on the odo not the speedo. Am maintaining the 60 kmph limit.
          Last edited by killer_instinct; 02-27-2010, 06:03 PM. Reason: Note added
          sigpicI feel like Clark Kent on the streets riding the Pulsar, On the track.. with my Ninja.. I feel like Superman.


          • congrats for the persons who got their bike and also for those who are waiting for the delivery
            guys i haven't read the thread completely. what is the mileage tat u people get?
            Ride Safe!!


            • So I am done with the california superbike schooling sessions.
              To all those who wanna know how the ninja handles on the track...i have no words to explain it to its entirety...
              in a nutshell..Its awesome sauce on the track...pure unadulterated motorsports fun.
              when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
              one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
              kamlesh kanda
              NO PACE TOO SLOW
              IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


              • Originally posted by killer_instinct View Post
                Buddy I havent crossed 4k RPM ... In fact most of the time I am in the 3K range. I am commuting to office everyday which is 30+ kms plus around 2 hours of midnight riding on the Bangalore Streets.... so the score now is 180+ and I am on off for the next 2 days. Target = 500+ kms

                Note added:

                Bro I clocked 130 on the odo not the speedo. Am maintaining the 60 kmph limit.

                Oh, sorry for misunderstanding... !!!
                Last edited by sreehari_r1; 02-27-2010, 06:51 PM.


                • Originally posted by TenHut View Post
                  So I am done with the california superbike schooling sessions.
                  To all those who wanna know how the ninja handles on the track...i have no words to explain it to its entirety...
                  in a nutshell..Its awesome sauce on the track...pure unadulterated motorsports fun.
                  AWESOME MAN!!!

                  Give us all the details, Total Cost, time etc etc.

                  Another thing, how can I guy like me use the track? Do they allow newbies?
                  sigpicI feel like Clark Kent on the streets riding the Pulsar, On the track.. with my Ninja.. I feel like Superman.


                  • @ten--please share more track experiences
                    @malliah-- Congrats


                    • Originally posted by sheelpriye View Post
                      @ten--please share more track experiences
                      @malliah-- Congrats
                      just got back today at 1530 hrs from chennai. So my brain is really worked up right now. Hence posted the pics first to bathe myself in some glory.

                      Will have a detailed report of my entire experience at California superbike School and the Ninja 250R very very soon.
                      Last edited by TenHut; 02-28-2010, 01:38 AM.
                      when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                      one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                      kamlesh kanda
                      NO PACE TOO SLOW
                      IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                      • Day 1 (Feb 24th 2010)- Luckiest Day of my Life
                        sigpicI feel like Clark Kent on the streets riding the Pulsar, On the track.. with my Ninja.. I feel like Superman.


                        • ^^^
                          I have to accept the riding the Ninja is not very comfortable (as compared to the 180).

                          @killer instinct: hey it takes an honest man to admit that...kudos..had the same problem initially with my R15 but once you get used to it its the best ride you can get...
                          Why is the man who invests all your money, called a broker?


                          • This was irritating in the beginning but They are just being curious so doesn't bother me much now

                            Originally posted by killer_instinct View Post
                            But I found the gear shifting to be quite rough, which was surprising. Within a few kms I realized I was not completely closing the throttle. After that it became quite smooth, but it will take some time to get used to it. Coz I am very brutal with the 180 while shifting gears. I think myself to be Nicholas Cage in “Gone in 60 seconds” .
                            I had the same issue and was making the same mistake...btw how smooth is the downshifting from 2nd? I still feel it is a bit rough...

                            Originally posted by killer_instinct View Post
                            I have to accept the riding the Ninja is not very comfortable (as compared to the 180). The seat is quite hard and so is the suspension (@Ninja Riders: Is this normal). Both my wrists were also hurting and I couldn’t figure out why.
                            Yeah, bluevolt, JD and a few other guys had mentioned this especially for the long rides....try gripping the tank with your legs while riding, get a bit more for the seat....completely agree with you, need to find a way to make it butt friendly
                            Last edited by gouravkatyal; 02-28-2010, 09:18 AM.


                            • Originally posted by killer_instinct View Post
                              I have to accept the riding the Ninja is not very comfortable (as compared to the 180). The seat is quite hard and so is the suspension (@Ninja Riders: Is this normal). Both my wrists were also hurting and I couldn’t figure out why. After a few days I realized that its because of the riding posture, lot of the body weight rests on the wrists, and I have got used to it now.
                              Killer_instinct, I am late on this but hearty congrats on your green ride dude ! Let the good times roll !

                              The seat is hard and so is the suspension. The rear as u must know by now is adjustable but even on the softest setting it still is hard for the potholes or speed bumps. Just remember though that it is hard for a reason and you will know that reason once you start doing speeds of 160kmph on the odo. Every bump in the city gets trasferred to my ass but at high speeds it is rock steady and doesnt nose dive like theres no tomorrow. Its a tradeoff...and a part of Ninjas sporty behaviour and stability is its suspension. I was on the track for 4 days from 7 am in the morning till 6 pm in the evening. And every single day every single hour I was thankful for the way the baby Ninja has everything it needs to take the track abuse. Again...the suspension plays an even bigger role on the track.

                              About your wrists aching. I dont wanna get this accross to you the wrong way but if your wrists are aching theres way too much weight on your handlebars. Use your lower back and abdomen muscles to suspend your torso at a forward angle when you sit on the bike. Holding the tank works but need only be done when braking. Plus holding the tank with your legs doesnt really work well if you are 6ft or taller. I am so I know. ( infact I cant even lock my outside knee into the tank when in a corner which is really bad as I then end up pushing/pulling the handlebars in lean..tbh thats my only complain about this bike )
                              With no weight on the wrists you will feel tired out pretty soon in the beginning. But put yourself in that habit untill it stops to even bother your muscles. After a few days it feels perfectly fine.
                              Remember that having weight on the handlebars is also potentially very very dangerous. Do everything to be light on the bars. Even if that means losing a few pounds.

                              I am pretty sure you are going to be madly in love with your bike. Enjoy this state of mind and give that mean green machine some love and take her to the track to discover her unknown capabilities.

                              Again congrats ... and enjoy it all the way through.
                              Last edited by TenHut; 02-28-2010, 04:56 PM.
                              when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                              one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                              kamlesh kanda
                              NO PACE TOO SLOW
                              IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                              • Originally posted by TenHut View Post
                                So I am done with the california superbike schooling sessions.
                                To all those who wanna know how the ninja handles on the track...i have no words to explain it to its entirety...
                                in a nutshell..Its awesome sauce on the track...pure unadulterated motorsports fun.
                                Hi TenHut...

                                Can i ask what's the orange little box on your front left fork...

