The bikes to be discussed for are -
- RX100
- RX135
- RX135 5 speed
- RXZ 5 speed
- RX135 Tiger ( post 2002 model with circular meters )
Please add if im missing any models!
I can and help with the following parts -
- meters, side pods
- Panels, tanks, Side panels, seats, seat rail ( RX100, RXZ, 135, RXG, 135 5S )
- Tail light RX, Headlight dome RX100
- Engine components like pump, rings, con rods, cylinder kits ( RX100, 135 4 speed only )
- Wiring harness, carburettors, Rims and disc setups for modding RX to front disc.
Cheers and hope to get enough encouragement from fellow 2 stroke lovers who can help each other out, and support the community! We are a dying breed! and best way is to stick it out together supporting each other!!