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  • Originally posted by Absoluthavoc View Post
    Nolan in India?? saw someone riding with it a month or so back.. and i was surprised to be honest!
    I don't think it's officially available.
    People who travel abroad bring it here. Or those helmets/bike accessory guys might just get you one.

    Here in Bangalore you can get it. The starting price of it is well over 8k.


    • Originally posted by sumit.pannalall View Post
      Nope. They didn't do it for me when I asked.
      Go for Nolan man why others
      my bro got a vega helmet its so neat .. GPR sux big time.. and i use to think gpr is good quality

      nolan idhar kidhar milega bhai.. Usme ISI mark rahega kya ??
      Converting Halogen / HID headlamp setups to FULL LED.

      Please fill in this survey so we can help you move to FULL LED Headlamps


      • Originally posted by navnish View Post
        my bro got a vega helmet its so neat .. GPR sux big time.. and i use to think gpr is good quality

        nolan idhar kidhar milega bhai.. Usme ISI mark rahega kya ??
        If you want, I know a person who keeps Nolan helmets. Be prepared to shell out at least 10grands

        Edit: ISI mark to dekha nahi maine .
        Last edited by TheRedPill; 01-17-2009, 02:55 AM.


        • Originally posted by Tron05 View Post
          guys... here is the link to the castrol bike zone exclusive helmet...its called rhyno..

          Nice find there
          Studds Rhino Series
          Design looks well worth the money
          Anyone using this?


          • Originally posted by navnish View Post
            my bro got a vega helmet its so neat ..
            The Vega that comes with ECE 22.05 mark is really a great pick...
            Yamaha R15 | Merida SUB 20MD


            • Finally got the Red Studds Rhyno


              • @Tron05

                How are the interiors and are they washable?

                How much did you pay for it?

                How heavy is the helmet and the overall quality, especially compared with your MPA-AGV?

                In the third picture, is that a rear vent I am seeing?

                I am in the market for a lid. So, I am looking forward to your reply.

                Last edited by jayprashanth; 01-17-2009, 08:02 PM.


                • inners are of good build...and they r removeable..made me lighter by 1700rs

                  its a 1.5kg lid..only thing is that they dont have tinted visors..
                  yea... quite a lot of vents..
                  2 beside the studds logo in the first pic
                  1 big vent on the top and 2 side vents beside the ISI logo in the 3rd pic


                  • Originally posted by Tron05 View Post
                    inners are of good build...and they r removeable..made me lighter by 1700rs

                    its a 1.5kg lid..only thing is that they dont have tinted visors..
                    yea... quite a lot of vents..
                    2 beside the studds logo in the first pic
                    1 big vent on the top and 2 side vents beside the ISI logo in the 3rd pic
                    Very nice helmet there, thanks for the pics, looks like a steal for the money.
                    Are all the vents closable?
                    How is the noise at high speeds,
                    1) When vents are open
                    2) When vents are closed
                    Do let us know after you test them.

                    How is the padding, if possible can you post the inner padding pics with visor open and a pic from below

                    Any idea on cost of new visor and removable inners?


                    • At last my Vega Boolean has got used to the shape of my head. The padding has become soft with usage-doesn't hurt my forehead anymore&seems to be just right even on long rides now...Still feel like buying another lid just for the heck of it!
                      Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                      • Originally posted by R15Rocks View Post
                        At last my Vega Boolean has got used to the shape of my head. The padding has become soft with usage-doesn't hurt my forehead anymore&seems to be just right even on long rides now...Still feel like buying another lid just for the heck of it!
                        Buy a full face one this time


                        • Hi Guys,
                          I want to purchase a good helmet from Bangalore, so i was following the thread from so many days. In the same context i went for Helmet hunt in the JC road, Bangalore, apart from Daijya and AGV(imported) helmet i did not find anything worth.
                          In this thread some people have posted that Daijya helmets are fake copy of Marushi and some other people have posted that Daijya is needed made by Marushi. To clear the confusion i have e-mailed to Marushi helmets ([email protected]).
                          They clearly said that Daijya is a copy of MArushi helmets, they are in no way related to the Daijya and they are also purusing legal cases against the chinese manufacturer and Indian distributor.
                          For those who want details, i am posting the reply that i got from Marushi below:

                          from Ullrich Holzhausen <[email protected]>
                          to Yadhunandan U S <>
                          date Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:47 PM
                          subject AW: Info reg. the Marushin helmets in India

                          Dear Mr. Yadhu,
                          in simple words, the Daijya Helmets are a simple and cheap copy of the Marushin helmets. They have nothing to do with Marushin.
                          Our lawyers are acting against that manufacturer in China and the distributor in India.
                          Please tell every friend not to buy a Daijya helmet and believe it is the same safety. It is not.

                          The English government has done a safety rating and the best helmets have 5-stars, Marushin is on of the brands who has 2 helmets
                          with 5 stars, only for information Shoei has not one !! SHARP - The Helmet Safety Scheme

                          So please keep the hands away from the copy.

                          In the moment we are looking for a distributor in India and are negotiating with companies. If you want to have a helmet in the
                          moment you only can buy in German web shop like but I have no idea about the transport-cost.

                          Viva Marushin

                          Best regards

                          M A R U S H I N
                          Ullrich holzhausen

                          Von: Yadhunandan U S []
                          Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. J
                          anuar 2009 12:32
                          An: Ullrich Holzhausen
                          Betreff: Info reg. the Marushi helmets in India

                          Hello Sir,

                          I am Yadhunandan from Bangalore, India. I and some of my friends wish to purchase 'Daijya helmets' made by Marushi helmets.

                          In some of the auto discussion forums it was reported that on the basis of an email from Ullrich Holzhausen, JF MotorSport GmbH that there is no relation between Daijya helmets and Marushi, Japan. But again in the same forums an email got from '[email protected]' was posted claiming that Marushi helmets are sold in India as 'Daijya helmets'.
                          We are confused on this, can you please tell us whether the Daijya helmets belongs to Marushi or not and clear this confusion.
                          If indeed Marushi helmets are sold in India as Daijya helmets, can you please tell us the dealer in the Indian city of Bangalore, so that we can purchase the helmet from that dealer.

                          Thanking you,



                          • Originally posted by enigma_ahmd View Post
                            Hi Guys,
                            I want to purchase a good helmet from Bangalore, so i was following the thread from so many days. In the same context i went for Helmet hunt in the JC road, Bangalore, apart from Daijya and AGV(imported) helmet i did not find anything worth.
                            In this thread some people have posted that Daijya helmets are fake copy of Marushi and some other people have posted that Daijya is needed made by Marushi. To clear the confusion i have e-mailed to Marushi helmets ([email protected]).
                            They clearly said that Daijya is a copy of MArushi helmets, they are in no way related to the Daijya and they are also purusing legal cases against the chinese manufacturer and Indian distributor.
                            For those who want details, i am posting the reply that i got from Marushi below:

                            from Ullrich Holzhausen <[email protected]>
                            to Yadhunandan U S <>
                            date Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:47 PM
                            subject AW: Info reg. the Marushin helmets in India

                            Dear Mr. Yadhu,
                            in simple words, the Daijya Helmets are a simple and cheap copy of the Marushin helmets. They have nothing to do with Marushin.
                            Our lawyers are acting against that manufacturer in China and the distributor in India.
                            Please tell every friend not to buy a Daijya helmet and believe it is the same safety. It is not.

                            The English government has done a safety rating and the best helmets have 5-stars, Marushin is on of the brands who has 2 helmets
                            with 5 stars, only for information Shoei has not one !! SHARP - The Helmet Safety Scheme

                            So please keep the hands away from the copy.

                            In the moment we are looking for a distributor in India and are negotiating with companies. If you want to have a helmet in the
                            moment you only can buy in German web shop like but I have no idea about the transport-cost.

                            Viva Marushin

                            Best regards

                            M A R U S H I N
                            Ullrich holzhausen

                            Von: Yadhunandan U S []
                            Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. J
                            anuar 2009 12:32
                            An: Ullrich Holzhausen
                            Betreff: Info reg. the Marushi helmets in India

                            Hello Sir,

                            I am Yadhunandan from Bangalore, India. I and some of my friends wish to purchase 'Daijya helmets' made by Marushi helmets.

                            In some of the auto discussion forums it was reported that on the basis of an email from Ullrich Holzhausen, JF MotorSport GmbH that there is no relation between Daijya helmets and Marushi, Japan. But again in the same forums an email got from '[email protected]' was posted claiming that Marushi helmets are sold in India as 'Daijya helmets'.
                            We are confused on this, can you please tell us whether the Daijya helmets belongs to Marushi or not and clear this confusion.
                            If indeed Marushi helmets are sold in India as Daijya helmets, can you please tell us the dealer in the Indian city of Bangalore, so that we can purchase the helmet from that dealer.

                            Thanking you,


                            i guess u need to rewind back some pages!
                            Life's a Challenge

                            NEVER EVER GIVE UP


                            • Originally posted by cssk View Post
                              Buy a full face one this time
                              Yes, Boolean seems to be good for city usage (esp.with the internal visor). For touring I am planning to go for the Vega full face lid for Rs.2500 that Synergizer&someone else have got. It is lightweight&has very good padding too. Just waiting for the paycheck!
                              Quench my thirst with gasoline!


                              • Got my self a AGV {MPA} helmet this evening from G P Road (Chennai)

                                Cost: 2000 after bargaining - Quoted 2500

                                Adding a few pics..

                                Photo Gallery[/B]

