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  • Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.


    • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
      Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.
      this is gonna raise lot of eyebrows....

      I suppose we all pledged to wear helmet.


      • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
        Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.
        I like my head intact so, I like usin' it... though it a li'l big, but I still prefer to have it... coz, something is better than nothing. Also, it helps hide face from friendly neighbourhood uncles whilst doin' stunts or, from chicks if anything goes wrong! Consider these points next time!
        HONDA fans, unite here!
        Originally posted by cyclone2k
        A BiKER is only as good as the BiKE. You take care of the BiKE, the BiKE will take care of you.


        • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
          Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.
          So, whenever you ride, you don't wear helmets, because you don't "like" it??


          • Originally posted by cyclone2k View Post
            I like my head intact so, I like usin' it... though it a li'l big, but I still prefer to have it... coz, something is better than nothing. Also, it helps hide face from friendly neighbourhood uncles whilst doin' stunts or, from chicks if anything goes wrong! Consider these points next time!

            Speak Less,Speak Wise!

            Sarcasm is my automatic response to stupidity.


            • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
              Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.
              Your like and dislike wont change the way death looks at you.YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF A BIKER IF YOU DONT WEAR A HELMET.
              I realized the importance of helmet just weeks ago and I am glad that I did.
              Was returning from college. It's about 25kms from home. Was doing about 50-60 on my Discover-a dog was crossing the road and was halfway through-at the same moment my bike came alongside, the dog did an about turn and ran straight into my bike and collided with it-the bike.......I lost control........the bike toppled and it went on going,scraping my hands and knees on the gravel. The helmet held for a bit then the visor gave way and my face started scraping on the road. My hands and knees dont have flesh now.So does a part of my face.
              The wounds are healing now. The one on my face may take some time. May take forever. But sometimes I think about what would have happened if the helmet wasnt their. Surely half of my face would have been gone.
              Let this be a lesson to everyone.If you think that your face is too good to be inside a helmet and you want to show how 'cool' you look without it. ..........
              Think again,it just takes a second for your face to change............. and your life with it.
              Last edited by nightwing; 10-09-2008, 08:06 PM.
              "Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall."


              • Originally posted by nightwing View Post
                Your like and dislike wont change the way death looks at you.YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF A BIKER IF YOU DONT WEAR A HELMET.
                I realized the importance of helmet just weeks ago and I am glad that I did.
                Was returning from college. It's about 25kms from home. Was doing about 50-60 on my Discover-a dog was crossing the road and was halfway through-at the same moment my bike came alongside, the dog did an about turn and ran straight into my bike and collided with it-the bike.......I lost control........the bike toppled and it went on going,scraping my hands and knees on the gravel. The helmet held for a bit then the visor gave way and my face started scraping on the road. My hands and knees dont have flesh now.So does a part of my face.
                The wounds are healing now. The one on my face may take some time. May take forever. But sometimes I think about what would have happened it the helmet wasnt their. Surely half of my face would have been gone.
                Let this be a lesson to everyone.If you think that your face is too good to be inside a helmet and you want to show how 'cool' you look without it. ..........
                Think again,it just takes a second for your face to change............. and your life with it.

                Holy shIt!! ...even i had a similar accident , but not this gruesome!...

                tc man!


                sach kadwaa hota hai .. ;)


                • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
                  Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.
                  U'll know the importance when you kiss the road by falling from your bike
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                  • i like daijya a lot...luks too cool
                    BIKES ROCK...CARS SUCK....BIKERS WIN!!!


                    • Originally posted by Puneet1 View Post
                      I have Black Studds Ninja helmet , i wanna get its glass tinted ,how to do it ,it is legal right?
                      Don't tint the visor, just get yourself a dark visor itself. Avoid riding with a dark visor through nights though.
                      CBR 954 RR
                      Yoshimura TRS - Ohlins - Power Commander - EBC - Stomp Grip - Sportech - Shock Racing - Harris - Motografix


                      • Originally posted by rossi_god View Post
                        i like daijya a lot...luks too cool
                        Well yeah, they have some nice graphics, but why would anyone wanna buy a helmet without any safety rating or credits.
                        CBR 954 RR
                        Yoshimura TRS - Ohlins - Power Commander - EBC - Stomp Grip - Sportech - Shock Racing - Harris - Motografix


                        • Originally posted by rossi_god View Post
                          i like daijya a lot...luks too cool
                          Dunno about this brand, looks dodgy!
                          Look at KBC or Sparx instead, better, safer and way cooler artwork!
                          Last edited by Cyberpunk; 10-24-2008, 10:30 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Cyberpunk View Post
                            Dunno about this brand, looks dodgy!
                            Look at KBC Helmets instead, better, safer and way cooler artwork!
                            o yes i got myself a kbc
                            costed me a leg and an arm but man does it look awesome or what


                            • Originally posted by sudipta_roy View Post
                              Cool helmets... But I don like helmets so i don use it.

                              You don't want this to happen to you......Do you??
                              Ride rash fool......And make Darwin proud.....!!


                              • When the heck did this happen to you sameer?
                                07 HH Zma
                                11 Honda Aviator DLX
                                14 Ford Figo 1.4 TDCI (Now Caged:( )
                                16 Scooty Zest
                                11 CBR 250R

