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  • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
    sure gixxer bro..
    I'll grab my camera along..
    i hope all turns up to be good...
    tomorrow is a very important day, and also a tiring one for me and for vishal.
    poor lad, he waits all week for Saturday to arrive and i ruin his weekends ...

    I've given my bike a good wash today, as tomorrow is her photoshoot.
    tell me one more thing gixxer, are we just changing the main jet??
    and am i buying 2 of these for trial and error??

    i don't know a damm thing about carbs apart from tuning it.
    i wish all gets completed well.
    will try to keep a reputation, writeup will be there by midnight tomorrow if all goes well.

    thanks a lot for all your help.
    lets see how good things work..

    watch this space ......
    Yeah bro ,the jets are for trial and error .The smaller the jet size more the acceleration.But ripping needs bigger jets.So you can simply buy a 115 jet of the pulsar or that of the honda unicorn.
    Yeah we all hope that the work gets done properly especially the porting job as that will be the biggest work done on your bike's engine.The rest are easy just making sure that there's no play in the crank and then assembling the RTR 180 bore which i think shouldn't take more than an hour at most.
    Another very important thing nano,tell vishal to make sure that the ignition timing is not advanced !If the ignition timing is retarded then it would be good for the engine as well as the top end.As the compression will go up it is very important that the ignition timing is not advanced
    Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


    • @nanotech

      Take the mechanic or vishal along when you go to purchase the bore kit.It is very important that the bore kit is selected properly.That is make sure that when piston without the rings is put into the bore there shouldn't be any daylight visible .Vishal will know about it so he'll make sure the bore kit is a good

      Even if there's just one bore kit ,don't worry there's no need to select from a lot.Just ensure that there's no daylight visible when piston is put into the bore and ask them to tap the piston lightly to make sure there's no slapping indicating the piston fits well with the bore.
      Last edited by gixxer_junkie_m; 10-01-2010, 10:07 PM.
      Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


      • Gift Ideas?

        I want to get my dad some DIY add-ons for his first-gen Fiero, as a birthday present. I was thinking of a K&N air filter and maybe some touring accessories like saddle bags. Does anybody have any suggestions? I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me some simple mods that can be done on a Fiero without needing power tools or having to take it to a workshop. (cos he's quite handy and I know he'll insist on doing it himself)


        • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
          tomorrow is D-Day...

          my bike is having its last day with a 150cc piston..

          i have a list of things to be done, i know i asked here a lot of times, but still check weather anything more needs to be done or not.

          1- apache 180 block (which includes piston and rings)
          2- head boring (both the top and middle part to 62,5mm)
          3- head porting (for that extra power)
          4- carb jetting -- was it 112 or 115 jet that i should plonk, and from where to buy??
          5- a spark plug change (maybe)
          6- FZ handlebar

          anything else???
          please let me know....
          ================================================== =====

          Hey NANOtech!!! ... great to hear that you are finally on the verge. Fingers crossed .... hope everything goes smoothly with clockwork precision. And when you are done... we need the details with supporting pictures too... it sure will be great for reference.

          I had been quite busy with some house work as well as the office. The bike is fine... no problems so far. Power and pick-up has increased. So has the fuel efficiency. So It feels good to ride a Fiero once again!!!

          Thanks to you guys for that.



          • Originally posted by smokin' tyres View Post
            I want to get my dad some DIY add-ons for his first-gen Fiero, as a birthday present. I was thinking of a K&N air filter and maybe some touring accessories like saddle bags. Does anybody have any suggestions? I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me some simple mods that can be done on a Fiero without needing power tools or having to take it to a workshop. (cos he's quite handy and I know he'll insist on doing it himself)
            If your dad is a DIY guy then i think he'd appreciate a K&N filter.Don't forget to get him some bigger main jets of the RTR and that of pulsars.Just read through the air filter thread and do ask him to put a foam cover over the K&N.otherwise it'll be money down the drain.
            Last edited by gixxer_junkie_m; 10-03-2010, 04:46 PM.
            Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


            • @Chief ashman

              Good to hear that your girl is happy and at her naughty best
              Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


              • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                @Chief ashman

                Good to hear that your girl is happy and at her naughty best
                Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                If your dad is a DIY guy then i think he'd appreciate a K&N filter.Don't forget to get him some bigger main jets of the RTR and that of pulsars.Just read through the air filter thread and do ask him to put a foam cover over the K&N.otherwise it'll be money down the drain.
                ================================================== =====

                Gixxer bro, my babe is doing great at the moment..

                Is it ok to use the Main Jets of RTR with our current carb the BS29? Can this be easily done? and what are the advantages. Also how good is the K&N filter? is it a great improvemtnt over the stock air filter? and what with the foam thing? I heard K&N is very noisy... as if Fiero is a silent beast. I guess the noise could be deafening with the two combined.


                • Originally posted by chief ashman View Post
                  ================================================== =====

                  Gixxer bro, my babe is doing great at the moment..

                  Is it ok to use the Main Jets of RTR with our current carb the BS29? Can this be easily done? and what are the advantages. Also how good is the K&N filter? is it a great improvemtnt over the stock air filter? and what with the foam thing? I heard K&N is very noisy... as if Fiero is a silent beast. I guess the noise could be deafening with the two combined.
                  Since your bike is stock ,you don't need to put a bigger main jet.The stock fiero's carb is BS26 ,which is same as the RTR160.RTR160's main jet is 105.

                  Yes if not done properly ,K&N filter will just increase the engine noise as the bike will run lean and will ruin the engine .There will be a increase in exhaust beat and no increase in performance if up-jetting is not done.
                  Along with it if foam is not put on the K&N filter ,it will let in lot of dust,which in turn will ruin the carb's slide ,which incidentally costs 1000 bucks if bought at TVS showroom and 400 bucks at bajaj.Then the dust will enter the combustion chamber and ruin the engine.
                  In short if not done properly K&N or UNI filter is just a waste of money and a sure shot way to ruin the engine and carb slide.
                  Another thing is it's not cheap either ,with the same money one can buy a bore kit of RTR180 or a bigger used carb at half its price.
                  So if you know what you are doing then K&N will increase the performance of the bike,if not ,then money down the drain.
                  Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                  • @chief ashman

                    When we are talking about bikes or girls,then the right word is "Performance" i believe.Curiously, both bikes and girls are similar aren't they? Though i'd say a fiero is much more stable in temperament.
                    Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                    • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                      @chief ashman

                      When we are talking about bikes or girls,then the right word is "Performance" i believe.Curiously, both bikes and girls are similar aren't they? Though i'd say a fiero is much more stable in temperament.
                      ================================================== ======

                      Agreed 100% on that one. + she's fun to ride and does not pretend. She can go on and on and on .... Stamina!!!


                      • hmmm
                        nice chit chat going here huh !!

                        its my turn now...

                        as you guys already know the thing i wanted to do, it was to convert a already once bored fiero into a 180cc bike by replacing the block with that of the 180's ..

                        so this is my dear machine...

                        the idea in mind was to put up the heart of the one on the left to the one on the right...

                        and the main reason was to avoid the leakage that had occurred due to the a$$$%#e mechs at the tvs svc..

                        this is how my block looked like

                        so off i left to vishal's place with a grin on my face, that excitement made me miss a turn and i ended up almost covering 10 kms extra to re route the location

                        i reached his house, dropped my leathers, had a nice and warm cup of coffee and off we left to the tvs dealer...

                        yes gixxer bro, we understand that the block and the piston should gel in very well, and it did, however the gaskets were bent from one side so vishal got them replaced...

                        you guys have no idea how lucky i am to have vishal by my side to help me in all these crazy things (as others put it)

                        but there's 1 thing that i want you all to know..

                        IT IS NOT JUST A BOLT ON JOB

                        there's too much to it than what meets the eye.
                        let me explain that further..

                        our opened block

                        i do understand that according to the dimensions its a straight fit, but our current fiero's head is not matching to the block..

                        we fitted the piston first.

                        then came the block..

                        so off we went taking the block and the head all together to the bore guy, that old man was seeming smart and sensible enough as there's was a 1950's triumph's head valves his mechs were working on, besides he even showed us the compression difference of one of his drag pepped rx 135..

                        he said that the piston should not exceed the TDC...
                        i don't exactly know the literature, all i know in layman's terms is that the piston should never exceed even 0.5mm of the block's end, if it does so, we'll have to take up the entire engine there and get the head shaved slightly for the extra piston travel..

                        so we checked it back again and realized that it does fall on TDC, and does not extend even 0.1 mm of the block's top end.

                        now there's 1 more interesting thing the bore guy explained, is that the piston's inlet and outlet valve's grooves will not fall on the same place as the actual valves would..

                        or in other words, after confirming back at the mechs we realized that ...

                        the valves do not touch the piston at same places..

                        so we had to apply some color on the valves like this

                        and rub them after fitting up everything to determine where they actually hit the piston.

                        this was the inlet valve, and it did fit in well, almost well in other words, but the outlet valve didn't

                        the inlet and the outlet valve's contact.

                        so we had to rush back to the bore guy to get the valve's grooves made and to get the head unit bored, but .......

                        if the piston falls exactly on the TDC, then why to get the head bored at all ???

                        the bore guy raised this question, and said that increased compression only will give you increased power, he said that instead of shaving off the head, first check weather the crank can take up the increased compression, if not the bike will knock, if yes, then its not needed...

                        worst case scenario is the increase the number of gaskets so that the length will increase and in turn compression will decrease...

                        i even wanted to get porting done, but the guy said it will take 2 days
                        and so since we had only few hours left, we didn't get it done.

                        so we came back without doing anything to the head and installed it...

                        but then there's was one more problem..

                        it was the timing chain tension-er..

                        the worst part is that fiero's chain tension-er doesn't fit, and neither its gasket does, we had to find the tension-er and its gasket with 2 o-rings on each sides + the screw in all mumbai and after searching every shop, we finally got a hang of one it was pricol made, the dealer said that the oem black one will take weeks to come and we only had 1/2 an hour, we did buy it, but it was too late in the night for us to find compatible o-rings and screw over it..

                        this small little thing spolit the day.

                        me and vishal did buy the fiero f2's chain sprocket set as mine had turned similar to the rtr series disk brakes by now..
                        fz's handle bar and ngk g-power spark plug too.

                        and a whole lot of miscellaneous stuff that i don't even have a count of..

                        and yes, that timing chain thing was done very well by vishal and the mech both, it took them time to do it right as it was complete darkness.

                        it was extremely tiresome day, and the timing chain tension-er was still not in place, the worst part was that it was closing time..

                        since i lived a bit far from there, i came back home on the mech's yamaha rx 135..

                        that was again an experience of its own, damm i was cursing the bike initially, it tuned down everytime, headlight was crap, sound was like a UFO flying, but still i did convince myself to ride it home.

                        as soon as i touched the highway, man this bike can beat almost everything I've ever ridden in my life it turns into a monster after 60kmph, i ripped it hard, very very hard, later at a signal i realized that this bike was smoking like a rocket does during launch..
                        the exhaust, the engine bottom, the head, everything layed out sooooo much of white smoke that it was extremely embarrassing i somehow reached home...

                        next day in the morning again ripping the rx 135, i reached the mech..
                        got chain set installed, tension-er finally done, new bolts in replacement of my spoilt one's, other small knick-nacks, oil changed, and for the first time ever started the bike to tune the carb..

                        the worst part was being sunday, the carb uncle's shop was closed, besides in my carb, the butterfly valve is damaged, air screw is damage, fuel screw is damaged, idling screw is also damaged, the mech spent hours in trying to rotage either one of them, a lot of WD40 wasted but it gave no luck, so I've finally decided to go in for a new carb instead..

                        for the first time ever i stated the bike..
                        luckily it did start and there's was no knocking at all which was a very very big and good news..

                        carb was still in no position to be tuned, so its stock everything, no porting, stock exhaust and rtr's 180 bore.

                        no unusual noise
                        no knocking
                        does revv smoothly
                        bike does seems a bit more vibey, if not more then maybe different sort of vibes..
                        noise is pretty much the same

                        the worst part i guess is that I DON'T FEEL THERE'S EVEN AN INCH OF POWER UPGRADE.
                        it does seems exactly as it was before (apart from the vibes)
                        its too early to tell anyways..

                        i am sure it will turn better.

                        let run-in finish..

                        besides that handlebar is awesome..
                        bike handles exreeeemly well
                        brakes even better.
                        even the mirror's have turned wider thus giving a nice display of rear.
                        this handle also allows soo many riding positions to help prevent those back ache's

                        it a must for every fiero owner.
                        personally i am more of a corner-craver, and i use my footrest and knees (hugging the tank) to throw the bike around corners more than handle, so this is majorly a huge improvement for me.

                        so far I've completed 92 kms after the engine work, hence i am a bit tired..
                        so off i am going now to catch some sleep.
                        waiting for your comments.

                        mission accomplished...

                        (hey where's that yellow RTR 180 gone???)
                        [i guess to install a fiero engine]
                        Giving a lot to a fiero.
                        Expecting a lot from a fiero.


                        • a very special post of thanks dedicated to all those who helped me, supported me and raised my confidence in doing this so..

                          an extremely special thanks to VISHAL to help me in person for all this to turn into reality, i owe a lot to all of you...

                          thanks a lot to gixxer, to get the funda cleared...
                          Giving a lot to a fiero.
                          Expecting a lot from a fiero.


                          • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
                            a very special post of thanks dedicated to all those who helped me, supported me and raised my confidence in doing this so..

                            an extremely special thanks to VISHAL to help me in person for all this to turn into reality, i owe a lot to all of you...

                            thanks a lot to gixxer, to get the funda cleared...
                            Congratulations mate. I miss this WIP of my bike so much. Was never there to see it all happening and how the hiccups were contained. But I remember being told some of this, when it was decided that the 160 kit would go in and not the 180.

                            1. Plonk in a new BS29
                            2. New Air Filter foam. If there are 2 of them, remove one.
                            3. Change clutch plates/Pressure plates if there is a doubt. There is going to be a lot of power coming down on them.

                            Which engine oil have you put in there. I was told to change oil after 500kms and then follow 2500km cycle for mineral oils. Synthetics are not suitable for the rubber used in Fiero engine, gets damaged and leaking starts.

                            Your headlight looks intersting. Is that a P220 setup in there?

                            That yellow RTR looks amazing with all the muck and the side boards. Looks like its been on an adventurous trip.

                            Keep updating us on the experience.

                            BTW: Handle bar looks wonderful.

                            **Work to Ride and Ride to Work**


                            • Originally posted by MaSh View Post
                              Congratulations mate. I miss this WIP of my bike so much. Was never there to see it all happening and how the hiccups were contained. But I remember being told some of this, when it was decided that the 160 kit would go in and not the 180.

                              1. Plonk in a new BS29
                              2. New Air Filter foam. If there are 2 of them, remove one.
                              3. Change clutch plates/Pressure plates if there is a doubt. There is going to be a lot of power coming down on them.

                              Which engine oil have you put in there. I was told to change oil after 500kms and then follow 2500km cycle for mineral oils. Synthetics are not suitable for the rubber used in Fiero engine, gets damaged and leaking starts.

                              Your headlight looks intersting. Is that a P220 setup in there?

                              That yellow RTR looks amazing with all the muck and the side boards. Looks like its been on an adventurous trip.

                              Keep updating us on the experience.

                              BTW: Handle bar looks wonderful.
                              BS29 carb will come, just waiting for gixxer to get a hang of it, so that i get a hands on review..

                              removing 1 air filter foam ----- check, will do it soon.

                              changing the oil at 500kms ------ check will do it, i had that in mind, i use ELF moto 4 gold...

                              pressure plates, clutch plates were changed some 4.5k kms ago...

                              my headlight is p220's high beam and skoda's low beam, both with hid's

                              that yellow rtr has never done any trip apart from commuting to office, the guy who owns it is in a cold war with me, we have 2 parking slots, if i put up my bike there, and someone else does on his place, he looks at me as if i want to start a fight, even i give the same look though, the covers are to protect i dunno what from the rains, its been raining very badly all the time, its gone now, but still he's lazy to remove them..

                              the guy had already dropped his jaw once looking at my dual beam HID's working together, he will do it again seeing me rush out after run-in is complete..

                              personally i would like each and every fiero owner to GRAB THAT HANDLEBAR.
                              its more than just good looking..(doesn't seem good looking to me though)

                              bike seems more planted on the road, front feedback is much more increased.
                              turns easily, and insures better lean angles.
                              please everybody GO FOR IT..
                              Giving a lot to a fiero.
                              Expecting a lot from a fiero.


                              • NANOtech bro... Congratulations on your upgrade!!! ... That, for me is a mighty awesome upgrade. I'm sure you will have a few niggles in the begining... which will be taken care of gradually. I guess the running-in period is very important for such upgrades. A change of the carb could give you all the power you need to fly. Now that you have done the modifications, why dont you try K&N air filters as well. Let us know how it feels ... we are all eager to hear your feedback in the coming days.

                                Congratulations once again... Enjoy!

