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Bajaj Avenger - All versions

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  • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

    Did anyone try fitting a kick in one of the 2012-2015 avengers? 220?


    • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

      Hello, I recently bought the bike I was talking about at 70k. The bike had 4500 kms on odo. Owner did first servicing at 750 Kms. However 2 Nd servicing was not done after that within 90 days rather he was waiting for 5000 Kms, which I completed and 2nd servicing was done after that.

      2nd free servicing- oil filter changed, bajaj oil provide by them, chain lubed.

      Did 800 Kms in 10 days on this. And now I am facing certain problems with the bike. Please bear with me.

      1. There is buzz sound ( humming like mosquitos) coming from the tank ( below I think). Audible when engine is off. What is the problem? Specially after rides.

      2. Mileage of the bike differs at same speed (80 kmph) on same road. Once I got 55 kmpl before 2nd servicing. Yesterday I got 49 kmpl. Today I got 42 kmpl. Servicing was done day before yesterday. Why is that?

      3. Battery led on tank is on before starting the bike. It's gone after start. Does it mean battery is low?

      4. Vibrations @ 80kmph have increased after servicing. Is it because of bajaj oil?

      Finally, As avenger 220 needs 1200 ml engine oil, I need to buy two 1 litre bottles. Can I use the remaining 800 ml on next servicing or would it be rendered unusable?

      Other than that bike is working ok.



      • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

        Hi All,

        I am thinking of upgrading from TVS Jupiter to Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220.

        My daily run is of 120kms out of which 60 is Highway and other 60 are city.

        What are your opinions???

        In earlier posts someone mentioned akidding problem.


        • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

          Originally posted by Aaesha Zia View Post
          Hello, I recently bought the bike I was talking about at 70k. The bike had 4500 kms on odo. Owner did first servicing at 750 Kms. However 2 Nd servicing was not done after that within 90 days rather he was waiting for 5000 Kms, which I completed and 2nd servicing was done after that.

          2nd free servicing- oil filter changed, bajaj oil provide by them, chain lubed.

          Did 800 Kms in 10 days on this. And now I am facing certain problems with the bike. Please bear with me.

          1. There is buzz sound ( humming like mosquitos) coming from the tank ( below I think). Audible when engine is off. What is the problem? Specially after rides.

          2. Mileage of the bike differs at same speed (80 kmph) on same road. Once I got 55 kmpl before 2nd servicing. Yesterday I got 49 kmpl. Today I got 42 kmpl. Servicing was done day before yesterday. Why is that?

          3. Battery led on tank is on before starting the bike. It's gone after start. Does it mean battery is low?

          4. Vibrations @ 80kmph have increased after servicing. Is it because of bajaj oil?

          Finally, As avenger 220 needs 1200 ml engine oil, I need to buy two 1 litre bottles. Can I use the remaining 800 ml on next servicing or would it be rendered unusable?

          Other than that bike is working ok.

          Answers to ur concerned questions number wise

          1. The buzzing noise may be of converter , which is present on bs4 models. Dont worry about it . May be it is getting in contact with fuel tank so making noise.

          2. Mileage depends on cross winds too.

          3. It supposed to work like that only . Battery light glows when bike is off , when engine is on battery light turns off. If light comes on during engine on its low battery sign.

          4. Vibrations depends upon different factors , engine oil is one of them . Check for loose parts .

          Keep the 800 ml packed , you can use it for next 4 oil changes. Provided you use same grade same brand every time .


          • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

            Thanks bro Vivek.

            Is shell advance 4T AX5 20w-50 good engine oil for 5000 Kms run avenger 220? Anybody please reply.

            Should I change the recently changed bajaj engine oil to shell advance?


            • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

              Originally posted by Aaesha Zia View Post
              Thanks bro Vivek.

              Is shell advance 4T AX5 20w-50 good engine oil for 5000 Kms run avenger 220? Anybody please reply.

              Should I change the recently changed bajaj engine oil to shell advance?
              For bajaj avenger engines ,semi synthetic oil especially motul 5100 20w50 makes miracles . Silent cool engine . Try it after using bajaj oil for 1000km . Plz share ur experience after using motul 5100


              • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                Originally posted by vvk1999 View Post
                For bajaj avenger engines ,semi synthetic oil especially motul 5100 20w50 makes miracles . Silent cool engine . Try it after using bajaj oil for 1000km . Plz share ur experience after using motul 5100
                Where can I get this online? I can't seem to find The 20w- 50. Models available at Amazon are 5100 15w- 50 and 3100 20w-50

                The 3100 20w-50 comes with 1.15 ltr. Should I get this?


                • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                  Originally posted by Aaesha Zia View Post
                  Where can I get this online? I can't seem to find The 20w- 50. Models available at Amazon are 5100 15w- 50 and 3100 20w-50

                  The 3100 20w-50 comes with 1.15 ltr. Should I get this?
                  My bad , 5100 is available only in 15w50 , buy 2 bottles of 1 lit. Use the remaining for next 4 5 oil change


                  • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                    Can anybody share best quality lcoable fuel cock valve with key for avenger?

                    Also are local locks available in market for fuel tank are worth to buy?

                    Your fellow rider.


                    • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                      Hi everyone,

                      New member here. Little about me, I'm American, 28, and I live/work in the Philippines. I wanted to thank you all for the great information here in this thread.

                      I just bought a new (I think it's a 2015) from a Kawasaki (they import some Bajaj bikes here) dealer here. 14kms on the odometer now. Look forward to sharing my experiences, and information with all of you.


                      • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                        Hi there, welcome to forum.
                        You can visit my YT page "Riderkk" and share your experience here.


                        Originally posted by FerrusManus View Post
                        Hi everyone,

                        New member here. Little about me, I'm American, 28, and I live/work in the Philippines. I wanted to thank you all for the great information here in this thread.

                        I just bought a new (I think it's a 2015) from a Kawasaki (they import some Bajaj bikes here) dealer here. 14kms on the odometer now. Look forward to sharing my experiences, and information with all of you.
                        ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

                        Originally posted by vrnmhjn View Post
                        Can anybody share best quality lcoable fuel cock valve with key for avenger?

                        Also are local locks available in market for fuel tank are worth to buy?

                        Your fellow rider.

                        Hi, avoid such locks are they tend to leak and once you lose the key, it become big trouble.


                        ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

                        Installed Hazard light son leg guard.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_3085.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	85.0 KB
ID:	1957862

                        For details, visit YT channel "Riderkk"



                        • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                          Originally posted by Golden Cat View Post
                          Hi, avoid such locks are they tend to leak and once you lose the key, it become big trouble.
                          Then whats the alternative you suggest to keep your vehicle safe wihtout fuel getting stolen?


                          • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                            Coming on the page after a very long time been so busy like I cannot explain. Even I am not getting much time to ride the bike at all but after a day or 2 I always try to ride the bike for at least 10 km like in every 3 days of my time.

                            OK today what brings me to my old school of life is I am getting a weird problem as today I gave my bike for a full over haul. like cleaning of chain, there was some tapid noise coming from the bike as she has done like 7000 km, clutch was loose, breaks were loose and a lot of greasing was to be done in the tyres rod front and back but I was not there trusted my mechanic as I have been so busy cant say. Anyways at the end of the day, the running of the seed is perfect there is no problem in this, but the problem which I am facing is here in below.

                            when the bike is in motion and as I am in 4th gear with a speed of like say 40 to 50 speed as I am pressing clutch as traffic is there just then when the speed is coming down the engine is getting killed like off to be precis ok also the battery sign blinks I check this at night when the lights were on but when the lights are not on this problem is not there. now what on earth is this problem suppose to be. I hope anyone out there can throw some light on this as this is something which is like not digestible at least as this is a first time I am faced such kind of a problem very weird.
                            click me


                            • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                              Originally posted by arjunb25 View Post
                              Coming on the page after a very long time been so busy like I cannot explain. Even I am not getting much time to ride the bike at all but after a day or 2 I always try to ride the bike for at least 10 km like in every 3 days of my time.

                              OK today what brings me to my old school of life is I am getting a weird problem as today I gave my bike for a full over haul. like cleaning of chain, there was some tapid noise coming from the bike as she has done like 7000 km, clutch was loose, breaks were loose and a lot of greasing was to be done in the tyres rod front and back but I was not there trusted my mechanic as I have been so busy cant say. Anyways at the end of the day, the running of the seed is perfect there is no problem in this, but the problem which I am facing is here in below.

                              when the bike is in motion and as I am in 4th gear with a speed of like say 40 to 50 speed as I am pressing clutch as traffic is there just then when the speed is coming down the engine is getting killed like off to be precis ok also the battery sign blinks I check this at night when the lights were on but when the lights are not on this problem is not there. now what on earth is this problem suppose to be. I hope anyone out there can throw some light on this as this is something which is like not digestible at least as this is a first time I am faced such kind of a problem very weird.
                              Today again I went to the work shop as the problem is still there, this time the mechanics of bajaj (hamara bajaj ) started checking all the wires of the bike could not get anything out of it. Not to forget my battery was giving me a problem previously with an indication lights on the tank hence I got a new battery put of Exide battery, thinking that the problem might get over but sorry boss this time the problem also came without lights being on.
                              Now it is coming with both light on and off.
                              Then I went back to the workshop as they were waiting for me.then they went ahead of getting the (co testing). Wow Seriously ok no issues the guy went and saw that the problem has gone. Then I went and yes the problem was not there came back home with a .
                              In the evening thought of going for a ride well hello the problem is back now I am wondering what is the problem.

                              Earlier I had installed remote lock on the bike as a safety kind of a thing now it is not there but this problem is. Not to forget no wires were cut which has already been confirmed by bajaj in written, also I am suspecting the cdi unit to be at fault here which is my second line of action to check and rule this one out too. If not then what is the cause of the problem guys anyone out there who can guide me will be of much help here.

                              ok if u all are getting confused here the problem is simple imagine you are on the 4th gear at a speed of say 55 km/hr either with light on or off, then you press the clutch completely leaving the accelerator down let her role then you will notice in a flick of second the bike engine will be killed and the battery light shall come up on the tank and also u can check this by giving some throttle which is already dead. But as u disengage the clutch the bike will come to life again. This problem is like coming in lower gear's and rpm also at the moment like for instance I was riding and was getting close to a red light ahead so I depressed the clutch to bring my bike to neutral here the speed for like 30 km/hr, which I normally do and I realized that the engine got killed. Now this problem is something which I have personally never experience before so I thought of sharing it with you all over here hoping that I might get some answers, help from you all.

                              Hoping and looking forward for an updated for the same.
                              click me


                              • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                                Hello people, i want to discuss a modification possibility with you guys, please provide your valuable inputs.
                                I plan to remove all the rear panels, the grab handle setup, the rear underseat panel, and then go to an open back single seater option, as for the awkwardness of the frame sticking out, i plan to chop it off till the end where the suspension is positioned. I also plan on fabricating a home made metal tyre hugging fender to achieve a bobber kind of look.
                                My next idea is to remove the suspension setup and replace it with a street 750 stock suspension setup which seems relatively easy to get done because it is bolt on.
                                This probably will get me more of the frame to chop off and would be more tilted towards the front for possibly extra comfort and freedom of "where to position it on the bike" decision...

                                Again, i dont know much about the technicalities of the two wheeler system as i am a rookie learner, but i do like to come up with ideas.

                                Thanks for listening.

