The cheapest AGV's that I know of are about 10k abroad. Considering that AGV doesn't have an official retail presence in India ( unless I'm mistaken ), an imported unit if genuine should cost about 13k minimum - I talking abt the plain colours of the entry level K3. So if you're getting "imported" for less than this ask many questions!
I have seen however the original MPA-AGV's being relaunched now as just AGV, made in India but frankly not very impressive. They seem a slightly rehashed version of the older MPA models. Here is a link - AGV Helmets for India |
Interestingly, AGV, which is now owned by Dainese, bought out an Indian company in Gujarat, Sabre Helmets to manufacture AGV helmets for export to other countries. Sabre Helmets have ISI certification, so I'm assuming that the helmets above are the ones the dealer is talking about. Here's a link for the list of ISI manufacturers -
The twist in the tale is that this factory seems essentially geared for the export market and some of the helmets manufactured here are certified even for the Australian market and it seems that AGV is using cheap Indian labour to produce some of their helmets right here in India! How's that for a kick in the pants to the Chinese?