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KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

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  • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

    Originally posted by RoyalIndian View Post
    And about the fact on why they delay the announcements on major changes, thats a mystery. Because 2016 RC390 is already available with the slipper clutch yet they havent made any announcements regarding it.
    To clear old stocks without offering discounts! Else the dealers would make life hell for the company and the regional sales managers!


    • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

      Originally posted by RoyalIndian View Post
      Its not something significant enough to warrant an announcement. The company takes feedback from customers and fine tune their manufacturing process so the engines maybe slightly more better than the ones previously manufactured.

      Like I said, its my experience, its subjective. I spend quite some time with the bike, feeling everything it outputs. As a matter of speaking there might not be any change at all and its all in my head, who knows.

      And about the fact on why they delay the announcements on major changes, thats a mystery. Because 2016 RC390 is already available with the slipper clutch yet they havent made any announcements regarding it.
      Well, most knew the 2016 RC was to have a slipper clutch and now most know about the DRLs. I think that's enough, no need to announce they've hit the dealerships, cause old stock needs to clear for its price and not something lower, cause the other changes aren't significant. Also, most brands - HONDA, Hero, have done facelifts, etc, hardly changed the engine specs of their flagship models over the years. So maybe the Duke's didn't have any refinement. But yeah, the major changes like slipper clutch and fork protection, etc, were announced for the 2015 batch!



      • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

        Originally posted by judebrent View Post
        Well, most knew the 2016 RC was to have a slipper clutch and now most know about the DRLs. I think that's enough, no need to announce they've hit the dealerships, cause old stock needs to clear for its price and not something lower, cause the other changes aren't significant. Also, most brands - HONDA, Hero, have done facelifts, etc, hardly changed the engine specs of their flagship models over the years. So maybe the Duke's didn't have any refinement. But yeah, the major changes like slipper clutch and fork protection, etc, were announced for the 2015 batch!

        KTM has to make the official announcement. Clearing old stock is completely the dealerships problem. If dealerships dont bring it to our notice that they have 2016 units but continue to sell their 2015 stock then I would consider that as cheating. However most people are sensible and inquire on the 2016 models hence the dealerships cannot lie at that point.

        Dukes and RCs have been in production since 2012 I believe. 2016 marks the end of 1st Generation of Duke and RC twins. Who knows 2017 2nd Generation bikes may look different.


        • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

          Originally posted by RoyalIndian View Post
          KTM has to make the official announcement. Clearing old stock is completely the dealerships problem. If dealerships dont bring it to our notice that they have 2016 units but continue to sell their 2015 stock then I would consider that as cheating. However most people are sensible and inquire on the 2016 models hence the dealerships cannot lie at that point.

          Dukes and RCs have been in production since 2012 I believe. 2016 marks the end of 1st Generation of Duke and RC twins. Who knows 2017 2nd Generation bikes may look different.

          Yeah could well be the case, we may see 2 cylinders moving forward. You never really know!


          • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

            If i purchase by bike in one state and if i want to give for servicing in another state do SVC people accept? I have completed my 1 st servicing @800 km now i have driven 1800km so i want to give it for checking do they accept? I have to show them the bill or any servicing proof?

            How to calculate the mileage of the bike? TIA


            • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

              Originally posted by wrecker View Post
              If i purchase by bike in one state and if i want to give for servicing in another state do SVC people accept? Yes. They have to.

              I have completed my 1 st servicing @800 km now i have driven 1800km so i want to give it for checking do they accept? I have to show them the bill or any servicing proof? Just go there man.

              How to calculate the mileage of the bike? TIA. Tankfull to Tankfull, divide kms ridden by fuel used since last Tankfull.
              replies in bold.


              • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                Originally posted by Divya Sharan View Post
                Such long idling may be detrimental to the engine! It's better to ride slowly if the ECU needs to re-learn.

                A small read - Warming Up Your Car in the Cold Just Harms the Engine

                A warm up should be 45-60 seconds max!
                We aren't talking about freezing temps here ! At the max, you might see the radiator fan kick in and do its job.

                It won't cause any such problems. This is a known workaround for these bosch ecu's to relearn and I've had it done to my bike and seen it done at the svc on other bikes as well. [MENTION=71050]mustang28[/MENTION] was once present when they cleared the ecu (still not sure what they 'clear'!! will find out soon) and my bike kept shutting off when trying to move in first gear! After riding it for around 30 minutes, it was back to normal and I noticed the idle dropped a wee bit and was steady (i would say around 50rpm).

                A little bit of searching at my end as to why the svc was doing this, lead me to information from other users/forums related to ktm bikes (the 690's/adventures etc..) being subject to such an idle.
                15 minute idle ECU reset / engine running problems - KTM Duke 390 Forum

                ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

                Originally posted by wrecker View Post
                If i purchase by bike in one state and if i want to give for servicing in another state do SVC people accept? I have completed my 1 st servicing @800 km now i have driven 1800km so i want to give it for checking do they accept? I have to show them the bill or any servicing proof?
                At 1800km you really do not need any 'checking'. Just make sure the oil and coolant levels are ok. Do not try to fix what isn't broken.
                Service can be availed at any dealer across India.
                For the Free/Paid service they would at the max ask you for the rc and the owners manual (to get the service coupon/make an entry)
                For small check ups, you can just walk in and get it done and pay. (like say chain adjustment/lube, oil top up or some minor parts replacement in case of damage)
                Whatever repairs you get done, make sure you have the job card or bill for your records.


                • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                  Originally posted by judebrent View Post
                  @Chandan92 @smoker n doper @rakshit rana Remember our discussion on the date of manufacture in the RC book and its impact on resale? Well, I just received my RC. Month of Manufacture is 01/2016 and registration is 13th Jan, 2016. Hope the RC now qualifies the bike as a Jan, 2016 model all in all? Please advice. Thanks
                  Yes the bike will be considered as 2016 when you'll go for resale.
                  [/SIGPIC]PULSATING 22o


                  • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                    2nd free service done today around 6k+ kms. Also registered for orange assist.

                    There is squeaking noise from front brakes. Which I told him to take care of. Mech said its common issue in duke and he cannot repair that. He simply refused to open the front brake pads for cleaning. He then changed the topic saying thers issue with the brake pads. Now bajaj is going to introduce new brake pads which will be installed on all the bikes. I doubt that.
                    Not only Great power comes with great responsibility but also with Great RISK !!! Referring to SBKs...


                    • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                      Originally posted by Veeral View Post
                      2nd free service done today around 6k+ kms. Also registered for orange assist.
                      Yes it's common issue but it can removed temporarily by cleaning brake pads and mechanic should have done it during the service.


                      • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                        Originally posted by rohangk View Post
                        Metzeler rear tyre for 9000 seems a little overpriced. I think the cost here in Pune is around 8600/-.
                        Michelin seems good enough. If you are"nt a track junkie, I suppose Michelin would be the better choice. You lose a lil grip, save some dough and maybe even get rid of the occasional puncture. I myself have faced around 5 punctures. Michelin would also last a little longer than the metz.
                        I personally felt the metzeler the way but once it starts to shrewd it's rubber it become very unreliable. I got 6 punctures and it's very annoying to see the flat tyre every now and then. Have you used the MRF? Can you describe the difference of feel in riding on MRF vs Michelin?


                        • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                          Originally posted by rohangk View Post
                          Metzeler rear tyre for 9000 seems a little overpriced. I think the cost here in Pune is around 8600/-.
                          Michelin seems good enough. If you are"nt a track junkie, I suppose Michelin would be the better choice. You lose a lil grip, save some dough and maybe even get rid of the occasional puncture. I myself have faced around 5 punctures. Michelin would also last a little longer than the metz.
                          Originally posted by killer_180 View Post
                          Michelin 5550 is pretty good actually I got mine for 6500 here in pune! Metzeler the ktm svc is quoting 8700 here so that sounds ok. Personally I feel if you can afford it go for the metzeler.
                          Originally posted by D.j View Post
                          Have you checked in karol bagh Nai walan .. I bought some tyres for my pulsar 220 and got the best price ..
                          For eg . irc road winner rx-01 130/70/17 made in thailand - 2500
                          Mrf Revz S 130/70/17 - 2600
                          Irc road winner Rx-01 140/70/17 - 2900
                          Zapper fy1 90/80/17 - 1650
                          At Globe Engineering .
                          If I share My personal experience it is 5 out of 5 ... I changed my bike's rear tyre 3 times every time after some 500-1000 kms because of some or other reasons and the person attending was very good to me, I changed from IRC to Revz S to IRC 140/70/17 within a period of 1 month
                          I personally felt the metzeler the way but once it starts to shrewd it's rubber it become very unreliable. I got 6 punctures and it's very annoying to see the flat tyre every now and then. Have you used the MRF? Can you describe the difference of feel in riding on MRF vs Michelin?


                          • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                            Originally posted by killer_180 View Post
                            Results from the osram night breaker unlimited : all in all very happy. The low beam has a good spread, with good brightness. The high beam has a light bluish tint, and is far enough.
                            Definitely would recommend if anyone is looking for brightness without using hid or led.
                            Got them from snapdeal: 1700 for a pair.
                            Pardon me, but I read the thread. Nobody told how to install the headlights. Any relay/ extra fuse required? Or just plug-&-play?


                            • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                              Originally posted by jack_daniels View Post
                              Pardon me, but I read the thread. Nobody told how to install the headlights. Any relay/ extra fuse required? Or just plug-&-play?
                              These H4 type bulbs are direct plug n play. No relay or any wiring is needed. Direct fit it is.
                              Not only Great power comes with great responsibility but also with Great RISK !!! Referring to SBKs...


                              • Re: KTM Duke 390 - Ownership Reviews and Experiences

                                Originally posted by Nickyboy View Post
                                I personally felt the metzeler the way but once it starts to shrewd it's rubber it become very unreliable. I got 6 punctures and it's very annoying to see the flat tyre every now and then. Have you used the MRF? Can you describe the difference of feel in riding on MRF vs Michelin?
                                The metz at the end of their life are very puncture prone. I got m7 installed on my bike for 16k. Another 100 Rs for the fitment

