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Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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  • Originally posted by Old Fox View Post
    TenHut is right when he says that the 'kill' switch is a mandatory piece of equipment placed 'primarily' for emergency use. Of course there's no stopping anyone from using it for 'shutting down' the engine during short duration halts. But as most modern bikes (read 'large capacity engine' equipped) have their head-lamp/s switched on permanently while the ignition key is turned on, using the kill switch does mean draining the battery..and on a bike like the R1 for example, which has a puny 7.5 AH battery to start with, even a two minute stop with a high-mileage battery could mean not enough capacity left-over for engine starting.

    JD: you do seem pretty sick of the discussion eh!
    Ah thanks! I guess now NO ONE has any doubts about it

    Oh and add the non contributing me to that (sick) list too!~

    JD: Neat stuff man, have you put it up on the tank? Is it just half a cover for the tank or full thingy?
    - Lil Monster Energy!
    Super CommuTOURer� - Talk less, Ride more

    .: FB :.|.: TW :.|*IG*| Ex

    #Give thy opinion, write em, dont throw em
    #Everyone errs, accept it, defending/cribbing about it only makes it worse
    #Dont defend a manufacturer as if you work for them
    #Write. Think. If relevant hit submit. If not hit yourself
    #Be kind in your choice of words, you never know who would make you gulp em
    � Satyen Poojary


    • Originally posted by sheelpriye View Post
      listen JD,the day i would decide to get the 250R(poor infra and ~200kms distance to PBK and yes cash too), i am going to ping you forever for these parts

      Rear wheel hugger won't be having too many glances and i would like to stick with FZ's one(the CF is ~10K i believe)
      actually the full CF hugger from atech is about 12-14k before shipping!! But this looks great, ill see if i can get some pics for you.

      Originally posted by n_aditya View Post
      LOL jd. ... till the color wears off.

      Man, those things look hot. How much for the CF Tank guard? Any more pics?

      P.S. Could you pls let me know where I can pick up Green Wheel Tapes (reflective) for my upcoming ninja? thanks.

      Buy yamaha rim stripes, theyre for 300 bucks, but the quality is totally worth it. im using the same on my bike.

      Originally posted by Old Fox View Post
      TenHut is right when he says that the 'kill' switch is a mandatory piece of equipment placed 'primarily' for emergency use. Of course there's no stopping anyone from using it for 'shutting down' the engine during short duration halts. But as most modern bikes (read 'large capacity engine' equipped) have their head-lamp/s switched on permanently while the ignition key is turned on, using the kill switch does mean draining the battery..and on a bike like the R1 for example, which has a puny 7.5 AH battery to start with, even a two minute stop with a high-mileage battery could mean not enough capacity left-over for engine starting.

      JD: you do seem pretty sick of the discussion eh!
      Yeah, because to get into technicalities and stuff, If its there.. might as well use it.. whats the harm in it.. Ive been using the kill switch on my bullet since day one. And i got a very plausible explanation, that its done to disconnect the electrical system, so that there is not charge left in the coil/cdi etc etc, and the system is discharged. ( How, baffles me ).

      Also the safety switch used by riders on dirt bikes or for that matter on jet skis that if they fall off, the bike switches off auto matically.

      Also for the fact that you cant keep turning the key in stop go, it will wear out the lock. I keep alternating my keys for my bikes every three months, to have a even wear. Other wise one worn out key more than the other, will wear the lock out even more. So the kill switch is a handy tool.

      Moreover, Many people dont know the position of the kill switch.. so its fun to see em start a bike, with the kill switch in off position ( just for kicks ).

      Originally posted by satyenpoojary View Post
      Ah thanks! I guess now NO ONE has any doubts about it

      Oh and add the non contributing me to that (sick) list too!~

      JD: Neat stuff man, have you put it up on the tank? Is it just half a cover for the tank or full thingy?
      - Lil Monster Energy!
      Its a half cover for the tank. Something like the R15 tank pad. Ive just gotten the pics from the supplier, waiting for further pricing and shipping to india. apparently the same stuff goes to US/Canada as well.

      My offerings to the gods of speed -

      - KTM Duke 200
      - Yamaha RXZ 5 speed


      • Originally posted by jd666 View Post
        Buy yamaha rim stripes, theyre for 300 bucks, but the quality is totally worth it. im using the same on my bike.
        Thnx for the prompt reply jd.

        And I assume this is available at the local Yamaha showroom? Are they available in the "ninja green"?
        ATGATT - Because hospital ceilings are boring !!!


        • if u r sick, dont participate ! How hard is that...we are new here so we do feel the need to discuss. Aint my bad that you have been riding bikes since millions of years and have had to face this very discussion a zillion times. Jeez.
          when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
          one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
          kamlesh kanda
          NO PACE TOO SLOW
          IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


          • ^^ yup they are, or else you can ask em to order for you. Just get em installed from a good sticker work person, otherwise you will end up with slightly wobbly stripes like mine. Im waiting for the next set of stripes to arrive so i can remove these, and get em corrected.

            @tenhut - when a ownership thread gets hijacked to kill the kill switch thread, i think i have a right to voice my opinion and bring it back.

            My offerings to the gods of speed -

            - KTM Duke 200
            - Yamaha RXZ 5 speed


            • Originally posted by TenHut View Post
              if u r sick, dont participate ! How hard is that...we are new here so we do feel the need to discuss. Aint my bad that you have been riding bikes since millions of years and have had to face this very discussion a zillion times. Jeez.
              well i am a new member and i would also like to continue this discussion


              • Originally posted by TenHut View Post
                I am gonna have this debate..

                The kill switch is a mandate. It has to be put in near the throttle at the exact same position by all the manufacturers. The kill switch is a MANDATE.
                Hence one cannot conclude that the kill switch is given by the manufacturers to be used. Period.

                The same ShOULD happen everytime. No need to by-pass the tests.

                Nothing on the bike is provided cause someone were a fool and someone werent. The kill switch has its own job to do. It kills the engine in an emergency. The button is 'RED' in colour for a reason. All emergency buttons are 'RED' in colour for a reason. Some bikes have ignition key slots in the wierdest possible position where a rider may not be able to reach for in emergency situations. Hence the kill switch mandate. If you ever get stuck in a slide you will find out that you don't have time to turn the damn key off cause you are gonna be kinda busy there for a while trying to save your skin. It is also there for moments where you may have your throttle stick wide open on you. This does happen.

                I dont think anyone would believe me no matter what I say so I am gonna quote a website here..

                MSF schools will teach their riders to use the kill switch so that the riders get it down to their muscle memory as life could be saved in an emergency when you know where the kill switch is. But everyday isnt emergency ofc!

                You can use the side stand switch to avoid wear and tear of the kill switch
                SORRY TO SET YOUR MIND ON BBQ, did some H.W. (was missing school), now I +1 with you and understood its main use but I think using it once a while at-least for checking its functioning is O.K. Am I right?
                Originally posted by TenHut View Post
                You can use the side stand switch to avoid wear and tear of the kill switch
                See how creative our minds are, LOL
                Last edited by suhail; 03-30-2010, 08:11 PM.


                • Originally posted by Wolfpack View Post
                  well i am a new member and i would also like to continue this discussion
                  Given the passion it incites among members, maybe this warrants a separate thread.


                  • Originally posted by Hyperion View Post
                    Given the passion it incites among members, maybe this warrants a separate thread.
                    And it could be titled "THE GREAT INDIAN KILL SWITCH">>>>>>>>>>>


                    • @Tenhut >> I got the Bike magazine (April) last week and found the California Superbike School report in the page 73. Is that you at the top right hand corner of the picture with a Ninja numbered 3 ??????


                      • I wont mind The great Indian KillSwitch... lol... but right now im itching for some money to order these CF parts for the bike..

                        My offerings to the gods of speed -

                        - KTM Duke 200
                        - Yamaha RXZ 5 speed


                        • Originally posted by jd666 View Post
                          now im itching for some money to order these CF parts for the bike..

                          That front CF fender is good, but for 12K it's on the high side, but CF comes at price too.
                          Loved that monster sticker rear cowl.
                          The Magician"


                          • Yippie Kay!! ..Am also getting my new blackie in a couple of days. After a wait of 141 days..I paid for her today and am hoping that the RTO work gets done by thursday so that I can rider for three long days on this long weekend

                            I would have got her last month at a better price if I was not busy riding my bike to BHutan. The probikers sensed their opportunity and sold offf to someone else i guess!!


                            The only two "PURE" experiences in life are"SINGLE MALT" and "BIKING".


                            • Originally posted by jd666 View Post
                              @tenhut - when a ownership thread gets hijacked to kill the kill switch thread, i think i have a right to voice my opinion and bring it back.
                              Hijacked ????????????????????????? One single page of Kill switch !!! with about 5 to 6 people chiming in their experiences. Dont see any hijacking here.
                              Dood, tbh I have stopped frequenting this thread cause there is little about ownership and little about ACTUAL RIDING but everything about visual mods in here. Do you see me crying 'Hijack' ? But then who am I to decide what gets classified as hijacked and what doesnt ! Its best if I keep out of this and reply to intermittent posts (which is what I was doing all these days)

                              Originally posted by sreehari_r1 View Post
                              @Tenhut >> I got the Bike magazine (April) last week and found the California Superbike School report in the page 73. Is that you at the top right hand corner of the picture with a Ninja numbered 3 ??????
                              Yes ! Time to get myself a copy of that issue.
                              when i ride bullet before my bullet was solid condition but i once race with a Ceilo car and my engine size. mechancic say bullet is good bike but no racing. it is good for three people and very powerful.
                              one day when i become rich i but ducati and then I race with cars. not now.
                              kamlesh kanda
                              NO PACE TOO SLOW
                              IF you're at all going to be a respectable rider one day, leave your pride at the "door."


                              • mate, sorry you felt like that.. but i thought anything thats with regards to modifying the bike, or visual mods or anything are apt in the ownership thread.

                                I remember the discussion on the kill switch happening elsewhere also, so i dint feel that it should be brought up again and again. anyways.. lets not fight over this... my opinion is that the kill switch should be used.


                                My offerings to the gods of speed -

                                - KTM Duke 200
                                - Yamaha RXZ 5 speed

