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  • Yeah man. A friend of mine has a 9 year old F2 and never once decarbed it! He just doesn't seem convinced. Anyway, to each his own I say I hope to upload some pix soon of the process. I have some on my cel.
    Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


    • The Thread seems to be silent these days

      I have got done CO tuning today & this is the last resort to find out if it is really tuning or is it my riding habit for the mileage I am getting 35kms..

      Don't know what could possibly be the reason ? With 100/90-18 & that too on a big rim I used to get 45-46kmpl in City & all of a sudden it has dropped to 35kmpl that too with 3.00x18 tyre..

      I will update in some days here what would be the result of CO tuning..
      sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


      • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
        The Thread seems to be silent these days

        I have got done CO tuning today & this is the last resort to find out if it is really tuning or is it my riding habit for the mileage I am getting 35kms..

        Don't know what could possibly be the reason ? With 100/90-18 & that too on a big rim I used to get 45-46kmpl in City & all of a sudden it has dropped to 35kmpl that too with 3.00x18 tyre..

        I will update in some days here what would be the result of CO tuning..
        Did you meddle with carb settings ? how is the Air Filter Condition ?
        Did you read the Spark plug
        When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


        • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
          Yeah man. A friend of mine has a 9 year old F2 and never once decarbed it! He just doesn't seem convinced. Anyway, to each his own I say I hope to upload some pix soon of the process. I have some on my cel.
          Waiting for the pics bro.
          Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
          The Thread seems to be silent these days

          I have got done CO tuning today & this is the last resort to find out if it is really tuning or is it my riding habit for the mileage I am getting 35kms..

          Don't know what could possibly be the reason ? With 100/90-18 & that too on a big rim I used to get 45-46kmpl in City & all of a sudden it has dropped to 35kmpl that too with 3.00x18 tyre..

          I will update in some days here what would be the result of CO tuning..
          Originally posted by psr View Post
          Did you meddle with carb settings ? how is the Air Filter Condition ?
          Did you read the Spark plug
          I have been checking his plug from a long time and every time it shows that it's running on the leaner side.
          So if this tuning doesn't cause a increase in avg of his girl,then that would call for drastic actions.
          My suggestion? Since Abhi's obsession with fat-assed rears on bikes as opposed to on SBK's of two legged kind seems to have been cured(possibly?) Now what i think his bike needs is, to head out to some baba/tantric on a amavas ki raat and pay him a bribe to beat the crap out of his girl with fresh neem leaves,even neem branches will work(trunk might break her back?) to exorcise the evil spirit!! The same method might cure Abhi off his heavy right hand self abuse as well i think(perhaps?)
          All suggestions are welcome!!
          Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


          • Originally posted by psr View Post
            Did you meddle with carb settings ? how is the Air Filter Condition ?
            Did you read the Spark plug
            Nope, Carb is Untouched after it was tuned by my mech in which it used to give me 45-46kmpl in city & 50kmpl in Highway, Spark Plug reads It is burning good if not better & should yeild me decent mileage..

            Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
            I have been checking his plug from a long time and every time it shows that it's running on the leaner side.
            So if this tuning doesn't cause a increase in avg of his girl,then that would call for drastic actions.
            My suggestion? Since Abhi's obsession with fat-assed rears on bikes as opposed to on SBK's of two legged kind seems to have been cured(possibly?) Now what i think his bike needs is, to head out to some baba/tantric on a amavas ki raat and pay him a bribe to beat the crap out of his girl with fresh neem leaves,even neem branches will work(trunk might break her back?) to exorcise the evil spirit!! The same method might cure Abhi off his heavy right hand self abuse as well i think(perhaps?)
            All suggestions are welcome!!
            ROLFMAO , If Even tuning doesnt increase the mileage then I m sure it has to be with the Pipeline road I take to office & back & also partly my hard right hand

            I want to hit highway & check if it is my riding or the bike tuning itself that is messed up
            sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


            • @ abhi

              I guess it could be just an adulterated fuel or something which gave you suddenly so low mileage...

              Besides, even i think that its too much of a fuss if you think about it.
              Stop caring what mileage it gives, enjoy whatever ride you can.
              45~50 on a fiero is already on the most extreme side, 35 isn't bad in that way.

              I would throw a big party if my bike ever gave over 40...
              Giving a lot to a fiero.
              Expecting a lot from a fiero.


              • @ Abhi

                I can emphatise with you, dude. Mileage also has factors like laden weight. well-lubed parts among other things the guys have covered A fiero was not really engineered with frugality in mind. Take the cons with the pros. Atleast, you get 35. Not too bad IMO Cheers
                Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


                • Some pix from the decarb job I got done recently.
                  @ all the experts here - do bear with the process y'all already know! I learn a lot from pix and hope some other newer Fiero owners as well as seasoned ones will appreciate them. Comments are welcome of course.
                  Excuse the cel phone cam quality. Don't carry my digicam when life gets greasy!

                  Figs 1 & 2 show the carbon deposits on the piston, which, incidentally is at TDC.
                  Figs 3 & 4 show the carbon scraped off with the help of a little petrol and a rag.
                  Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


                  • So, here are some more...

                    Fig 1 This is what Fiero owners who are zombies can expect to see if the head is removed (the Fiero head I mean) Clearly visible are the valves and their springs. The cam is in the center with the timing chain attached.
                    Fig 2 shows the head. That's 8 yrs old - so there is a li'l wear 'n' tear. 10 points if you can guess where the cam goes.
                    Fig 3 displays where the cam goes. Zero points for copying from friends! :P
                    Fig 4 shows the compression area. Note that the exhaust valve hole is smaller than the inlet one. Also, the exhaust valve itself is made of denser metal to deal with hot exhaust gases. The third hole in the middle that looks bullied by the rest is the spark plug. I use Champion. No NGK. Don't ask! I have no "before" pic of this because the mech was jealous of my cel-phone-camera-taking skills
                    Fig 5 showcases a few of my favorite things. The li'l black round thing is what you will see on the LHS of your block. The gasket kit is on need-if-necessary basis. Ah! And some 3 bond to make the parts friends again... Don't start decarb work without it! It's not made by 3M - but it's still good. Once the work is done and the gasket and nuts are fitted, 3 bond helps seal the newly resurrected compression in.
                    Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


                    • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                      Nope, Carb is Untouched after it was tuned by my mech in which it used to give me 45-46kmpl in city & 50kmpl in Highway, Spark Plug reads It is burning good if not better & should yeild me decent mileage..

                      If Even tuning doesnt increase the mileage then I m sure it has to be my hard right hand
                      Poor FE could be due to partially blocked Air Filter,or you are getting lower quantum of fuel at the filling station...
                      You are a brave man to accept use of the "hard right hand"..Like Gixxer says go easy with it..... for your sake .
                      When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                      • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                        Some pix from the decarb job I got done recently.
                        @ all the experts here - do bear with the process y'all already know! I

                        Figs 1 & 2 show the carbon deposits on the piston, which, incidentally is at TDC.
                        Figs 3 & 4 show the carbon scraped off with the help of a little petrol and a rag.
                        When decarbonising the Piston should be at TDC,and the carbon removed with a broken ring or such material,and the scraped carbon should not be allowed to drop into the bore .By using solvents there is a good chance the carbon is dissolved and allowed to flow in to the ring landings...
                        When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                        • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                          Some pix from the decarb job I got done recently.
                          @ all the experts here - do bear with the process y'all already know! I learn a lot from pix and hope some other newer Fiero owners as well as seasoned ones will appreciate them. Comments are welcome of course.
                          Excuse the cel phone cam quality. Don't carry my digicam when life gets greasy!

                          Figs 1 & 2 show the carbon deposits on the piston, which, incidentally is at TDC.
                          Figs 3 & 4 show the carbon scraped off with the help of a little petrol and a rag.
                          Nice quality pictures and you're getting into the spirit of the fiero thread,judging by the write-up
                          The thing i've noticed is that your bike/girl seems to have been drinking (oil) and her cylinder has worn out a bit and she might need re-boring soon.
                          Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                          Nope, Carb is Untouched after it was tuned by my mech in which it used to give me 45-46kmpl in city & 50kmpl in Highway, Spark Plug reads It is burning good if not better & should yeild me decent mileage..

                          ROLFMAO , If Even tuning doesnt increase the mileage then I m sure it has to be with the Pipeline road I take to office & back & also partly my hard right hand

                          I want to hit highway & check if it is my riding or the bike tuning itself that is messed up
                          Yup as things unravel ,i'm beginning to suspect it's either your right hand ,or the 'Vastu' of pipe-line road is bad!!
                          Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
                          @ abhi

                          I guess it could be just an adulterated fuel or something which gave you suddenly so low mileage...

                          Besides, even i think that its too much of a fuss if you think about it.
                          Stop caring what mileage it gives, enjoy whatever ride you can.
                          45~50 on a fiero is already on the most extreme side, 35 isn't bad in that way.

                          I would throw a big party if my bike ever gave over 40...
                          Abhi is a stingy guy he already owes me more than a few 'parties'
                          Originally posted by psr View Post
                          You are a brave man to accept use of the "hard right hand"..Like Gixxer says go easy with it..... for your sake .
                          That's because of the SBK's around my place.So they should take the full blame for tormenting us!!Especially the one we saw recently, with probably the best chassis seen in a while!!
                          Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                          • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                            That's because of the SBK's around my place.So they should take the full blame for tormenting us!!Especially the one we saw recently, with probably the best chassis seen in a while!!
                            Grrrrrrrr.....lucky you guys, .....unlucky me
                            When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                            • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
                              @ abhi

                              I guess it could be just an adulterated fuel or something which gave you suddenly so low mileage...

                              Besides, even i think that its too much of a fuss if you think about it.
                              Stop caring what mileage it gives, enjoy whatever ride you can.
                              45~50 on a fiero is already on the most extreme side, 35 isn't bad in that way.

                              I would throw a big party if my bike ever gave over 40...
                              Lol, I am using the same bunk where I used to fill from before, I used to get 45kmpl with 100/90-18 & since I wanted more mileage I came back to 3.00x18 but that has put me on trouble I guess , Petrol prices are going so high dude & I travel quiet a lot, so I need to keep any eye on Mileage too

                              Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                              @ Abhi

                              I can emphatise with you, dude. Mileage also has factors like laden weight. well-lubed parts among other things the guys have covered A fiero was not really engineered with frugality in mind. Take the cons with the pros. Atleast, you get 35. Not too bad IMO Cheers
                              Originally posted by psr View Post
                              Poor FE could be due to partially blocked Air Filter,or you are getting lower quantum of fuel at the filling station...
                              You are a brave man to accept use of the "hard right hand"..Like Gixxer says go easy with it..... for your sake .
                              PSR - Air FIlter was cleaned right in front of me in my service just 500kms back, & I am filling the petrol in Shell & I am sure they Aint cheating on me, they never do, It must be the road I take to office & back or the My hard right hander, I will have to go out on highway riding at 60kmph to check what mileage it gives to confirm if it is bike, or me or the road I take to office

                              Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post

                              Yup as things unravel ,i'm beginning to suspect it's either your right hand ,or the 'Vastu' of pipe-line road is bad!!

                              Abhi is a stingy guy he already owes me more than a few 'parties'

                              That's because of the SBK's around my place.So they should take the full blame for tormenting us!!Especially the one we saw recently, with probably the best chassis seen in a while!!
                              Dude, your parties are pending I accept, but heck not getting much of time to ride out you see, as I already told you, this time Thatte Idli is from me, Vaastu plays a big role I guess, only time will tell after I test out mileage on Highway

                              Man you are such a lucky person, I am Jealous dude
                              Originally posted by psr View Post
                              Grrrrrrrr.....lucky you guys, .....unlucky me
                              PSR - Make urself free for a weekend in Bangalore, I am sure it is all worth it
                              sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                              • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post

                                PSR - Make urself free for a weekend in Bangalore, I am sure it is all worth it
                                The last time ,Gixxer told me that these days no one make SBKs like the olden days, and complained that if the handle bars and front end was ok, the rear will be thatte idli or if the rear has fat tires the chassis is bad, or if chassis and rears are good the riding position is pathetic...or if all of these are ok then there will be no handle to hold on to or positioned very low...makes you wonder how can one ride it ....and now you are baiting me with an exciting weekend..I do not want to end up with a Weak end after the weekend.
                                When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.

