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  • Originally posted by velociraptor13 View Post
    abhi-never seen a hard bargainer like you man.I was being a bit moody,thanks to not sleeping that night.Yes it was a win-win situation
    @Gixxer-yes it went well and sorry couldnt call you.I left joels garage by 7:30(got late because of oil leakage issue),thought of calling you but ended up with severe eye irritation,pain and in the end got swollen up.As i said earlier i will be coming to bangalore next month(by flight this time).I can bring the 32 er with me if you need it.By that time you can do some research.
    @manu-yep its my 220
    It's ok,i would like to check it with the fuel tank removed,that is whether the 32mm can be fitted and as to what kinda modifications needs to be done etc.Glad to hear that the upgrade went well and how about a write-up here on the journey back?
    Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


    • does any one here know what shade of blue is there in the suzuki fiero.need the exact name of the color.would be great if i get it in dupont.


      • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
        @All @Nanotech

        Another good news.Since a lot of you guys have been complaining about OE replacement clutch plates being supplied by TVS,that is the 200 buck ones not lasting more than 8k kms at best.I had been checking on the same and found out that the original plates which came fitted to the fiero was japanese made,which was F.C.C and it costed something like 1,400 bucks back then when they were available.Once the JV between SUZUKI and TVS went,subsequently TVS started getting the same from H.C.M of china which has a technical tie-up with F.C.C of japan.Now from a few years F.C.C has entered into india with a JV partnership with Rico of india and is supplying clutch plates to most of the japanese and indian(TVS RTR ,Bajaj) bike makers here in india.I had seen the picture of the clutch plates of SUZUKI heat and Zeus from FCC-rico india's site.The thing i noticed was that they have the same number of bell slots.So today i called up Mr Murthy and he confirmed that indeed the suzuki heat and zeus clutch plates are compatible with our Fiero/F2/FX bikes.What i feel is that these clutch plates being made in india by F.C.C will be better than the chinese made one.
        This is good news! Did you compare it with the pic I sent you?
        Quench my thirst with gasoline!


        • Originally posted by Sarvajit View Post
          This is good news! Did you compare it with the pic I sent you?
          It sure is and i am looking for a worn clutch plate of the fiero to confirm it first-hand.So in case you get the clutch plates changed,do keep the old ones and if you could somehow send em to me it'd be great.
          Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


          • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
            It sure is and i am looking for a worn clutch plate of the fiero to confirm it first-hand.So in case you get the clutch plates changed,do keep the old ones and if you could somehow send em to me it'd be great.
            Sure, will do that bro!
            Quench my thirst with gasoline!


            • @All
              Today i went to a nearby SUZUKI showroom and got a used Zeus clutch plate from the mechs,who were good enough to help me out in this matter.They were saying that even these don't last more than 15,000kms in a city like bangalore and the life of the clutch plates majorly depends on the rider.At least the quality of the clutch plates look very good.Now i'll have to find a used fiero clutch plate to compare with and find out for real whether they're compatible or not.
              Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


              • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                Today i went to a nearby SUZUKI showroom and got a used Zeus clutch plate from the mechs,who were good enough to help me out in this matter.They were saying that even these don't last more than 15,000kms in a city like bangalore and the life of the clutch plates majorly depends on the rider.At least the quality of the clutch plates look very good.Now i'll have to find a used fiero clutch plate to compare with and find out for real whether they're compatible or not.
                One thing I found through the years is that if you accelerate AFTER you leave the clutch then the clutch plates lasts longer.Riding or holding clutch half way while accelerating or braking definitely reduces the Life of the clutch plates drastically.
                When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                • Sorry to be inactive in this thread from quite some days.

                  I had given my bike to the mech to open up the cylinder head as well as the bore to confirm what needs to be done.

                  But unfortunately, the mech is having some issue with his current landlord (the place where his garage is) so he's on a hunt for a new garage from a lot of time.

                  I asked him to hand me the tools so that i would myself open up the stuff and take it to the lathe guy to get things sorted, but as is its the garage will soon change, so it would be very difficult to transport the bike to the new garage if the lathe guy takes time and so on...

                  Hence i brought the bike home and am using it minimally to save the plug from getting fouled before reaching the mech's new garage again.

                  Clutch is a biggest problem for me, these new clutch plates have already started slipping and causing the same problem again.
                  they seem worn out in just say 5000 kms.
                  that's possibly due to the bore kit, as to avoid knocking while accelerating, one needs to be light on the clutch until 3000 rpm and also during roll ons.

                  Now-a-days i am really tired fixing my bike over and over again, is there any thing that i can do to kill it once and for all ?
                  Giving a lot to a fiero.
                  Expecting a lot from a fiero.


                  • Originally posted by psr View Post
                    One thing I found through the years is that if you accelerate AFTER you leave the clutch then the clutch plates lasts longer.Riding or holding clutch half way while accelerating or braking definitely reduces the Life of the clutch plates drastically.
                    Yes,riding the clutch always reduces the clutch life.From my experience with 2strokes ,what i've seen is there's a lot of difference between japanese and local(delhi product) clutch plates.Believe it or not i even found a local clutch plate made from plastic for the fiero!! Compared to that,the chinese one seems far better as it's a metal one.Riding the clutch in first gear is unavoidable,at least in heavy traffic and this reduces its life to an great extent.


                    Let's see about the suzuki clutch plates,if it needs any modifications to be done to the clutch basket,then i think you guys should carry on using the oe TVS one.

                    The main reason your clutch plates don't last for long to an large extent is because of on occasions having ridden with low oil levels.
                    About the engine,i think you should get it re-bored if it's come to it that is.Otherwise it might be a oil seal issue and nothing serious.
                    Last edited by gixxer_junkie_m; 02-04-2012, 06:29 PM.
                    Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                    • I was away for a week & nothing much happening here

                      Hows it going guys ? gixxer thats good news that you have got a suzuki zeus clutch plates, now its time we somehow need to find Fiero ones
                      sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                      • Originally posted by velociraptor13 View Post
                        abhi-never seen a hard bargainer like you man.I was being a bit moody,thanks to not sleeping that night.Yes it was a win-win situation
                        @Gixxer-yes it went well and sorry couldnt call you.I left joels garage by 7:30(got late because of oil leakage issue),thought of calling you but ended up with severe eye irritation,pain and in the end got swollen up.As i said earlier i will be coming to bangalore next month(by flight this time).I can bring the 32 er with me if you need it.By that time you can do some research.
                        @manu-yep its my 220
                        thier's always a first time , by the way bring on the detailed report of your bike turning in to monster, will ya ?

                        Originally posted by nav75 View Post
                        My Fiero's M45 at rear will soon need a replacement. Can you share a picture of the tyre and cost?
                        Any info, if Sirac is available in 3.5x18 size as well?
                        I assume, its a tube type only.
                        I have a Sirac 3.00x18 too, will post a pic by tomorrow, I bought it for 3000rs Including tube 3-4 months back, and no they do not have 3.5 etc in Sirac & the next size after 3.00x18 is 100/90-18.

                        Lastly Yes its a tube type tyre
                        sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                        • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                          I was away for a week & nothing much happening here

                          Hows it going guys ? gixxer thats good news that you have got a suzuki zeus clutch plates, now its time we somehow need to find Fiero ones
                          Yeah,we have to find a fiero one now and how's your girl's drinking habits?any improvement? I have put back the platinum G-Power NGK CR9E once again and she's performing well.The NGK CR7E IX iridium is nice and choc brown in color too.I think there was a leak in the intake hose to the carb from the air-filter,as well as in the intake manifold,the mech's hadn't fitted it properly before our mysore run.Since i took off the tank to fit the carb properly,then also the increase in the main-jet size has made the plugs show the right color.
                          Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                          • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                            Yeah,we have to find a fiero one now and how's your girl's drinking habits?any improvement? I have put back the platinum G-Power NGK CR9E once again and she's performing well.The NGK CR7E IX iridium is nice and choc brown in color too.I think there was a leak in the intake hose to the carb from the air-filter,as well as in the intake manifold,the mech's hadn't fitted it properly before our mysore run.Since i took off the tank to fit the carb properly,then also the increase in the main-jet size has made the plugs show the right color.
                            Cool, My baby is drinking almost the same as what it was with 14t, anyway lets meet up I was away from Bangalore for a week & couldn't come to your place..
                            sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                            • The news regarding the clutch plates sounds great.

                              On a side note... Finally got my engine decarb done last week. I had opted for it a few years back once earlier. I must say the bike feels like new with all the carbon missing from the piston head. I hope most Fiero owners here have carried out regular decarb work I'm sold! The process is just amazing. So simple and quick and yet such great benefits.
                              Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


                              • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                                The news regarding the clutch plates sounds great.

                                On a side note... Finally got my engine decarb done last week. I had opted for it a few years back once earlier. I must say the bike feels like new with all the carbon missing from the piston head. I hope most Fiero owners here have carried out regular decarb work I'm sold! The process is just amazing. So simple and quick and yet such great benefits.
                                Not sure about the clutch plates yet.Good thing that you got her de-carbed,it sure's a easy way to take care of her heart.I've gotten the engine head disassembled(de-carbed always) so many times that i've forgotten how many times it's been done.But yes ,it's a very easy and simple enough an job.Yet most fear doing such things to their bikes.
                                Life begins, once you hit the power band !!

