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  • @ All

    I've been happily rocking many "Champion Power P-RG7C" over the years. Saw the "Bosch R6 Super" spark plug on my pal's F2. Anyone here used it? Do post feedback. My friend thinks it's fine. He commutes daily.
    Last edited by prd8r; 03-24-2012, 12:12 AM. Reason: Just remembered...
    Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


    • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
      @ All

      I've been happily rocking many "Champion Power P-RG7C" over the years. Saw the "Bosch R6 Super" spark plug on my pal's F2. Anyone here used it? Do post feedback. My friend thinks it's fine. He commutes daily.
      Nothing like NGK and in particular the Iridium ones.I've used it and found it to be too hot.
      Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


      • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
        Nothing like NGK and in particular the Iridium ones.I've used it and found it to be too hot.
        That's good to know info. Got the valve clearances set a week back or so. Hope I get time soon to post some pix here for all to see/learn/comment
        Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


        • whats your tire size prd8r??


          • Originally posted by v1gnesh View Post
            whats your tire size prd8r??
            The rear on my avatar would be a Ceat Secura Sport 3.00 X 18 "Vertigo". Nice piece for on/off use. Even MRF Moto-C and Moto-D are good ones. U may know already
            Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


            • Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
              Mumbai - Goa roads are the toughest ones.
              People who plan to go to leh on a bike, do a Mumbai - Goa once and its all the practice they need.
              Even touching 90 once is a biggest feat and this guy was averaging around 100 ???
              No comments about the average speed part.
              But on NH17, last time I rode for more than 50 km's (I think a couple of years back), it was a beautiful section of road. Yes, traffic is like typical 2 lane road but the road condition is not at all as bad as what one gets in Ladakh. May be I need to ride on NH17 soon.
              Oh and last time I rode, there were many curves that we took at 90+ speeds.
              2000 Suzuki Fiero | 2004 Bullet Electra | 2004 RX135 | 2005 CBZ | 2009 Karizma | 2009 Punto 1.4 Petrol | 2011 Yamaha YZF-R15

              Nav is back !!!
              Getting Leh'ed. Since 2007...


              • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                The rear on my avatar would be a Ceat Secura Sport 3.00 X 18 "Vertigo". Nice piece for on/off use. Even MRF Moto-C and Moto-D are good ones. U may know already
                When i first saw your avatar, i thought it was 120/80 tire.. And regarding the spark plug, i guess you are talking about r6 twin electrode.. Its a good choice and cheap.. It is always better to replace cheaper plugs frequently than using a costly long lasting plug.. Its just like engine oil.. replace the cheaper oil twice or the long lasting costly ones once and you know which will contain more carbon deposits..


                • Originally posted by v1gnesh View Post
                  When i first saw your avatar, i thought it was 120/80 tire.. And regarding the spark plug, i guess you are talking about r6 twin electrode.. Its a good choice and cheap.. It is always better to replace cheaper plugs frequently than using a costly long lasting plug.. Its just like engine oil.. replace the cheaper oil twice or the long lasting costly ones once and you know which will contain more carbon deposits..
                  Yeah, my pal thought it was a fatter-that-usual tyre too till he read the specs on the sidewall. The rim is stock Actually, now I'm on the NGK CR7E. The Bosch is for standy test. It is a single prong no double prongs for me yet. True what u said about oil. However, I'm on Motul 3000 4T Plus 15W50. N u?
                  Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


                  • @ all

                    Hey guys. Besides the P150s, is the old RE T'bird's carb a good fit for the Fiero/F2/Fx? Think that was a CV BS26 too. Just wanna confirm
                    Ride it like you stole it! But buy your own helmet.


                    • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                      @ all

                      Hey guys. Besides the P150s, is the old RE T'bird's carb a good fit for the Fiero/F2/Fx? Think that was a CV BS26 too. Just wanna confirm
                      Yeah the AVL engine'd ones came with those.
                      Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                      • Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                        Yeah, my pal thought it was a fatter-that-usual tyre too till he read the specs on the sidewall. The rim is stock Actually, now I'm on the NGK CR7E. The Bosch is for standy test. It is a single prong no double prongs for me yet. True what u said about oil. However, I'm on Motul 3000 4T Plus 15W50. N u?
                        mobil1 15w50.. I use the same in my Enfield as well

                        Originally posted by prd8r View Post
                        @ all

                        Hey guys. Besides the P150s, is the old RE T'bird's carb a good fit for the Fiero/F2/Fx? Think that was a CV BS26 too. Just wanna confirm
                        yeah.. It is a good fit, but refer to the jet sizes.. The UCE TBTS has BS29 with 140 jet.. Stock carb does well with stock engine..


                        • Mikuni BS26 carb..

                          the whole carb

                          Float cover removed.

                          The slider(slightly worn) and the diaphragm..

                          The float, float packing and idle screw..

                          Lubricated slider and slider spring..

                          slider cone section..

                          The entire carburetor(except fuel screw)..


                          • @vignesh

                            Good pics.Doesn't the carb have a secondary diaphragm? Stock fiero's carb comes with one.
                            Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                            • 8yrs., 58K kms.&a much needed service!

                              @All: My Fiero F2 completed 8yrs. on 13th March&I gave her the much needed service after more than a year!
                              Parts replaced were: Fork inner tubes, oil seals, springs, coneset (courtesy Anand&Abhi), Camchain, tensioner, guide, clutch plates, metal plates, friction plates, springs, wheel bearings, head valves, oil seals, both switch assemblies, side stand, disc plate, drum liner&of course some gaskets, oil seals etc.
                              The bike feels smooth like earlier now, I'm riding her under 60kmph so that the valves settle down.
                              Had to get a petrol lock coz my mothafu*^in' watchman decided to slit the fuel pipe with a blade to keep his rickety KiHo running!
                              Funny thing is the RHS switch assembly has come with a manufacturing defect&it works reverse like the Pulsars!
                              And the front suspension was responding perfectly after changing the fork inner parts, but is suddenly going all loose after the coneset replacement during service. Will take her back to the fork mechanic-hope it's minor.
                              Front brake pads (replaced outside before service) are squeaking a lot.
                              Bike is wobbling when I ride solo, but not with a pillion. I donno whether it's due to the Sirac Street tyre or swingarm bush gone bad. I had bought one, but the servicing took all day, so will get it done next time.
                              Good news is that, the engine drank only 100ml. of oil in about a year's time, so engine is in good health.
                              Maybe the valves didn't need replacement as Anand said, but the mech. wanted to do it as we were anyway opening the head to replace the cam parts&moreover the valve clearances were never adjusted in its lifetime so I said ok. The head was done up at the lathe&with the oil seal replacement, the leakage is also gone.
                              Anyway, I have given the Yam a 10-15day rest&enjoying the good old days on the Fiero, hope you guys are doing the same!
                              This bike never gives up.
                              Last edited by Sarvajit; 04-02-2012, 12:40 AM.
                              Quench my thirst with gasoline!

