So i got call from bajaj dealer on 11th Jan afternoon.I was so excited that couldnt sleep properly and took leave from office for 12th Jan.
as soon as i went to bajaj showroom sweet bikes were ready for delivery.

Completed foramlities and was told to choose bike. I inspected bikes and found that few bikes are having lill panel gap at oil tank.
So i asked them for few more options. They called to their godown incharge to sent few white bikes.

Inspected again closely and there were no panel gaps in newly unloaded bikes.
Chose one bike and asked them to prepare.

After foramal ceremony bike came home.

(please dont look at my face ...i was feeling sleepy [emoji13] [emoji12] )
So far i have completed nearly 100 kms.
Bike is mature, power delivery is good. Throttle is nice and linear. Mid range is mad.
<removed reference>
One of my friend who owns DUKE 390..he took test drive of my bike. He was quite impressed and excited. In his words"faad hai bhai"...he noticed few points is comfortable, power delivery is great, added weight is providing good handling(we rarely go beyond 100 or 120).
Lill vibrations but as rpms goes up vibration goes down.(For this big engine..these vibs are negligible)
Exhaust is nice and sweet bassy. So far i am enjoying the rides.Can't tell about mileage for now.

Got registration number today and number plates will be delivered by tuesday.
Manual,invoice and temp rc will be provided on tuesday or wednesday(whenever i will go to collect number plates).
Service Center people are cooperative so far and figers crossed for future.
Sorry if i missed something. Have fun and keep smiling [emoji4] [emoji106]
Spare Part Catalog For Dominar 400 ABS/Non-ABS
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