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Bajaj Avenger - All versions

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  • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

    Originally posted by pkothak View Post
    Hello Everyone,

    I would like to fix additional lights (LED's) to my Avenger 220 Street. I need some suggestions.

    Reason for me to go for extra lighting: I work in the night shifts, while returning home at 2 AM - 3 AM timings, sometimes I feel that the current lighting system is not sufficient, especially someone comes in front with a heavy and high beam lights. That time I felt like, at least I should have extra lighting to understand and see my road edges. So please suggest me.

    1. Any Brand which you can suggest?
    ​There are so many products floating in the market now. Go to any bike accessories shop and they will guide you. If you want to spend a more you can go for cree led lights. They make really great products.

    2. Is the current Battery sufficient to go for extra lighting (preferably LED lights)?
    Yes , the current battery(12V, 9Ah) is very much capable of taking some extra load. But don't push it too hard. Generally a total set of 20-30 watt led light will be more than sufficient for your purpose.

    3. Any other things which I should be checking and cautious while fixing it?
    i) Make sure the wiring is neat and clean while fixing it. Fix those from a good mechanic.
    ii) Choose a good position to fix those according to the type of lights. Not always the leg guard is the best position for fixing an auxiliary lamp.
    iii) Don't use both the auxiliary light and stock headlight at the same time when not needed. Remember, the stock headlamp draws a good amount of current as it being 55/60W.

    Thank you, looking forward for your suggestions.
    Replies are in bold.
    Phoenix Came, Saw and Conquer My Heart, Forever...


    • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

      I find my rear very hard during normal driving and I am used to Pulsar's nitrox system. Can we fit any variant of nitrox shock absorbers in the avenger? If yes, where can I get them? Also want to put a wider tyre in the front, above 100/80R17. Please suggest.


      • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

        Originally posted by dr.faramroze View Post
        I find my rear very hard during normal driving and I am used to Pulsar's nitrox system. Can we fit any variant of nitrox shock absorbers in the avenger? If yes, where can I get them? Also want to put a wider tyre in the front, above 100/80R17. Please suggest.
        A big no no for the tyres. For the front stick to stock as the disk will create problems. As for the shockers I think they are good enough. Even I am coming from pulsar 180 ug4.
        I find them better yes not for the pillion of course but one thing can be done as I have put some extra cushions under my seat. Got it made from a local vendor. I feel nice sitting on them and ridding in style.

        Originally posted by sshariq View Post
        Hey Guys,

        I am not really a fan of RE classic 350 (NO offence meant for RE lovers ). Sorry in advance if u feel offended after reading my post.

        P.S: Only thing I liked about RE classic 350 was its "headlamp" throw but this is not a reason good enough to buy a bike.

        Well thanks a ton for the long input. And also to others. Well of course there is the hype thing but that sound only takes the whole cake. Apart from the sound there is nothing else. A friend of mine who has this bike which has been purchase just few months back. Well I had a pleasure of ridding it the vibs are alot. Don't ask also the interesting thing is that the rear breaks get loose every 70 km of ridding and you have to tight them yourself as you have to learn all this as you become a mechanic yourself with re. No offence to any one. Please. I have done this my self on my friends bike as they were loose with my hands on the highway.
        Also the weight is alot. Yes the shockers are hard no doubt. Well I have also convinced my friend to buy a 220 avy. But in the hearts which obviously I know he wants to buy re. Which I know initially he will also. As when you want to hit your head against a wall no one can stop you.
        Again please no offence to anyone. I love everything but don't have that much of time to go to a mechanic every now and then.
        I am happy with my avy.
        One thing today has really bothered me. For which I am going to get my engine oil change. When today I was cleaning the bike in the morning I wanted to see the engine oil. When I bent down. To see it was black. Nothing was visible. I was like then I cleaned it with water and still I could not see got more light from inside a torch still nothing. I am thinking of getting then engine oil change tommorrow just incase. The last engine oil run is like 1600 km. I think I will get the engine oil change and hope everything is OK. Inside. But how come. Well this kind of a thing has really happened for the first time with me. In all the bikes I have purchased in the past.
        click me


        • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

          Originally posted by arjunb25 View Post
          A big no no for the tyres. For the front stick to stock as the disk will create problems. As for the shockers I think they are good enough. Even I am coming from pulsar 180 ug4.
          I find them better yes not for the pillion of course but one thing can be done as I have put some extra cushions under my seat. Got it made from a local vendor. I feel nice sitting on them and ridding in style.

          Well thanks a ton for the long input. And also to others. Well of course there is the hype thing but that sound only takes the whole cake. Apart from the sound there is nothing else. A friend of mine who has this bike which has been purchase just few months back. Well I had a pleasure of ridding it the vibs are alot. Don't ask also the interesting thing is that the rear breaks get loose every 70 km of ridding and you have to tight them yourself as you have to learn all this as you become a mechanic yourself with re. No offence to any one. Please. I have done this my self on my friends bike as they were loose with my hands on the highway.
          Also the weight is alot. Yes the shockers are hard no doubt. Well I have also convinced my friend to buy a 220 avy. But in the hearts which obviously I know he wants to buy re. Which I know initially he will also. As when you want to hit your head against a wall no one can stop you.
          Again please no offence to anyone. I love everything but don't have that much of time to go to a mechanic every now and then.
          I am happy with my avy.
          One thing today has really bothered me. For which I am going to get my engine oil change. When today I was cleaning the bike in the morning I wanted to see the engine oil. When I bent down. To see it was black. Nothing was visible. I was like then I cleaned it with water and still I could not see got more light from inside a torch still nothing. I am thinking of getting then engine oil change tommorrow just incase. The last engine oil run is like 1600 km. I think I will get the engine oil change and hope everything is OK. Inside. But how come. Well this kind of a thing has really happened for the first time with me. In all the bikes I have purchased in the past.
          May be the engine oil level is little high. That's why you can't see it through the window. Don't be tensed.
          Phoenix Came, Saw and Conquer My Heart, Forever...


          • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

            Originally posted by AbhiAvvy13 View Post
            Replies are in bold.
            Thanks AbhiAvvy13, I noted your suggestion. Really appreciated.


            • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

              Originally posted by pkothak View Post
              Thanks AbhiAvvy13, I noted your suggestion. Really appreciated.
              Happy to help brother. :-)
              Phoenix Came, Saw and Conquer My Heart, Forever...


              • Bajaj Avenger 220 Street starts giving problem after 3000 km

                First servicing is done at 550km at authorized Bajaj service center
                1. I observed that there is an extra oil on gear chain approximately after 2000km, It is spreading on main stand, and i observed a drop or two on a floor when bike is parked. But my local mechanic told me that it is common thing
                2. Then i observed that sometimes the gear chain is making noise, i got it tightened.

                Apart from above two issue , till 3000km bike ran smoothly.

                3. Then approximately after 3000km, i felt the bike under power, even it struggled to go beyond 60kmph.
                4. Then starts observing problem with gear shift, Every time i tried to shift the gear, i observed that shifting is not complete and gear paddle stucks in between. So, every time i shift the gear, i need to press gear paddle in two steps, to complete the shift.
                5. I have also observed that there is overheating with engine.

                My local mechanic said that, there is too much oil around the air filter and bike is not getting enough air, so he cleaned the air filter.
                I have also changed the engine oil (Motul 1500), as my second servicing is due at 4500km.

                Now I have drove the bike almost 60km, but still does not feel any difference.

                Any suggestions guys?


                • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                  Check this out guys. Bajaj is going launch the new paint scheme for avenger 220 cruise.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	bajaj-avenger-cruise-desert-gold_827x510_81462260168.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	54.2 KB
ID:	1935614
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	ds_bike.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	31.5 KB
ID:	1935615

                  Now this looks shiny.
                  Phoenix Came, Saw and Conquer My Heart, Forever...


                  • Re: Bajaj Avenger 220 Street starts giving problem after 3000 km

                    Originally posted by nil152 View Post
                    First servicing is done at 550km at authorized Bajaj service center
                    1. I observed that there is an extra oil on gear chain approximately after 2000km, It is spreading on main stand, and i observed a drop or two on a floor when bike is parked. But my local mechanic told me that it is common thing
                    2. Then i observed that sometimes the gear chain is making noise, i got it tightened.

                    Apart from above two issue , till 3000km bike ran smoothly.

                    3. Then approximately after 3000km, i felt the bike under power, even it struggled to go beyond 60kmph.
                    4. Then starts observing problem with gear shift, Every time i tried to shift the gear, i observed that shifting is not complete and gear paddle stucks in between. So, every time i shift the gear, i need to press gear paddle in two steps, to complete the shift.
                    5. I have also observed that there is overheating with engine.

                    My local mechanic said that, there is too much oil around the air filter and bike is not getting enough air, so he cleaned the air filter.
                    I have also changed the engine oil (Motul 1500), as my second servicing is due at 4500km.

                    Now I have drove the bike almost 60km, but still does not feel any difference.

                    Any suggestions guys?
                    Never accept oil leakage friend, it is not common, my avy 150 started leaking oil near gear shift knob in engine, got it checked and service center guys found that oil was leaking from natural gear sensor in output shaft cover, get it fixed and maintain proper oil level. I strongly advice to get your gear shift problem fixed or you will endup with bad and noisy gear box.

                    ----consecutive posts auto-merged-----

                    Little advice from personal experience, in avenger many people complaints about rear shock absorber and very bumpy ride for pillion, remedy is maintain tyre pressure of 23 psi front and 26 psi rear, it will not affect economy and enjoy butter smooth ride and best grip on road, I love the sound come from rear tyre on highway . Just changed oil to mogul 5100 15w50, improved gear shifting and smoother engine.


                    • Re: Bajaj Avenger 220 Street starts giving problem after 3000 km

                      Originally posted by Parimal_ajudiya View Post
                      Never accept oil leakage friend, it is not common, my avy 150 started leaking oil near gear shift knob in engine, got it checked and service
                      I think I am also facing this problem shared the snap too. But when I got it checked it is not from there rather it was comming from the chain side. I will share some snaps tom then you decide. Also can you share some snaps if you have. Gear knob means from where. I am unable to understand this.
                      Also thanks for the information very useful.
                      click me


                      • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                        Originally posted by AbhiAvvy13 View Post
                        Check this out guys. Bajaj is going launch the new paint scheme for avenger 220 cruise.

                        Now this looks shiny.
                        This is already launched and available in Bangalore showrooms. Saw it on Tue/Wed only.
                        Pure passion for biking and cubes



                        • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                          Gear shift knob mean a small shaft that coming out of engine and then joined with gear pedal assembly. If oil leakage near that knob then open cover exactly over it with two bolt (you can identify cover by gear pattern sticker on it), it will expose natural gear is sensor and small chain sprocket on gearbox, mostly oil leakage are from oil seal of gear knob or small output sprocket of drive chain and natural gear sensor. Sorry for confusing English, hope it helps
                          Attached Files


                          • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                            Saw the new color today. Not bad it is not a mat finish one its paint.
                            Looks fresh. The color scheme is not that bad but seeing it daily one might get board.
                            Attached Files
                            click me


                            • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                              I don't know why but this color does not look refreshing to me, its very bland, I would have rather liked a chrome-blue variant, or a chrome with gold highlights.
                              This full gold paint scheme is very dull.


                              • Re: Bajaj Avenger - All versions

                                Here is my leakage well it is not as I was thinking sharing some snaps for you all. It is the extra liquid coming out from the chain spray extra. Thank god.
                                Attached Files
                                click me

