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  • @Abhi
    Bro,what's happening ?
    Folks,a couple of days back Abhi took a few SBK movies from me, 3 of which were about my favorite goddesses .One Rathi Agnihotri movie and 2 of Ava Rose.They both are known for having wonderful, wide and full chassis with beautiful designs.In other words both typical SBKs,i had warned him to take things easy by going one SBK VID at a time,but he got impatient and took home all 3 at once to study in "detail".Now,we haven't seen or heard from him from the last few days ,which makes me wonder whether everything's fine with him.I seriously hope that he didn't run away from home with a girl after being "inspired" by the movies.
    Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


    • Originally posted by Sarvajit View Post
      +1 to that. I have been belting my F2 since the last 3 weeks (R15 lying untouched all this month). The camchain is on the verge of dying, and the head oil seal is leaking again, but still the bike runs like its possessed by the demon-shooting out of traffic like I just ran away after looting a bank!
      I love this bike. I will pamper her at the next service with new camchain, camchain tensioner, switch assemblies too.
      Just need a small electrical checkup before that.
      Buddy, you sound like you're in love with her all over again.
      Originally posted by chief ashman View Post

      It's a tough beast. Requires very little attention... and can push on and on even when it's condition is not in the top most form.

      I guess time has taken it's toll and I have plans to do a bit more than usual in the next service visit.

      One question! ... how can I tell if the clutch plate needs changing? ... Because I have felt that the bike is slowly loosing it's punch and does not accelerate as quickly. Is it time for the change? I have only changed the clutch plates once in the entire 10 years of it's existance with me.

      + I need to condition the front forks, change the oil seal, refill with fresh shock oil and also replace the cone bearings.
      You'll be the better judge bro,you have to sense the change in performance.If we had tacho on our girls it'd be easier to judge the clutch slippage,since we don't ,you'd have to do that climbing test once again.
      Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


      • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
        Buddy, you sound like you're in love with her all over again.
        Always was!
        Oh, but you may get banned for the way you express your love!
        Quench my thirst with gasoline!


        • Guys as you know the valves, camshaft and timing chain on my Fiero were replaced a month or two back.

          Apparently the oil level was low and the valves fried. After the new stuff was plonked in and after around 500 - 800 kms i went back to the mech to get the valve clearances adjusted.

          Now the bike is close to 1.5k kms since the above job and i still hear the clatter from the engine (valve or tappet noise) and is very audible.

          Sometimes the engine also backfires (very softly and barely audible). Off late since a few days i have also noticed that on hard revving (ripping for a km or 2) the engine feels very very sluggish, absolutely no power and its like something is blocked.

          Same thing happened today on the way to work and the engine was dying. Let it cool for a min or two and started her up and she felt fine (clatter still present, but signs of engine dying disappeared).

          I'm thinking of going back to my mech since i paid ~4k for the above job (plus service) so he can check the valves and stuff.

          I've also been thinking of going over to Zen motors and getting the bike looked at by them.

          I wont be able to pay a visit to the mech or to Zen for till the weekend of 5th Apr (2 weeks almost) so should i give the bike a rest and drive to work instead (more damage is avoided hence)?

          What do you think the problem with the bike is? I'm guessing the valves are still frying (the bike felt the same when the valves fried earlier).

          Please advise.
          Last edited by n_aditya; 03-29-2011, 07:17 PM.
          ATGATT - Because hospital ceilings are boring !!!


          • Originally posted by n_aditya View Post
            Guys as you know the valves, camshaft and timing chain on my Fiero were replaced a month or two back.

            Apparently the oil level was low and the valves fried. After the new stuff was plonked in and after around 500 - 800 kms i went back to the mech to get the valve clearances adjusted.

            Now the bike is close to 1.5k kms since the above job and i still hear the clatter from the engine (valve or tappet noise) and is very audible.

            Sometimes the engine also backfires (very softly and barely audible). Off late since a few days i have also noticed that on hard revving (ripping for a km or 2) the engine feels very very sluggish, absolutely no power and its like something is blocked.

            Same thing happened today on the way to work and the engine was dying. Let it cool for a min or two and started her up and she felt fine (clatter still present, but signs of engine dying disappeared).

            I'm thinking of going back to my mech since i paid ~4k for the above job (plus service) so he can check the valves and stuff.

            I've also been thinking of going over to Zen motors and getting the bike looked at by them.

            I wont be able to pay a visit to the mech or to Zen for till the weekend of 5th Apr (2 weeks almost) so should i give the bike a rest and drive to work instead (more damage is avoided hence)?

            What do you think the problem with the bike is? I'm guessing the valves are still frying (the bike felt the same when the valves fried earlier).

            Please advise.
            A pic of the plug should do for starters
            Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


            • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
              A pic of the plug should do for starters
              I guess i have to "un-bolt" the plug so you can determine if the engine is running rich or lean right? Or can i just snap a pic without removing the plug from the engine case?
              ATGATT - Because hospital ceilings are boring !!!


              • Originally posted by n_aditya View Post
                I guess i have to "un-bolt" the plug so you can determine if the engine is running rich or lean right? Or can i just snap a pic without removing the plug from the engine case?
                Remove the plug from the head and then take a few very close up pics of the electrodes.The pic should be big and with good lighting.
                Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                • Originally posted by n_aditya View Post

                  What do you think the problem with the bike is? I'm guessing the valves are still frying (the bike felt the same when the valves fried earlier).

                  Please advise.
                  From what you are saying it looks like the valves are not seating properly and have leak..
                  What is the mileage per liter ... is it lower than normal ?
                  When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                  • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                    Bro,what's happening ?
                    Folks,a couple of days back Abhi took a few SBK movies from me, 3 of which were about my favorite goddesses .One Rathi Agnihotri movie and 2 of Ava Rose.They both are known for having wonderful, wide and full chassis with beautiful designs.In other words both typical SBKs,i had warned him to take things easy by going one SBK VID at a time,but he got impatient and took home all 3 at once to study in "detail".Now,we haven't seen or heard from him from the last few days ,which makes me wonder whether everything's fine with him.I seriously hope that he didn't run away from home with a girl after being "inspired" by the movies.
                    I am all here, been busy with the work.

                    For records sake all the movies you have given is as it is, I haven't been able to watch any of the movies since I am busy with work.

                    Will catch up with you guys soon, Until then cheers
                    sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                    • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                      Bro,what's happening ?
                      Folks,a couple of days back Abhi took a few SBK movies from me, 3 of which were about my favorite goddesses .One Rathi Agnihotri movie and 2 of Ava Rose.They both are known for having wonderful, wide and full chassis with beautiful designs.In other words both typical SBKs,i had warned him to take things easy by going one SBK VID at a time,but he got impatient and took home all 3 at once to study in "detail".Now,we haven't seen or heard from him from the last few days ,which makes me wonder whether everything's fine with him.I seriously hope that he didn't run away from home with a girl after being "inspired" by the movies.
                      fell off my

                      This thread is turning to be a "@#$" rated thread hope the mods don't ban each and every fiero owners
                      Socha Toh Locha.


                      • Originally posted by chief ashman View Post

                        It's a tough beast. Requires very little attention... and can push on and on even when it's condition is not in the top most form.

                        I guess time has taken it's toll and I have plans to do a bit more than usual in the next service visit.

                        One question! ... how can I tell if the clutch plate needs changing? ... Because I have felt that the bike is slowly loosing it's punch and does not accelerate as quickly. Is it time for the change? I have only changed the clutch plates once in the entire 10 years of it's existance with me.

                        + I need to condition the front forks, change the oil seal, refill with fresh shock oil and also replace the cone bearings.
                        for clutch plates, do 1 thing
                        set the bike in neutral while stationary, and revv it very slightly (above idling) , now hold the clutch entirely pulled and shift to first gear, your bike should not shift forward even slightly with the gear swap, if it does so, you need to change the clutch plates.

                        or you can try one more thing, ride at 35 ~ 40 kmph, and wack the throttle hard, if the bike makes sound but still the pull isn't as it should be (not syncing with the sound), it means your clutch needs a replacement.

                        if you still cannot conclude, try to wheelie, if unsuccessful after a number of attempts, your clutch needs a replacement.

                        please note :- try the last method at your own risk.

                        Originally posted by n_aditya View Post
                        Guys as you know the valves, camshaft and timing chain on my Fiero were replaced a month or two back.

                        Apparently the oil level was low and the valves fried. After the new stuff was plonked in and after around 500 - 800 kms i went back to the mech to get the valve clearances adjusted.

                        Now the bike is close to 1.5k kms since the above job and i still hear the clatter from the engine (valve or tappet noise) and is very audible.

                        Sometimes the engine also backfires (very softly and barely audible). Off late since a few days i have also noticed that on hard revving (ripping for a km or 2) the engine feels very very sluggish, absolutely no power and its like something is blocked.

                        Same thing happened today on the way to work and the engine was dying. Let it cool for a min or two and started her up and she felt fine (clatter still present, but signs of engine dying disappeared).

                        I'm thinking of going back to my mech since i paid ~4k for the above job (plus service) so he can check the valves and stuff.

                        I've also been thinking of going over to Zen motors and getting the bike looked at by them.

                        I wont be able to pay a visit to the mech or to Zen for till the weekend of 5th Apr (2 weeks almost) so should i give the bike a rest and drive to work instead (more damage is avoided hence)?

                        What do you think the problem with the bike is? I'm guessing the valves are still frying (the bike felt the same when the valves fried earlier).

                        Please advise.
                        your timing chain can tend to slip
                        or the timing has been messed up by the mech.

                        try to get it checked by the same mech first, if the problem still persists go to the ZEN guys.
                        Giving a lot to a fiero.
                        Expecting a lot from a fiero.


                        • Originally posted by psr View Post
                          From what you are saying it looks like the valves are not seating properly and have leak..
                          What is the mileage per liter ... is it lower than normal ?
                          Mileage seems to be almost the same. Can't say cos I stopped calculating.

                          Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
                          your timing chain can tend to slip or the timing has been messed up by the mech. try to get it checked by the same mech first, if the problem still persists go to the ZEN guys.
                          Thanks guys. Will get it checked soon.
                          ATGATT - Because hospital ceilings are boring !!!


                          • n-aditya-If its a humming noise get the timing chain tensioner checked too.
                            Socha Toh Locha.


                            • Originally posted by velociraptor13 View Post
                              n-aditya-If its a humming noise get the timing chain tensioner checked too.
                              Does your signature mean that your bike's on Joe's FFE? or it's to get one shortly?
                              Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                              • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
                                Does your signature mean that your bike's on Joe's FFE? or it's to get one shortly?
                                Socha Toh Locha.

