It’s a western program for couples, where in they ask questions to one while the other one’s ear is stuffed, so that he/she do not hear what his/her partner answers to the questions. The same question will be asked to him/her later.
So it goes like this.
Question (a lady asking): When have you had sex last time?
Husband: Uhm..yesterday.
Question: With whom?
Husband: my wife
Question: Where?
Husband: on the kitchen table
Now, its his wife’s turn.
Question: When have you had sex last time?
Wife: (laughing and looking at her husband standing near) yesterday.
Question: With whom?
Wife: of course with my husband.
Question: and Where?
Wife: (reluctantly) No, I won’t tell.
Husband: (interfering) Common you can tell it, I told it too.
Wife: (after a pause) In my ass.
All burst in laugh. Ha ha..