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  • Originally posted by velociraptor13 View Post
    the unicorn has a rubber sheet inserted in between the speedo and the stay,the whole assly gets safely tucked inside the fairing.Else another option would be to fix a visor(maybe from the fz or from the lml adreno(tough to find though)) or from the stock fiero,mounting on the stay could be a problem,for reference one can refer to howthe windcreen on the avy is mounted.
    No prob there ,housing can be gotten.That is to put the tacho separately in it's own cylindrical housing.So the question for us is,which tacho to go for,either the HONDA(cb stunner as it has 13k reading) one as it's available individually,or a local one.

    Abhi want's to take his girl's virginity soon i think,at least judging by the way in which he was asking about the FZ handle and his aim is to put a RTR bore eventually.So he also needs a 12k plus dial on the tacho.
    Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


    • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post
      No prob there ,housing can be gotten.That is to put the tacho separately in it's own cylindrical housing.So the question for us is,which tacho to go for,either the HONDA(cb stunner as it has 13k reading) one as it's available individually,or a local one.
      i guess for accurate reading the original ones should do but they cost a bomb.
      Socha Toh Locha.


      • Originally posted by velociraptor13 View Post
        i guess for accurate reading the original ones should do but they cost a bomb.
        Yeah accuracy is a concern with the local ones and another option would be to buy RTR speedo assembly itself from the used market(cause it's tacho isn't available individually).
        Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


        • Originally posted by Shreeni0403 View Post
          Well when I had my Unicorn, my RR unit had conked off and the battery wasn't charging. And with the charge the battery already had, I could run easily entire day (while riding back from Kanyakumari to Bangalore) with rare usage of horn. So whats your take on it ?? I have a strong feeling that there is no step up circuit to power up the CDI.

          Let me clear, Unicorn doesn't power the CDI from stator coil. Its a complete digital CDI which works only on battery current.

          When I checked Pulsar Tacho was 900rs.
          With a stator powered CDI the stator coil provides 180 to 350 V AC which is bridge rectified to pulsed DC and Stored in a capacitor of 1 to 2.5 Mfd.At the appropriate time this is discharged into the primary winding of the Ignition coil which further steps it up to 15 to 25 KV.
          In a DC CDI, using the DC voltage, an oscillator circuit drives a transistor on and off at 20 to 30 KHz , which drives a step up transformer to give 250 to 300 V AC which is rectified and stored in a Capacitor.Again at the appropriate time this charge in the capacitor is discharged into the primary of the Ignition coil...Hope this clarifies.
          When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


          • Originally posted by psr View Post
            With a stator powered CDI the stator coil provides 180 to 350 V AC which is bridge rectified to pulsed DC and Stored in a capacitor of 1 to 2.5 Mfd.At the appropriate time this is discharged into the primary winding of the Ignition coil which further steps it up to 15 to 25 KV.
            In a DC CDI, using the DC voltage, an oscillator circuit drives a transistor on and off at 20 to 30 KHz , which drives a step up transformer to give 250 to 300 V AC which is rectified and stored in a Capacitor.Again at the appropriate time this charge in the capacitor is discharged into the primary of the Ignition coil...Hope this clarifies.
            Thanks for the info ,it clears up lot of things.
            Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


            • Dc cdi

              When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


              • Originally posted by psr View Post
                With a stator powered CDI the stator coil provides 180 to 350 V AC which is bridge rectified to pulsed DC and Stored in a capacitor of 1 to 2.5 Mfd.At the appropriate time this is discharged into the primary winding of the Ignition coil which further steps it up to 15 to 25 KV.
                In a DC CDI, using the DC voltage, an oscillator circuit drives a transistor on and off at 20 to 30 KHz , which drives a step up transformer to give 250 to 300 V AC which is rectified and stored in a Capacitor.Again at the appropriate time this charge in the capacitor is discharged into the primary of the Ignition coil...Hope this clarifies.
                Originally posted by psr View Post

                Thanks for the info bro. Things went over my head though

                My doubt was "How did my bike run so long even when RR was conked?" I am still not understanding that.


                • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post

                  The choice is yours and we are here to help you.
                  The RTR 180 kit is the one which I would vouch for.Now I need to discuss this with my mechanic and his known auto lathe specialists.

                  But what about the crank and the stroke ???
                  Would only increasing the bore suffice ???
                  Would there be any changes in the connecting rod or would the stock one do ???

                  Also enlighten me on the type of exhaust used for helping that configuration.
                  Hell's Angel


                  • Originally posted by Shreeni0403 View Post
                    Thanks for the info bro. Things went over my head though

                    My doubt was "How did my bike run so long even when RR was conked?" I am still not understanding that.
                    Sorry if I had been a little too technical..
                    I think your RR went kaput,but still managed to pass on enough usable Voltage and current to keep the battery from draining out, and it is THIS which had kept you going..The RR can go defective in 3 ways..
                    1.Higher than normal regulated output...CDI will work
                    2.Lower than normal regulated voltage...if it can still keep the battery charged,then CDI will work,since DC CDI has internal feedback to regulate the output voltage even if the 12Volts goes to 9 Volts.
                    3. No out put...CDI will work till battery voltage drops to 9V.
                    I think one of the first two conditions of RR had taken place,with your bike's RR.
                    Hope This is helpful.
                    When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                    • Had been to meet Gixxer yesterday, & took pictrues of his very popular Rocket silencer which is famous for sticking to high heels & making Impeccable sound when deceleration
                      sigpicAll India Permit 1+1


                      • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                        Had been to meet Gixxer yesterday, & took pictrues of his very popular Rocket silencer which is famous for sticking to high heels & making Impeccable sound when deceleration
                        Thats a Bulls exhaust!!

                        @psr - thanks for d info. It was case 1 bcz of which my headlight, fuel gauge and many other electricals conked off so I had disconnected RR completely so after disconnection its case 3 !!


                        • Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Post
                          Had been to meet Gixxer yesterday, & took pictrues of his very popular Rocket silencer which is famous for sticking to high heels & making Impeccable sound when deceleration
                          Thanks bro,yes that's the culprit who ruined the high heels of 2 girls and with that burnt a hole in my wallet as well.
                          Originally posted by MACH50 View Post
                          The RTR 180 kit is the one which I would vouch for.Now I need to discuss this with my mechanic and his known auto lathe specialists.

                          But what about the crank and the stroke ??? No change needed
                          Would only increasing the bore suffice ??? You bet !!
                          Would there be any changes in the connecting rod or would the stock one do ??? No change needed

                          Also enlighten me on the type of exhaust used for helping that configuration.
                          Answers in bold and you would have to buy the auto cam-chain tensioner of the RTR 180 too.

                          Get the baffle removed from the stock silencer,or get a tuned length free flow exhaust.Which is a specifically designed one and the one's available in market won't do.So get the baffle removed of the stock silencer.
                          Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                          • @psr

                            See the rocket silencer,i've made a 30 mm hole in it's muffler as well and i am now seriously thinking of going back to it .The color of the silencer is chrome and it's looking golden because of the lighting.
                            Life begins, once you hit the power band !!


                            • Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View Post

                              See the rocket silencer,i've made a 30 mm hole in it's muffler as well and i am now seriously thinking of going back to it .The color of the silencer is chrome and it's looking golden because of the lighting.
                              It looks like it's name Why going back to it ? thought you lost a couple of "good friends" because of it ...Ohh the lighting had made it look golden !! I thought it is--- ,what was left after the "core melt down" of your friend's foot wear .
                              When Was The Last Time,You Did Something For The First Time.


                              • Originally posted by psr View Post
                                It looks like it's name Why going back to it ? thought you lost a couple of "good friends" because of it ...Ohh the lighting had made it look golden !! I thought it is--- ,what was left after the "core melt down" of your friend's foot wear .
                                Yeah the burnt rubber/synthetic mark is still there ,though i had washed it with petrol and cleaned as much as possible before packing it.

                                Now i am much wiser,so i'll warn my pillions not to do that and besides now i am familiar with jetting .Were as back then it was running seriously lean.The music it makes is simply marvelous ,i mean on highways it brings out the passionate screams of my girl without any censoring .
                                Life begins, once you hit the power band !!

