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Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View PostSimply,he's like a gynecologist to your girl.
Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View PostOkay then,let's take the easier way out.Go to satish and ask him to check the valve timing.Once that is done,we'll check the plug and mileage.Then if need be you can go to Bharat TVS,because they are always busy and refuse to take bikes only for carb tuning.That is if you don't have a service history with them(they keep records),then also if they take the bike,they won't tune the carb with the CO machine.In short the CO machine is used only when a bike under warranty is having issues.If you say you'll come at only a particular time or day,they refuse to do it.You have to keep the guy who does that in good terms ,otherwise he'll mess it up.Oh another thing,not everyone can tune it properly using the machine ,so that particular guy has to make time for your girl.Simply,he's like a gynecologist to your girl.
I will check the mileage now again which could take 2 days time as I have already put petrol of 1.52 Ltrs & then after the result I will go to satish & get done the Valve timings.
After all this decide on going to Bharat TVSsigpicAll India Permit 1+1
Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View PostGixxer, this sounds good,
I will check the mileage now again which could take 2 days time as I have already put petrol of 1.52 Ltrs & then after the result I will go to satish & get done the Valve timings.
After all this decide on going to Bharat TVSi had to meet the owner and only when i told him that i came from ZEN TVS with the recommendation of Mr Murthy did they take it up.Then the mech there told me to leave the bike for 2 days !!,then after convincing him that i know a bit about the mechanicals ,in a subtle manner of course.Then he told me to come on a particular day at a particular time and when i went there,he was nowhere to be seen.So i waited for him like close to 2 hours blasting the other mechs there and insisting on them to call him up or else i'll take the issue to the owner.Luckily they had seen me talking with the owner and a TVS hosur exec on my first visit ,so they called the mech to come urgently from where ever he was .Then it took about half an hour to book my bike in on a minor card job,then i had to wait for another 45 minutes for the CO machine to warm up.Finally it took about half an hour to tune it with me helping the mech as well.Hope you got the point.
Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View PostI am telling you from my experience broi had to meet the owner and only when i told him that i came from ZEN TVS with the recommendation of Mr Murthy did they take it up.Then the mech there told me to leave the bike for 2 days !!,then after convincing him that i know a bit about the mechanicals ,in a subtle manner of course.Then he told me to come on a particular day at a particular time and when i went there,he was nowhere to be seen.So i waited for him like close to 2 hours blasting the other mechs there and insisting on them to call him up or else i'll take the issue to the owner.Luckily they had seen me talking with the owner and a TVS hosur exec on my first visit ,so they called the mech to come urgently from where ever he was .Then it took about half an hour to book my bike in on a minor card job,then i had to wait for another 45 minutes for the CO machine to warm up.Finally it took about half an hour to tune it with me helping the mech as well.Hope you got the point.
I thought Zen TVS had a CO machinesigpicAll India Permit 1+1
Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View PostI get the point, that's why let us try all other possibilities & finally if nothing works go to get the tuning done by a CO machine
I thought Zen TVS had a CO machine
If their monitor was working it would have been a breeze as Mr Murthy is a genuinely automotive minded person.Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View PostThey have one, but unfortunately it's monitor is on the blink and believe it or not i was so damn frustrated after my experience with Bharat TVS that i gave the address and contact number of a camera repair guy to get a new lcd display installed !!
If their monitor was working it would have been a breeze as Mr Murthy is a genuinely automotive minded person.sigpicAll India Permit 1+1
Originally posted by bprags View Post@Nano:- dont go for the M45 at the front, you will have vibes after 6 to 7k of running due to uneven wear, M35 for the front is perfect. I have the Pilot Sporty on my Fiero for the rear now, mind u it is a very heavy tyre when compared to the M45, it is a tubeless tyre, I have put a tube in it.
Excellent grip on Tar roads and in wet.
Awesome stability under hard braking, way better than M45.
Heavy, will cost u some performance.
Bike looses rear with the slightest amount of gravel, not a off roading tyre, the M45 performs better in these conditions.
thanks for an input bprags.
I am more of a cornering fan, but our roads make offloading a necessity too.
What about the front, if i go for the rear pilot sporty 100/90 then should i keep M35 in the front or do we get pilot sporty for the front too ?
Would love to keep pilots in the front and the rear both...
Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View PostYeah ,if you go for rear sets, you can go for the gear lever of ZMA/EXTREME/CBZ (cost 120 bucks) and the rear brake lever has to be modified too by shortening it and bending it.
Next time when Abhilash is here i will upload the close up of the rear sets done on my bike,it's cheap and simple .Then you can go for the rear footrest assembly of RX or hero honda bikes too(modify it as rear-sets) ,it will be cheaper and will look better than mine.There are lot's of ways of doing it,let me know when you decide to go for it.
If you think you can manage without straightening the handle when it's put upside down,try it out and since fz handle is much straighter than that of the bullet's.It might be ok without the need for hydraulic press work.
Ask the mech to put it upside down it's a easy job and sit on the bike and see ,though actual riding will bring out it's benefits.
i want to change mine to it.
How much would it cost, and is there any welding necessary ?
I am imagining the position with rtr rear-sets and USD FZ's handle.
Originally posted by Sarvajit View PostMy bike was hiccuping today like there was no fuel, though there was easily 5-6 litres in it. On pulling the choke, it ran properly though.
Should I get the carb cleaned?
@NANOtechnology: Finally used the choke!
and thus, get rid of the wire, it is a very easy job.Giving a lot to a fiero.
Expecting a lot from a fiero.
Originally posted by gixxer_junkie_m View PostYeah most of the issues start and end with the carb.Get it tuned on a CO machine bro.You might be starving her and she might end up becoming a size zero.
Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View Postare you sure, Then its great you are getting consistent mileage for so long
Originally posted by NANOtechnology View PostGet the carb cleaned, but most importantly get the CHOKE KNOB ATTACHED TO THE CARB directly.
and thus, get rid of the wire, it is a very easy job.
Any update on that?Last edited by Sarvajit; 03-08-2011, 12:40 PM.Quench my thirst with gasoline!
Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post
I am more of a cornering fan
Are RTR's rear-sets straight fit ??
i want to change mine to it.
How much would it cost, and is there any welding necessary ?
I am imagining the position with rtr rear-sets and USD FZ's handle.
When i got the rear sets done RTR gear lever wasn't available(RTR wasn't even born),so i had to go for the cbz one.You can easily go for the RTR gear lever.
The whole front foot rest assembly will be costly,so get the rear sets done
( front foot rests) and then get the gear lever and the rear brake lever of the RTR.
The reason i am advising you to not to go for the front foot rest assemblies of the RTR is that they individually cost something like over 1000 bucks.So it will be cheaper to get steel ones done and steel/iron ones will be tougher and more durable than the front foot rests(rear sets) of any bike made in india as all of them are made of alloys.They break up easily if the bike falls or if it comes in contact with the pavement stones.Were as steel ( custom made) will not break.
Upside down handle and rear sets combination will make our bikes more sportier than any production bike in india including the ninjette or the 250cbr(in terms of riding position).
The other advantage with getting custom rear sets made would be that the bike would be tailor made for your body.You can get it done to what you feel is best suited for you.That is ,as to how back the rear sets should be,how high it should be etc.
Higher and rear wards = more front ward weight bias=more cornering grip.
Let me know your thoughts.Last edited by gixxer_junkie_m; 03-08-2011, 05:20 PM.Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by Sarvajit View PostI donno where to find a CO machine here in Hyd-most of the TVS SVCs don't seem to have it.
Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View PostOh well, Lets just hope that they get repaired the Monitor soon so that we don't have to Jinx with ppl like Bharat TVS anymore..i meet and talk with the owner of ZEN TVS Mr Murthy quite often and the HORIBA machine they have is out of production and hence lacks any spares.So the only alternative left to them is to go for modifications like they do with Fiero.
Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Postyes, its seems a better deal that the rtr's rearsets and stuff.
does the rear-sets include the front footrest too?
and if i get the front ones custom made, what about the rear ones ?
i am confused.
Or you can use the rear footrest assembly of RX/VICTOR/BOXER ETC by modifying(welding work) them as rear sets.There are lots of options .
The gear lever and rear brake lever have to be bought in either case and RTR ones is a direct fit to the gear shifter shaft.Last edited by gixxer_junkie_m; 03-09-2011, 01:16 PM.Life begins, once you hit the power band !!
Originally posted by NANOtechnology View PostI've been running a competition of both of these tyres in my head.
thanks for an input bprags.
I am more of a cornering fan, but our roads make offloading a necessity too.
What about the front, if i go for the rear pilot sporty 100/90 then should i keep M35 in the front or do we get pilot sporty for the front too ?
Would love to keep pilots in the front and the rear both...
The pilot sporty is available only in 100/90 size, believe me the 2.75 * 18 M35 for the front is more than enough, by putting a bigger tyre you will loose the flick-ability of the bike.
My bike with the pilot sporty.
Originally posted by NANOtechnology View Post@ shreeni
good to see you here my friend.
i have a fiero with an rtr 180 bore kit, gives me 38~40 under insane riding conditions.
Originally posted by abhilashabhi12 View PostWhat's cooking ?
@Gixxer - Saar, get Abhi's bike fixed or fix him properly. He always cribs on something or the other. The other day he went n told the mech (mech suggested by u) to make the bike rich as its running super lean. And now he cribs saying mileage has went down
@Abhi - Also try getting rid of the 14T front sprocket. That will definitely help you cruising on clear roads but in city limits you will be revving more.